February 11, 2002

ROLL CALL: Chairperson Webber called Meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Those present included Selectmen Galen Stearns, Chris Doyle, and Roger Hohenberger. Selectman Crisler was excused. Town Administrator David Sullivan was also in attendance.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Board welcomed Mr. Doyle back to the Board after a brief illness.

The Board encouraged all residents to come out to vote at the upcoming Town Meeting on March 12.


MINUTES: Mr. Stearns moved to approve the minutes of January 28, 2002 as written. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from Zoning Board inviting the Selectmen and others to a ZBA workshop at which they will discuss zoning process and other points of interest.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on the bids for the replacement culvert for Church Rd. Of the three bids previously received, the low bid of $114,700 was submitted by Nesenkeag, Inc of Litchfield. Mr. Sullivan stated that references have been reviewed and based on these recommended that the bid be awarded to Nesenkeag conditional on the Highway Agent and Mr. Sullivan conducting site evaluations of previous company projects and being satisfied with work done. Funds for the project are available from encumbered funds from the 2001 capital highway budget and some from the 2002 budget.

Mr. Stearns moved to award the bid to Nesenkeag in the amount of $114,700 conditional on successful site reviews by Mr. McCartney and Mr. Sullivan. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Hohenberger moved to authorize Mr. Sullivan to apply for a 100% reimbursable grant from the DES to purchase a double walled oil collection tank for the Transfer Station. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns moved to authorize Mr. Sullivan to advertise for the position of Finance Director with the ads reflecting that the funding for the position is conditioned on Town Meeting approval. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

PUBLIC HEARING - STONEHEDGE RD ACCEPTANCE: Mr. Sullivan stated the hearing was being held to consider accepting Stonehedge Road as a town road and releasing the balance of the road bond in the amount of $12,000.

Mr. Sullivan read a letter from Sam Nassar requesting that the Board continue the bond release request on Stonehedge Rd based on his belief that the developer was responsible for improving the easement granted across lot 13-C-134 to provide access to a walkway easement on the same lot as well as providing a driveway easement to lot 13-C-1. The Board discussed the fact that normally improvements to easements were not the responsibility of the developer, but would be improved by future developers that would make use of the easement for connection to their properties. Mr. McLeod, Planning Board member agreed.

Mr. Hohenberger moved to release the remaining road bond contingent on the town receiving the proper recordable deed from the developer. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

PUBLIC HEARING - HIGHWAY SAFETY ISSUES: Mr. Sullivan presented the following two highway safety issues presented by the Highway Safety Committee:

(1) No Parking along east side of Searles Road from the intersection of Rte 111 and last entrance to the St. Matthews Church. The request was submitted out of concern with cars parking on the side of Searles Road during Sunday masses, causing safety concerns with those exiting the church parking lots on to Searles Rd.

The Board discussed the limited frequency of this occurring, namely on Sundays, and the fact that the Church has published notices in the weekly church bulletin asking parishioners to not park on the road. Mr. Hohenberger moved to deny the request to place signs as recommended by the Highway Safety Committee and request Mr. Sullivan to send a letter to the Church requesting them to self enforce the no parking on the road. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

(2) No Parking Here to Corner signs placed on Meadow Road on the side of Tokanel Field from the driveway near the field and Lowell Road. The reason for the request is due to people parking on both sides of the road during soccer and baseball games causing concerns from the residents on the road not only in terms of them entering and exiting their properties, but also enjoying their yards. Other concerns include proper safe travel on Meadow Rd not only for vehicles, but also town safety equipment.

Mr. McLeod, who is responsible for scheduling the field usage for the Soccer Association, agreed with the Committees recommendation, but also asked for the Board to review how we could address potential parking problems further up the road especially around the corner.

Mr. Hohenberger moved to approve the installation of two signs as indicated by the Committee. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

ABDINOOR EASEMENT - ARMSTRONG ROAD: Mr. Sullivan presented the Board with plans submitted by Ron Abdinoor, owner of lot 17-I-200, showing the location of a 20' x 60' easement across town owned lot 17-I-49 on Armstrong Road as authorized by Article 22 of the 2001 town meeting. The easement is to provide access for property owners using Walkey Road and is conditioned on lot 17-I-200 remaining as either a farm and/or golf course. Mr. Abdinoor shall be responsible for maintaining the easement and any roadway created may not be paved. If Mr. Abdinoor should develop his lot the easement would become null and void.

Vera Barone and Kevin Moakley, residents in the area of the easement, questioned the Board on location of easement and expressed concerns with potential traffic problems as a result of granting the easement.

Mr. Hohenberger moved to authorize the location of the easement from Armstrong Road across lot 17-I-49 to 17-I-200 in accordance with Article 22 of the 2001 Town Meeting and as shown on the plans developed for Abdinoor by W. Aspinwall conditioned on any future access be constructed using packed gravel. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan presented the Board with a request from Life Line Screening, a private corporation, who conducts medical screening tests for such diseases as osteoporosis, and vascular disorders, to use the town hall for a screening day. Mr. Sullivan reviewed the town hall rental policy, which does not allow rentals to profit making operations or individuals. He further advised the Board that they could allow this usage by sponsoring the screening as a public service.

After discussing the benefits of allowing such usage, against the specific policy, Mr. Stearns moved to deny the request due to not wanting to change town policy. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

Griffin Park: Mr. McMahon asked how much money was available in the Griffin Park budget and whether ample funds remained to re-crown the soccer fields. Mr. Sullivan stated that the funds available in the budget were encumbered to complete phase one and that any additional cost to re-crown the soccer field would have to come from the 2002 budget or any donations that may be given to the town. Mr. McMahon offered his as well as the baseball association's assistance after the March town meeting to complete the park. Mr. Stearns suggested a workshop with all those interested following the vote on Griffin Park phase two.

Non-Public Session: Mr. Doyle moved to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91:A: (personnel). Mr. Hohenberger seconded. All members - Yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were present.

Personnel: The Board discussed a recommendation for a pay increase for a contracted employee and Mr. Sullivan will follow up on the issue.

WORKSHOP: The Board held a workshop with the Technical Advisory Committee and the IT Director to discuss the town website and specifically what roles the Committee, the IT Director and Webmaster would play. After discussions, the Board agreed to have the Webmaster continue overseeing the web site for the next three months at which time all present would meet again to discuss progress.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David Sullivan, Town Administrator

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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