JUNE 17, 2002

MEMBERS PRESENT: Margaret Crisler, Roger Hohenberger and Alan Carpenter. Galen Stearns and Chris Doyle were excused. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

NEW FIREFIGHTERS: Fire Chief Fruchtman introduced the following four new full-time firefighters: Eric Hildebrandt, Gary Kurgan, William Merrill and Gordon Campbell. Badges were pinned on the men by their wives, and the Selectmen welcomed them to the department.

FINANCE DIRECTOR: Mr. Sullivan introduced Dana Call as the town's first Finance Director. Mrs. Call is a Windham resident and CPA, who presently works in the private sector. She will assume her duties on July 15th. She was welcomed and extended best wishes by the Board.

FIRE DEPARTMENT GRANT: Luanne Nieder-Goodall, representative from the Salem Wal-mart Store, presented Fire Chief Fruchtman with a $400 grant to be used for fire and water safety educational programs. Mr. Hohenberger moved and Mr. Carpenter seconded to accept the grant with thanks. Passed unanimously.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Carpenter reported he had attended the annual meeting of the Rockingham Planning Commission. He said that Richard Sunday had been elected new chairman, and that Peter Griffin was present as Windham's third representative.

Mr. Hohenberger reported that the Planning Board was wrestling with elderly affordable housing issues and working on new regulations for the coming year.

Mrs. Crisler reported that the Technical Advisory Committee was researching other internet providers.

Mrs. Crisler also reported that Sam Maranto was the new chairman of the Recreation Committee, and that the Town Beach opened on Saturday morning. She said the committee explained that the signage at Griffin Park pertained to organized groups using the fields and not individuals. She said the committee is also developing rules and regulations for use of the park, and the issue of animals being allowed or banned will be addressed.

POLICE DISPATCH ISSUE: Police Chief Moeckel advised the Board that staffing problems in Dispatch are creating cost overruns in the overtime budget. He said that Dispatch will consist of three full-time people working some 15 shifts a week, with a remaining 12 shifts to be filled with overtime, due to one full-time and one part-time dispatcher being unavailable to work for some time. He also added that three dispatcher candidates have been relieved of duty prior to completion of training.

Chief Moeckel and Chief Fruchtman emphasized the need to have two dispatchers on duty from 9 am to 5 pm daily. They said that overtime costs are increased when it is necessary to use a police officer and/or firefighter as a second dispatcher on this shift. Chief Moeckel also recommended that a second part-time candidate be trained in the event something unforeseen happens again. He said he already has candidates ready to start training.

Mr. Sullivan explained several scenarios for coverage and the associated costs. The Board discussed at length the various options and if there were any other alternatives to save money. Mr. Hohenberger voiced concern that deficits were prominent so early in the year. He requested that Mr. Sullivan prepare a "get well" plan for the problems, and Mr. Sullivan agreed to have one by the end of July.

Mr.Hohenberger moved to approve the cost overrun needed to provide staffing of a second person for the nine-to-five shift and the training of two part-time dispatchers. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed unanimously.

CARDINAL & ORIOLE ROADS: Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that their decision to reconstruct the intersection of Cardinal and Oriole Roads to improve a safety problem had been appealed by Mr. Donahue. Mr. Donahue said the residents' request for a stop sign on Cardinal Road would satisfy the safety problem and felt the berm, etc. would create more hazards. The Board discussed other options, with comments being made by Chief Moeckel and Road Agent McCartney.

Mr. Hohenberger moved to rescind the Board's original proposal and send the issue back to the Highway Safety Committee for further consideration. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed unanimously. The Board informed Mr. Donahue that he would be notified of the on-site visit by the committee and invited to participate in the decision-making process.

In the event a stop sign will be part of the improvements, the Board authorized Mr. Sullivan to post a public hearing notice for a stop sign at Oriole and Cardinal Roads to avoid further delays in correcting the safety concerns.

GRIFFIN PARK SOCCER FIELD: Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that John Larochelle of the Soccer League was unable to attend. He asked the Board to authorize him to work with the Soccer League and negotiate with Hillside Landscaping to do site work and sod two soccer fields at Griffin Park.

Mr. Sullivan said that Mr. Larochelle was spear-heading this project and the Soccer League would contribute $40,000 towards the total cost of $67,000. The balance would be funded from the Griffin Park bond account and grant funds totalling $18,411, with the remainder of $8,589 being funded from recreation or other funds. Discussion followed, including the need to reduce the town's share by $8,589.

Mr. Hohenberger moved to authorize Mr. Sullivan to enter into negotiations with Hillside Landscaping to do site work, modifications to irrigation system, and sod two soccer fields at Griffin Park as proposed, but to only authorize using the balance of funds in the Griffin Park budget and the donations. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed unanimously.

ROAD SURVEY: Mr. Sullivan presented a proposal from Transportation Systems Planning for an RSMS Paver Project in the amount of $4,500. He explained that a window survey of all town roads, except private and state, would be done and all data would be used to update our present paver program. He said that for the past several years an intern has been hired to work on the program, but it is far from being completed. The funds allocated for an intern this year would be used to cover the cost of this project.

Mr. Hohenberger said he was opposed to this program and the present practice of using an intern should be continued. The Board felt uncomfortable with having to enter the data after it is collected and the time and effort which would have to be expended to update the Paver Program.

Mr. Carpenter moved to deny approval of the RSMS Paver Project, and authorize the hiring of an intern. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed unanimously.

HIGHWAY ROAD BIDS: The Board reviewed bids for roadside mowing, and Mr. Sullivan recommended awarding the bid to Col. Cor. Enterprises LLC. Mr. Hohenberger moved to award the bid for roadside mowing to Colonial Cor. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed unanimously.

STORM WATER PHASE II: Mr. Sullivan outlined a proposal to hire CLD Consultants to work with the Town to either seek a waiver from or become in compliance with the Stormwater Management Phase II Program. Mr. Sullivan said the amount of $5,000 has been included in the Highway Department budget for this program.

Mr. Carpenter moved to instruct the staff to enter into contract with CLD Consultants to prepare a waiver request under the Federal NPDES Phase II Stormwater Program and, if unsuccessful, to prepare the required Notice of Intent to implement a compliance program in an amount not to exceed $5,500. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. Crisler read a letter from Adelphia which outlined a number of developments which may impact the company's local franchising authorities. Mr. Carpenter suggested that the Cable TV Advisory Committee be asked to meet with the Board, and members agreed with him.

Copy of letter from State DOT to Rep. DiFruscia regarding list of properties under consideration as potential mitigation sites for the I-93 widening project.

Mrs. Crisler noted highlights of a letter from Commissioner Carol Murray of the DOT concerning mitigation issues relative to the widening of I-93.

Letter received from Gov. Shaheen concerning I-93 widening.

DRIVEWAY BOND: Mr. Hohenberger moved and Mr. Carpenter seconded to release a Driveway Bond in the amount of $500.00 to Richard and Brenda Moore, 2 Lori Rd. Passed unanimously.

MINUTES: Mr. Carpenter moved and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to approve the minutes of June 3rd. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan reported that following a meeting in Concord today, he visited State offices to review records on the State Shed property at the depot. He found that there was no written agreement between the Town and State concerning parking on the former state property lot. He noted that the Town may have the authority to regulate parking on the site as there is nothing definitive on file with the State.

Mr. Sullivan also reported that he had a copy of DES's files on the Canobie Lake water issues with Salem's emergency transfer.

Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that he received a video tape of the ATV trails at the depot from Mr. Wilson.

Mr. Hohenberger questioned the status of the ZBA case appeal. Mr. Sullivan said it was in the process of being prepared. Mr. Carpenter moved and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to authorize Mr. Sullivan to sign the appeal in the absence of Mrs. Crisler. Passed unanimously.

GRIFFIN PARK: Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on Griffin Park, and recommended that $20,000 be released to White and Sons. Mr. Hohenberger moved and Mr. Carpenter seconded to authorize release of $20,000 to White and Sons for services rendered to date, and retain the sum of $23,000. Passed unanimously. Mr. Sullivan noted that Hillside may be able to do the swale work instead of White and Sons, and will coordinate this with both parties.

SUMMER MEETING SCHEDULE: The Board discussed the meeting schedule for the summer months. Tentative dates are: June 24, July 1, 15 and 29. August meetings will be decided in the future.

CASTLE HILL ROAD: Mr. Sullivan questioned the Board about setting an agreement deadline between the Town and the developer on Castle Hill Road for road improvements. Mr. Sullivan said that Road Agent McCartney has two other roads on which the monies could be used if no agreement can be reached on Castle Hill Road.

Mr. Hohenberger moved and Mr. Carpenter seconded to set July 15th as the deadline for finalizing an agreement between the Town and developer for improvements to Castle Hill Road. Passed unanimously.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Carpenter moved and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to go into Non-public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 IIc and IId. Roll call vote - all members - Yes. The subjects were reputations and legal. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were present.

Mr. Carpenter moved and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to instruct Mr. Sullivan to work with Town Counsel to develop forebearance agreements with three property owners for the payment of taxes; said agreement shall not exceed ninety days. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Hohenberger moved and Mr. Carpenter seconded to make the following appointments: Leo Hart, Cable, 2005; Carol Frondato, Recreation, 2005; Lisa O'Neill, Recreation, 2005. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Hohenberger moved and Mr. Carpenter seconded to authorize Mr. Sullivan to work with Town Counsel relative to the resolution of a legal case.

Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine Keefe
Administrative Secretary

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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