MARCH 24, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT: Galen Stearns, Alan Carpenter, Christopher Doyle, Roger Hohenberger and Bruce Breton. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP: Mr. Carpenter introduced the following speakers for the workshop:

    Alfred Turner Director of Planning and Development
    Michael Bergeron State of NH Div of Economic Dev't
    Retention/Expansion Specialist
    Dean Eastman State of NH Div of Economic Dev't
    Retention/Expansion Specialist
    Hugo Overdeput Grubb & Ellis/Coldstream Real Estate
    John Hoben The Norwood Group
    Joseph Friedman     CB Richard Ellis/Boulis Corp.

Mr. Carpenter stated that the objective of this workshop is to discuss the steps Windham could take to encourage positive development of their three Business and Technology Districts that would compliment the character of our community.

Mr. Turner outlined the town's districts for business and technology development - Wall Street, Route 28 and the I-93, Exit 3 area. He noted the topography, proximity to major highways and services available.

Mr. Bergeron and Mr. Eastman discussed ways to market our districts and explained that the Division of Economic Development would be willing to help. They stated our advantages are our location - close access to major highways, close proximity to the Massachusetts border and a large, diverse and educated workforce. Some suggestions were to use their website and the Town's to advertise our districts, coordination between departments heads, to have the permitting process limited to about six weeks and to consider municipal water and sewer or alternative solutions for water and septic.

Mr. Overdeput, Mr. Hoben and Mr. Friedman spoke from the commercial real estate sales perspective noting that Windham has great visibility and access from both I-93 and Route 111. They noted that the Route 111 By-Pass and expansion of Wall Street would greatly enhance Windham's desirability. The main drawback of the area was that there is no water or sewer presently.

They noted that Hooksett had been successful in promoting retail business development by offering tax increment bonds. Other suggestions were to keep the permitting and approval process to a six week window, stress our location, note the close proximity of the Manchester Airport, identify our inventory, to use the internet to market our town and to include maps in our presentation.

They also noted that the current environment is for the building of distribution centers and retail businesses. Presently there is a rather large inventory of office space, but they acknowledged needs cycle.

Wall Street property owner, Neil Fineman, and Al Lynch, Trustee, spoke noting that presently there is little calling for a technology park. They have had retail interest but with lack of water and sewer the development did not go forward.

Round Table - Audience members who spoke were Ross McLeod, Russ Wilder and Cliff Sinnott, Chairman of the Rockingham Planning Commission. Mr. Carpenter also stated that he had noted approximately 39 possible action items described by the speakers. Discussion covered enhancing the website, reviewing the permitting and approval process, tax increment bonds, planning during down cycles, alternatives to water and sewer and possibility of sewer installation in only very specific areas.

Mr. Carpenter thanked everyone for coming and giving their input. Mr. Carpenter will be following up with the ideas presented tonight.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Sullivan read a letter from The Shepherd's Pantry expressing their thanks to the Town for giving the Pantry a home during renovations to the Windham Presbyterian Church. They especially thanked Mr. Barlow and his staff for their assistance and cooperation. Mr. Sullivan also thanked the town employees and residents for their patience on Mondays with the additional traffic and reduced parking.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan told the Board that a draft report has been received of the engineering study on the Castle Hill bridge. They estimated that repairs would cost approximately $285,000 in additional to engineering costs. The Town's cost for the repairs would be approximately $30,000 plus a share of engineering costs. The committee will be meeting with the consultants on Wednesday. The draft report is available at the Town Hall for review.

Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that Mr. Cass from the DOT will be at the Board's meeting on May 5th to show the proposed redesign of Exit 3 off I-93. The Planning Board and Conservation Commission will be invited. Also, Mr. Sullivan noted that the recommendations for mitigation are expected to be available in mid April.

BIDS: The Cemetery Trustees obtained 8 bids for paving work at the cemeteries. The Trustees recommend that the Board approve the bid from Taylor Paving for a bid price of $19,800.00. Mr. Carpenter motioned to award the bid for paving at the cemeteries to Taylor Paving for a cost of $19,800. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan presented the Board two bids obtained by Eric Delong, IT Director, to complete the Arial Line work and inter-connectivity for the Bartley House. These bids also include some minor clean up of the Town Hall utility closet. Mr. DeLong recommended the bid from Elcom Supply Company for a price of $6,528. Mr. Hohenberger moved to award the work as described above to Elcom Supply Company for a price not to exceed $6,530. Mr. Breton seconded. Passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan explained to the Board that their agenda for their next scheduled meeting on April 7th is already heavy and suggested they split the agenda and meet on March 31st. The Board agreed.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to go into non-public sessions in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa, c and d. Roll call vote - all members - yes. The subjects were personnel, reputations and land acquisition. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance.

Reputations - not discussed.

Land Acquisition - Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on possible land acquisition. No decisions.

Personnel - The Board and Mr. Sullivan discussed the hiring process for Fire Chief. Due to the late hour, Mr. Hohenberger motioned to recess the meeting and continue in on Thursday, March 27, 2003 at 6:00 pm. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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