MARCH 11, 2002

MEMBERS PRESENT: Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler, Christopher Doyle, Galen Stearns and Roger Hohenberger. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

PROPOSED ROUTE 111 BY-PASS: Jeff Brillhart, DOT Chief Project Engineer of the proposed Route 111 By-Pass, answered questions from the Board, Mr. Sullivan and the audience. In October the Board wrote Mr. Brillhart expressing the Town's concerns and comments and requested the DOT review these items for discussion at a future meeting. The State replied to these concerns in a letter dated November 7, 2001. However, Mr. Brilhart discussed these in detail this evening. Mr. Brillhart noted that construction would start this fall on Phase One, bridge on Route 28, and continue through 2005. This schedule, he noted, may vary.

Mr. Sullivan read each Town concern and recommendations and Mr. Brillhart and Mr. Kitsis, also of the DOT, responded to each as outlined below:

  1. Intersection of Searles Road and Route 111: Safety concerns exist relative to eastbound traffic in this area having to cross over multiple lanes to access Searles Road, as well as traffic exiting from Searles onto eastbound Route 111. We propose that the State explore additional options, such as closing the median in this area and providing U-Turn movements further along Route 111 at the Roulston Road intersection; restricting left turn movements at this intersection; or providing a left turn signal along with stop signals to allow safe access in this area.

    DOT Reply: Relative to the proposed Searles Road/NH 111/NH 111A, the department believes the design would be safe. Signals at the NH 111/NH 111A intersection and at the proposed NH 111/Roulston Road/Canobie Lake Road intersection will provide gaps in traffic flow which in turn will allow for safe access into and out of Searles Road. U-turns will be allowed at this intersection and an island could be an option.

    The Town's second option to restrict left turn movements out of Searles Road through the use of signing is also a possibility. Full access to NH 111 eastbound can be accommodated via the new Roulston Road/Canobie Lake Road signalized intersection. The speed limit will not be increased.

    The State does not want to signalize the intersection now but would consider installing conduits for future possible signalization.

  2. Access to Delahunty's Nursery and Semi-Conductor Circuits: Safety concerns similar to those in number one above, pertaining in this instance to westbound traffic on Route 111. Also, the Town is concerned with the impacts any further changes will have to the businesses which operate in this area. The Town asked the Stated to consider the feasibility of constructing a service road running from the old Route 111, in the area of the Searles Building, around, past and behind the two referenced buildings and connecting back on to Range Road, possibly acquiring the "Star Vector" property in order for the road to tie back in. This solution would allow access to these buildings, as well as the golf course. An alternative solution would be to allow U-turn movements at both the Route 111/Range Road intersection, as well as Roulston Road/Route 111.

    DOT Reply: The Department does not propose to construct a frontage road from old NH 111 to some point along NH 111A. For the Department, this idea is beyond the scope of the NH 111 project.

    Mr. Delahunty stated that he feels the State's proposed changes are better for his business, and did not support the idea of the access road.

  3. Business Impacts: The Town is concerned with impacts to those businesses operating along the improved corridor, and requests that the State provide a listing not only of those properties being considered for acquisition which, if indeed they are acquired, will result in fiscal impacts to the Town but also those that are not necessarily slated for acquisition, will have resultant site impacts which could cause disruption to their operations during and subsequent to construction. The Town wishes the state to remain cognizant of the business and design the road in a manner to allow the present businesses to continue.

    DOT Reply: The Department is cognizant of the impacts to the businesses and efforts are and will be made to minimize impacts to the degree practicable. The Department expects to provide just compensation in keeping with the fair market value of the property impacts and to provide relocation assistance as allowed by the Federal Highway Administration. The project will result in some near term loss in tax revenue for the town. Over the long term, the development and redevelopment potential for NH 28, as well as NH 111, should more than offset the near term decline.

    Plans will be provided to the Town in the spring or summer of 2002 which will show all properties to be impacted.

  4. Trails: The Town believes that the designs should incorporate bridges located at access points to the Coburn Road trails and at the railroad bed near Route 28. The Selectmen would like to see both the underpass, as well as the bridge option, explored in more detail.

    DOT Reply: The Department is including a trail underpass for Colburn Road as it passes under the bypass. In addition a pedestrian bridge is proposed for the abandoned Manchester-Lawrence Railroad Corridor/recreational trail to carry the trail over the bypass. More details will be provided when available.

  5. Signalization: The Town seeks to ensure that any new signal lights that are installed as part of the improvements will be coordinated properly to accommodate the expected traffic flow.

    DOT Reply: The Department proposes to coordinate signals that can be coordinated given their proximity to each other.

  6. Golf Course: Residents supported continuation of the Golf Course located at 53 Range Road, which was recently purchased from the State.

    DOT Reply: The final disposition of the Golf Course property remains to be seen. Unless the property is required for highway purposes, it is expected that the property will need to be sold at fair market value. The Department is aware of the Town's desire to maintain the recreational use of the property, but how that might be accomplished remains to be seen. Nothing will be done until the by-pass and I-93 improvements are completed.

  7. Canobie Lake Road (a.k.a. former portion of Route 111): The Town has no interest in assuming the responsibility for the maintenance

    DOT Reply: The Department has consistently indicated that a portion of the present Range Road be renamed Canobie Lake Road which would be turned back to the Town following completion of the bypass and the performance of maintenance type improvements to Canobie Lake Road that may be warranted. While the issue is still open for discussion, we believe it would be in the interest of the Town and neighborhood to accept this roadway as a Town road.

  8. Highway Width: The Town does not believe that four lanes are necessary from Roulston Road to the intersection of Route 28, and respectfully requests that the State provide further explanation and justification in support of their opposing opinion.

    DOT Reply: The Department proposes that the NH 111 by-pass from Roulston Road to NH 28 be a four lane divided roadway because of the proximity of the two signalized intersections; one at the Roulston Road/Canobie Lake Road intersection and the other at the NH 28 intersection. The Department feels strongly that the merits of the project would be greatly compromised by introducing a very short segment of two lane roadway between these two intersections. Such a design would greatly compromise the efficiency and the safety of the new roadway.

  9. Wall Street Connection: The Town feels that Wall Street should be extended through to intersect with North Lowell Road. This improvement would divert traffic off of Route 111 sooner, resulting in reduced vehicles traveling down Route 111 to access North Lowell Road via the intersection of Route 111 and Church Road.

    DOT Reply: The Windham-Salem NH 111 by-pass project does not extend west of the I-93 northbound barrel, and as such is not intended to address shortcomings associated with NH 111 west of I-93. The deficiencies of this section of highway are apparent and the Department encourages the Board to work with the Rockingham Planning Commission to take steps to arrange for a project in the State's Ten Year Transportation Improvement to address this segment of NH 111.

  10. North Lowell Road: As part of the by-pass project, we feel that a right hand slip lane needs to be constructed at the intersection of North Lowell Road and Route 111 to handle not only the present traffic but, even more importantly, anticipated future traffic. During the completion of this project, we would also request that the State have the utility lines buried within the area of the Town Center along Route 111 and North Lowell Road.

    DOT Reply: As to the construction of slip lanes along NH 111 in the vicinity of the North Lowell intersection, the comments in Item 9 also apply. The burial of utility lines cannot be mandated by the State. When construction along NH 111, in the area of North Lowell Road takes place, the utilities within the State right-of-way would relocate their lines, but typically the cost for locating the lines underground would be borne by the party making such a request, in this case the Town.

    The Board, Mr. Sullivan and the following persons made comments and asked questions of Mr. Brillhart and Mr. Kitsis: John Downs, Alan Carpenter, Joe Delahunty, Richard Russell, Percy Daniels, Wayne Morris, Charles McMahon, Arthur Klemm, owner of Dunkin Donuts, Russ Wilder, Bill Brady, Karl Dubay and Lisa Linowes. Subjects included: plowing of Roulston Road,, tax base losses especially businesses, appropriate mitigation from the State especially around Industrial Drive, Salem problem with Windham paying for solution, Sisters of Mercy possible development of their land, committee to work with DOT and protect economic interest in Windham, Conservation Commission suggested properties for mitigation, the original northern report and maintaining the golf course.

    Senator Klemm offered to have the Board meet with the DOT in his office in Concord to work out possible solutions and compromises for both the Route 111 By-Pass and I-93 expansion. Mr. Sullivan will schedule this meeting. Senator Klemm also told the Board that he contacted the Congressional Delegation regarding the proposed secondary mitigations for the I-93 expansion as proposed by the EPA. He will push forward on this matter.

    The cost of the Route 111 By-Pass is estimated to be 30 million dollars.

PUBLIC HEARING - AMBULANCE FEES: Mr. Sullivan read the following public hearing notice.

"In accordance with RSA 41:9A, the Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on March 11, 2002 at the Town Hall for the purpose of amending the fees charged for ambulance services as follows:

  Current Fees      Proposed Fees
BSL Emergency $ 151.53 $278.59
ALS Base Rate 212.14 330.33
ALS 2 223.24 478.84
Oxygen 36.38 38.28
Airways 66.45 69.92
MAST 46.51 48.95
IV Therapy/IV Drugs 84.12 88.53
Cardiac Monitoring 114.22 120.20
Defibrillation 66.45 69.92
BLS Mileage 6.05 Eliminated
ALS Mileage 6.35 Eliminated
Single Mileage Rate 0.00 0.00

Chief Fruchtman explained to the Board the government's three year plan to revamp the Medicare billing system. This revamping is phased in over the next five years culminating in 2006. Mr. Doyle motioned to approve the new rates as proposed and to adjust them annually in accordance with the yearly allowed Medicare adjustments. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

MINUTES: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to approve the minutes of February 25, 2002 as presented. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from the Windham Co-Operative Kindergarten requesting the Board's assistance in finding a suitable location in Windham to relocate due to the I 93 expansion. The Board agreed to send a letter to the DOT requesting they work with the property owners who will be affected by these projects in the very near future as to allow the owners to move forward.

OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Doyle reminded everyone to vote tomorrow.

Ms Webber thanked the Board and the administrative staff for their support during her six years as Selectman.

OLD/NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan told the Board that he received notification that the Town did not receive the grant for the Searles Building from LCHIP. However, they can reapply later this year.

A letter of resignation was received from Eric Twarog, Assistant Planner. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to accept the resignation with regret and noted that Mr. Twarog did an excellent job. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that the company installing the fences at Griffin Park would drill the holes and install the benches in the dugouts for $800 as they are already there. The Baseball Association would pay this if the Town reimburses. Mr. Sullivan told the Board that the Recreation Committee hoped to have volunteers do this. The Board agreed to wait for the volunteers.

WORKSHOP WITH DAVID POULSON - TRANSFER STATION: The Board, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Poulson, Transfer Station Manager, met in a workshop session and discussed various items. The following decisions were made.

  • Hours of Operation - Mr. Doyle motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to approve Mr. Poulson's recommendation to change the public operational hours to 7:30 am to 3:00 pm and to allow the employees ½ hour to close down the facility; and to have the Tuesday hours seasonally changed from April to October - the hours will be 11:00 am to 7:00 pm. Passed unanimously.

  • Out of Town Solid Waste - Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded not to accept out of town solid waste. Passed unanimously.

  • Payments - Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded not to allow credit accounts - payments will be cash or check. Passed unanimously.

  • Demolition Fees - Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to approve that all demolition/construction debris generated and transported by Windham residents will no longer require the annual one (1) ton demolition card and all commercial/industrial entities will be required to pay $110.00/ton for disposal of demolition/construction solid waste. Passed 3-2 with Mr. Hohenberger and Mrs. Crisler opposed. Mr. Sullivan will review if this requires any further appeals.

  • Agreement - Mr. Doyle motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to have Mr. Poulson draft a formal agreement with commercial haulers detailing all rules and regulations. Passed unanimously.

  • Recyclables - Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to give Mr. Poulson authority to handle and transport recyclables in the most environmentally safe and efficient manner to the best markets or for the best purposes in keeping with the environmental concerns. Passed 4-1 with Mr. Hohenberger opposed.

  • Residential Yard Waste - Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to approve Mr. Poulson's recommendation that residential yard waste be deposited at the Marblehead Road landfill every second and fourth Saturday during the months of April - October and further that if compost is available, the residents may acquire it. Passed unanimously.

  • Operator Positions - Mr. Doyle moved and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to authorize Mr. Poulson to develop a job description for the position of operator 1 and operator 2 and submit to the Board for approval. Passed unanimously

  • Fees - Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to research the procedures and post if possible, a $45 fee for disposal of commercial tires not to exceed 20 inches and not to accept rims. Passed unanimously.

  • Adjacent Property - Mr. Doyle moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to investigate the possible purchase of abutting properties to the Transfer Station, including possible cost. Passed unanimously.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Hohenberger moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to go into non-public sessions in accordance with RSA 91-A:e, IIa and c. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance in all sessions. The subjects were personnel and reputations.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the hiring of a police officer per Chief Moeckel's recommendation pending successful background and medical checks. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve design and placement of a plaque at Griffin Park. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the hiring of an on-call snow plow driver as recommended by the Highway Agent. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Ms Webber seconded to proceed with filling the Assistant Planner position per Mr. Sullivan's and Mr. Turner's recommendations. Passed 4-1 with Mr. Hohenberger opposed.

Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on a personnel compliant and will follow-up in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Personnel Policy.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to approve the use of the upstairs of the Town Hall for a charitable event with the proviso that the usual $50 rental fee is donated to the charity by the Town given that the proceeds from the rental event be done so as well. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at approximately midnight.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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