AUGUST 12, 2002

MEMBERS PRESENT: Margaret Crisler, Roger Hohenberger, Galen Stearns, Christopher Doyle and Alan Carpenter. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy Birthday Roger!

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Hohenberger stated that the Planning Board is meeting every Wednesday. The Board is working on the following projects: Gateway overlay district (Exit 3), Elderly Housing Ordinance and Sign Ordinance.

GRIFFIN PARK MULTI-PURPOSE BUILDING: Charles McMahon, President of the Windham Baseball/Softball League, and members of the Association met with the Board to show the artist rendition of the proposed multi-purpose building that they wish to have built at Griffin Park and donate to the Town.

The building and pavilion area are approximately 100' x 32'. The pavilion area is 40' x 32' and the building area will house 2 handicap restrooms, equipment storage area and a small office. Mr. McMahon told the Board that the building was designed by Landry Architect and the septic system was designed by Herbert Associates. The building will be low maintenance and high security. The Association's goal is to have the building built this year. Mr. McMahon asked the Board to support the conceptual plans and allow it to go forward for Planning Board approval.

Board members, Mr. McMahon and Chuck Tomes (Association Member) discussed various concerns which included the following: future maintenance, septic design, waterless toilets, food service, Recreation Committee involvement, hip roof vs more New England style, security cameras, type of picnic tables, size of storage area, etc.

The Board agreed to publicize that this building will be discussed at their meeting on September 9, 2002 and to invite the Recreation Committee and Police Chief. Mrs. Crisler would like to see a design change of the roof and Mr. Hohenberger would like the corners of the building staked out and a footprint of the building placed on the park layout. Mr. Carpenter motioned to send the Windham Baseball/Softball Association to the Planning Board for a public discussion of the proposed building. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

AUDIT REPORT: Robert Vachon of Vachon & Clukay Company, PC, presented the Annual Audit Report to the Board. Mr. Vachon and the Board discussed the Executive Summary for 2001. The summary noted that Windham has a strong cash position and outstanding debt is very low for our size community in southern New Hampshire. It was recommended that our undesignated fund balance of 3.17 percent ($745,126.00) be increased over the next few years to 5 percent. The Town remains in a strong financial position.

Mr. Sullivan thanked Mr. Vachon for his assistance in the selection process for hiring our Finance Director, Dana Call.

MINUTES: Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to approve the minutes of July 29, 2002 as presented. Passed unanimously.

Letter received from Danville Selectmen asking if Windham was interested in joining a political coalition of State Education Grant "Receiver" towns to offset the political influence of the "Donor" towns coalition led by Portsmouth. The Board will discuss this with representatives from Danville at their next meeting on August 26th. The School Board will be invited to attend.

The Board agreed to wait to take action on Mr. O'Loughlin's letter of resignation from the Board of Adjustment until their meeting on August 26th.

Highway Layout Request: Mr. Nassar had requested that the Board reclassify approximately 550 feet of Class VI road to Class V road on Governor Dinsmore Road. Subsequently, Mr. Nassar's attorney wrote requesting the petition be withdrawn without prejudice. At the Board's meeting on July 29th, the Selectmen continued the public hearing on this matter pending site visits by the Board. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to deny, without prejudice, the petition to reclassify a portion of Governor Dinsmore Road as requested by Samuel Nassar, etal. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan thanked Girl Scout Troop 1007 for their excellent work in cleaning up many town roads. Mr. McCartney, Highway Agent, informed Mr. Sullivan that the scouts did a great job and he appreciated their work.

Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on Griffin Park. He noted that the soccer fields were complete and looked great, however, the sod has dried in some places. Adjustments were made to the irrigation system and if necessary, some sod may be replaced. Hopefully, with the proper watering, the effected areas will recover.

Mr. Sullivan also informed the Board that the swales at Griffin Park were corrected. He further informed the Board that Hillside Landscaping is doing a great job and he will be working with the Recreation Committee to possibly combine the park maintenance into one contract in the future.

Mr. Hohenberger asked the status of the proposed meeting of the Board with the School Board to discuss town owned land (Gage) for a high school. Mr. Sullivan stated he was hopeful to schedule this meeting in September. Mr. Hohenberger stated that the Planning Board would also like to attend.

Mr. Sullivan reminded the Board that they will meet in a Workshop Session next Monday, August 19, 2002. The sessions will be with Transfer Station Manager, David Poulson and the Historic/Heritage Committee and the owner of the Common Man.

Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that he will be setting up a meeting in the near future with the DOT, Senator Klemm and the Board regarding I-93 mitigation.

Dana Call, Finance Director, presented the Year-to-Date Budget Update to the Board. The report noted that turnover in personnel in police and dispatch have caused some overages in line items, however it is anticipated that these overages will be covered by savings in other departments.

Mr. Nassar gave the Board a letter requesting that the Town consider funding some of the repairs to improve the present Class VI portion of Gov. Dinsmore Road. He requested that the Board include funds for this in the 2003 budget. The Board will refer the request to Mr. McCartney for consideration in the prioritizing of road work for next year's budget.

Mr. Sullivan asked the Board to designate a voting member for the NHMA Legislative Policy Planning Conference. Mr. Doyle motioned to designate Mr. Sullivan as the voting member for the above named conference. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed unanimously.

Transfer Station Heating/Cooling Bid Openings: Mr. Sullivan stated four bids were received for a Heating and Cooling System at the Transfer Station. They are as follows:


Edington Glover, Windham $10,980.00
JR's Heating & AC, Derry 7,550.00
Cold Spring Htg & AC, Londonderry 7,200.00
Mountain Air, Haverhill, MA 12,900.00

The bids are being referred to Mr. Poulson for review and analysis. Awarding of the bid will be scheduled for August 26th.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to go into non-public sessions in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa. Roll call vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in all sessions. Subject - personnel.

The Board signed two department evaluations as presented by Mr. Sullivan.

Mrs. Call, Finance Director, presented a realignment of Transfer Station and Maintenance Department staffing hours for 2003 based on personnel changes. Mr. Carpenter motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to approve the realignment of hours as recommended. Passed 4 -1 with Mr. Hohenberger opposed.

Mr. Sullivan recommended that members of the Administrative Staff have titles changes to properly define the Human Resources and Administrative Assistant functions. Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns motioned to authorized Mr. Sullivan to proceed as discussed. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned to adjourn. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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