APRIL 14, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT: Galen Stearns, Alan Carpenter, Roger Hohenberger, Christopher Doyle and Bruce Breton. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Hohenberger reported on the Planning Board workshop this past week on Stormwater Managerment issues. Lots of good information was presented to the Board. Future workshops on other topics will be held in the up coming months.

BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT INTERVIEW: The Board interviewed Kara DiFrusia for a position on the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

CEMETERY FENCE BID: Mr. Sullivan presented four bids for the installation of a 320+ foot fence at the Cemetery on the Hill. The bids received were:

    Centerline Fence, Derry - $8,000 for a white vinyl fence.
    Penny Fence, Londonderry - $9,750 for a 4' black aluminum fence
    Fences Unlimited, Windham - $9,903 for a 4' black aluminum fence
    Figlioli Welding, Windham - $9,585 for a 4' black aluminum fence

Mr. Sullivan stated that the Cemetery Trustees recommended the bid be awarded to Figlioli Welding as they want a black aluminum fence and this represents the low bid for the type desired.

Mr. Doyle made a motion to award the bid to Figlioli Welding for a price not to exceed $9,585. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

ROAD BOND RELEASE - KIDDIE ACADEMY: Mr. Doyle moved to approve a partial bond release of a bond for Kiddie Academy, in the amount of $10,000, with a retained amount of $20,000. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed unanimously.

DEPOT ROAD PARKING AREA - Mr. Stearns advised the Board that he received an email from Mr. Samsel on Depot Road informing him that HB 420 is scheduled before the Senate committee on April 22nd at 2:45 pm. The Board members will try to attend and requested that Mr. Sullivan send a letter of support to the committee members.

Mr. Sullivan advised the Board that Mr. Samsel requested permission to install a single timber rail fence at the old driveway at the Depot Road sheds to stop traffic from entering in that area. The cost of the materials and labor will be provided by Mr. Samsel and others. Mr. Hohenberger moved to approve the request contingent on approval if needed by the Historic District Commission and that it be completed under the direction of the Highway Agent. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed unanimously.

WORKSHOP ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: The Board reviewed the list of items that arose from the recently held workshop on Business and Economic Development. Mr. Carpenter suggested the Board consider these items and group them into either short (less than 90 days), medium (between 90 days and one year), or long (more than one year) term action items. The Board will divide the list into equal parts and review each grouping over the next few selectmen's meetings.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Carpenter seconded to go into non-public sessions in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa, b, c, d, and e. Roll call vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in all sessions. Members of the Conservation Commission were present in the land acquisition session. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were present in the remaining sessions. The subjects were personnel, hiring, reputations, land acquisition, and legal.

Land Acquisition and Legal Sessions - Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to seal the minutes of these sessions. Passed unanimously.

Personnel - Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on the Deputy Fire Chief recruitment process.

Mr. Sullivan will also follow up on another personnel issue.

Reputation - Mr. Doyle moved to appoint Kara Difrusia as an alternate member to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Carpenter seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

David Sullivan
Town Administrator

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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