AUGUST 26, 2002

MEMBERS PRESENT: Margaret Crisler, Roger Hohenberger, Galen Stearns, Christopher Doyle and Alan Carpenter. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fire Chief Fruchtman made the following announcements:

  • The State has a complete ban on open burning.
  • The Chief thanked everyone for their generosity to the Firemen's Drive for MDA. They collected over $2300.00.
  • Everyone is invited to attend a 911 Remembrance Ceremony on September 11th from 9:45 am to 10:30 am at the Fire Station.
  • Personal floatation devises are available at the Fire Station if you are boating for the day
  • Please call and set up an appointment for child seat inspections.

Mrs. Crisler also noted that the Selectmen will hold a public discussion regarding the proposed multi-purpose building at Griffin Park at their meeting on September 9th. Public input is welcome.

Mrs. Crisler stated that the Nesmith Library received high marks in a recent survey.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Carpenter reported that the Planning Board continued the Castle Reach plan, and passed the relocation of Rogers Auto Body and plans for Fletchers Corners.

Mrs. Crisler reported that the Recreation Committee will be meeting with Mr. McMahon, President of the Windham Baseball/Soccer Association later this week to discuss the proposed multi-purpose building for Griffin Park.

MINUTES: Mr. Doyle motioned to approve the minutes of August 12, 2002 as presented. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from the Office of State Planning stating that Windham's Route 28 Corridor Plan has received a GrowSmart NH Award of Merit. The Board extended their congratulations to Alfred Turner, Planning Director, and the Planning Board for their excellent work.

Letter received from Jeffrey Towne, Salem Town Manager, with a copy of the Analysis of Water Quality Data on the direct transfer of water from Arlington Pond to Canobie Lake as requested by the Windham Selectmen.

Letter received from Jeffrey Towne, Salem Town Manager, with a plan for proposed improvements for the North Policy Street and Route 111 intersection. Mr. Sullivan explained that these improvements will enhance traffic flow and are being funded by the Wal-Mart expansion funds.

PUBLIC HEARING: Mr. Hohenberger read the following notice: "The Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing … to consider the acceptance of Cobblestone Road as a public road".

There was no input. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to accept Cobblestone Road as a town road and to release the total amount of the road bond and noted the Town has the deed. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

DISPATCHING: Fire Chief Fruchtman stated that this discussion was a follow-up to a workshop the Board had with the Fire Chief and Deputy on August 5th. At that meeting, he recommended that dispatching for fire services be furnished through the Derry Fire Department. He stated that although he believes in local control he feels the present situation cannot continue. He stated that the advantages of going to Derry would be that they have dedicated EMS dispatchers, comprehensive training and mutual aid familiarity.

Cost to Windham for Derry's Department doing our EMS dispatching would be $7,500 in initial equipment and a contract for $19,000 per year. Minimum length of contract would be 18 months.

Police Chief Moeckel stated his opinion differed from Chief Fruchtman. He feels our dispatchers are doing a good job and, with more training and updated equipment, can meet the necessary standards. He feels residents want to speak with someone in Windham. Captain Yatsevich stated that he is a part of the management team and he apologizes to the dispatchers as they have been treated unfairly and they are doing a great job.

Mr. Hohenberger stated that this proposed change is not intended to be a negative mark against anyone but to improve safety and alleviate problems. The Board concurred. Mr. Stearns asked the cost and timing to get our dispatchers the additional training. Mr. Carpenter noted the stress level that the dispatchers work under, the high cost of technical equipment required to update our facility and the proposed contract with Derry. He asked if Town Counsel had reviewed the contract. Mr. Sullivan stated he has not. Mrs. Crisler stated this discussion is not to be construed as negative to our present dispatchers but that we are experiencing a hiring crisis and will have another dispatcher out on medical leave in the near future.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board he believed it was best to give our dispatchers the additional training and maintain local control He stated that a study would have to be done to ascertain if there would be any savings in contracting the services to Derry. He stated that if the second dispatch chair needs to be filled, even if fire dispatching goes to Derry, it will result in additional costs. He stated that the study to see if the second chair would be needed can be done in-house. He also stated that the latest budget analysis showed that barely $30,000 (after budgeted expenses) is remaining for 2002, and we cannot exceed the bottom line.

It was noted that Derry dispatches for 5 other towns presently. Mr. Sullivan stated that for three of these towns, they only do the initial dispatch.

Mr. Doyle stated that possibly we could go to Derry now and then train our personnel and then bring the dispatching back here. He also wanted the study done. Mr. Carpenter felt he needed the following items before making a decision - a visit to the Derry facility, financial impact data and town counsel's comments on the proposed contract.

Mr. Hohenberger motioned to reconvene on September 16th to make the final decision and to allow time for: the site visit in Derry for the Board, both chiefs and Mr. Sullivan; review of town counsel's comments; and review of the cost figures through the end of 2002. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed unanimously.

TRANSFER STATION BIDS: Mr. Poulson, Transfer Station Manager, stated that four bids were received to install a heating and cooling system for the station. They are as listed below:

    Cold Springs Heating & A/C $ 7,200.00
    JR's Heating & A/C 7,550.00
    Edington Glover Mech., Inc. 10,980.00
    Mountain Air 12,900.00

  Mr. Poulson told the Board he had reviewed and analyzed the bids and checked references. He recommended that the Board award the bid to Cold Springs. Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to award the bid for the heating and cooling system at the Transfer Station to Cold Springs Heating & A/C for their bid price of $7,200.00. Passed unanimously.

ATV DISCUSSION: Mark Samsel of 4 Depot Road summarized his letter to the Board regarding a meeting held in Concord with the Chapter Study Committee, with Rep. John Alger as Chairman. The meeting was held on August 21st and attended by the following Windham residents: Mark & Janet Samsel, Wally Ramsden, Rep. Anthony DiFruscia and John Mangan. Others in attendance were Paul Grey (Director of Trails), Tim Alerno (Fish and Game), Jim Richardson (Derry Fire Department), Peter Sandstrom (Granite State ATV), members of the press, a member from NH ATV Club and others. The purpose of the Committee is to monitor and prepare modifications to the RSAs specific to trails and the use of OHRVs. The law is new as of July 1, 2002 and is being monitored.

Mr. Samsel told the Board that the residents were instructed to send a letter to the Chairman requesting that a piece of the trail (from Depot Parking Lot to North Lowell Road, Roulston Road and Route 28) be restricted. In addition, they were asked to attend the next meeting on September 18th with a status on activities related to remediation efforts.

Rep. DiFruscia stated that there are some things in the works that could help the residents and he asked to have this subject on the agenda for September 23rd when he will have all the information. He thanked the Board and especially Mr. Sullivan for their assistance in this matter. Mrs. Crisler and other Selectmen expressed interest in attending the September 18th meeting and asked Mr. Samsel to advise them of the time.

Bob Spoerl of the Bureau of Trails showed the Board two options for proposed parking spaces on the State's property. The Board asked many questions and also asked for two handicap parking slots and for a stamped survey of the area by a professional engineer. They also stated they would like the plan to be approved by the Planning Board.

Carol Pynn of the Historic District Commission stated that the buildings in the Depot are of significant historic value and although the State has not maintained them, they appear to be structurally sound.

The following residents gave their comments on the subject: Rick Comeau, Wally Ramsden, Sam Nassar and Mark Samsel. Chief Moeckel told the Board that he met with other area chiefs, however that meeting concerned the sleeves denoting the gates. He said he is hopeful the Department will get state grant monies for enforcement in 2003.

Mr. Sullivan was asked to work with Town Counsel in defining the Town's rights and responsibilities regarding trails and motorized vehicle use on them. Mr. Stearns suggested working with the NHMA legal staff on this issue, to save on the costs.

After further discussion Mr. Stearns motioned that the Board send a letter to the Commissioner of DRED in support of the residents request to restrict motorized vehicles from Depot Road to North Lowell Road. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to forward the proposed parking lot plans to the applicable departments, boards and committees and to request their comments by September 13th. Passed unanimously.

COALITION: Letter received from the Town of Danville Selectmen soliciting the board's interest in joining the Coalition of State Education Grant "Receiver" Towns to prevent education tax increases. Danville Selectmen Michael Asselin and John Russo and Derry Representative Frank Sapareto spoke to the Board about the advantages of joining the Coalition, particularly to have their voices heard in Concord and not only the voices of the donor towns.

Mr. Carpenter moved that the Board ask the staff to send a letter to the Danville Selectmen expressing Windham's interest in the Coalition. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: Resignation: Mr. Stearns motioned to accept Mr. O'Loughlin's resignation from the Board of Adjustment with thanks and regret. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

Castle Hill Bridge: Mr. Sullivan told the Board that both Windham and Pelham representatives have reviewed bids for an engineering study of the Castle Hill Bridge which has been red listed by the State for deficiencies. The representatives recommended that the Board award the bid to SEA Consultants for the Engineering Study in conjunction with the Castle Hill Road Bridge at a cost of $29,900.00. Mr. Doyle so moved. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed 4-1 with Mr. Hohenberger opposed. After State reimbursement, Windham's final cost will be $3,000.00.

Osgood Road - Mr. Sullivan explained that the Town had called the bond which was forfeited by the developer of Osgood Road and work needs to be done on the road. Mr. Sullivan asked the Board to approve a bid for work on the drainage treatment swale in the amount of $3,480.00. It was put out to bid and only one bid was received. Mr. Carpenter motioned to award the bid to Devlin Construction for work on Osgood Road as described above. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

DOT Meeting: Mr. Sullivan told the Board that he has spoken with Jeff Brillhart and the meeting with the DOT and representatives from the Selectmen, Planning Board, Conservation Commission and Historic District/Heritage Commission has been scheduled for September 6th. He will confirm the time and availability of all others.

NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Crisler asked the status of the required perambulation. Mr. Sullivan noted that all our bounds have been found. It is the duty of the oldest town (Londonderry) to notify the other towns but Mr. Sullivan will speak with them this week.

Mr. Hohenberger asked Mr. Sullivan the status of the Pond at Griffin Park. Mr. Sullivan noted that the water level is down 8 inches.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa, b and c. Roll call vote - all members - yes. The Board, Mr. Sullivan, Chief Moeckel and Captain Yatsevich were in attendance in the first session, and the Board and Mr. Sullivan in the remaining sessions.

Promotion: Mr. Doyle moved to approve Chief Moeckel and Captain Yatsevich's recommended candidate for promotion to sergeant. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Hiring: Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Carpenter seconded to approve Mr. McCartney's and Mr. Sullivan's recommendations for hiring a highway laborer, pending background and medical checks. Passed unanimously.

Appointment: Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Carpenter seconded to appoint Mr. Gattinella as a regular member of the Board of Adjustment. He is currently serving as an alternate. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Hohenberger motioned to adjourn. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 12:30 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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