OCTOBER 29, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT: Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler, Christopher Doyle and Galen Stearns. Roger Hohenberger was excused. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9-11 Fund - Allan and Diane Carpenter, their children, William and Christine, and Justin and Brandon Gould (their parents were detained with car trouble), presented a check for over $18,000 for the children affected by the September 11th attack on America. Mrs. Carpenter explained that the group wanted to do something that would allow the children to participate and help understand the tragedy. She stated that envelopes were distributed at the schools and throughout the Town and the children donated over $9,000.

Representatives from the United Way accepted the donation and promised that it would be used to help the 21 local households who lost family members in the attack. They noted how the families will need help, especially over the holidays.

Liberty Mutual Fire Mark Award - Steven Short, Liberty Mutual Representative, presented the Fire Mark Award to Jennifer Hanlon. He stated that earlier this year, Jennifer donated 60% of her liver to her uncle and her fellow firefighters donated their time to fill her shifts for approximately two months. Jennifer thanked Mr. Short for the award and especially thanked her fellow workers and their families for their coverage. She accepted the award on behalf of the department.

Other Fire Department Announcements - Chief Fruchtman told the Board that the Department received a Residential Fire Safety Award recognizing that there were no fire-related deaths in Town for the year.

Chief Fruchtman stated that the department's open house earlier this month was a huge success with over 500 people in attendance. He thanked the department, the Ladies Auxiliary, Boy Scouts and Fire Academy for their assistance.

Chief Fruchtman also thanked all those who donated blood on October 23rd - fifty five pints were collected.

Chief Fruchtman invited all residents to the Fire Station on November 8th at 7 pm to hear a briefing on the Department's preparedness for any hazardous material situations.

Ms Webber noted that our Fire Department is very active in the community and do a great job. She thanked the department for their hard work.

Mrs. Crisler reminded everyone that the Woman's Club will hold their annual Coat Drive on November 3rd at the Town Hall from 9 am until noon.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board will meet this week on Tuesday, October 30th at 7:30 pm at the Town Hall. The Route 28 corridor will be discussed.

CHURCH ROAD CULVERT BID: Mr. Sullivan explained that at the last Selectmen's Meeting the Board voted to reject all bids for the culvert for Church Road. He noted that the low bidder was over the budgeted amount and excluded some items in the specs. The low bidder contacted the Town and after some discussion stated that they would do all the work as stated in the specifications for their bid price of $89,746.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that CSI stated that they could have the culvert made by November 19th and Whitcomb stated they could start immediately and have the project finished by November 30th.

The Board discussed their concerns which included: time for concrete to set, paving dates, weather, water diversion (which will be done).

The Board and Mr. Sullivan then discussed funding the project - budgeted amount is short approximately $13000-14000. Mr. Sullivan stated the Town's budget bottom line is very close this year but he believes this shortfall is doable. He also told the Board that the Presbyterian Church may contribute to this project as they need some of the work for their addition. He also told the Board that both he and the Highway Agent, Jack McCartney, are comfortable with this expenditure and have reserved $30,000 for plowing, if needed in 2001.

Mr. Stearns motioned to award the bid for the Church Road culvert to Frank Whitcomb for the bid price of $89,746 providing they agree in writing to do the complete specifications for the bid price and commence work no later than November 5th, with additional funding to be taken from the road budget minus any contribution from the church. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan stated that the Highway Safety Committee will present the Board recommendations for future traffic flow for Church Road at their meeting on November 19th.

MINUTES: The following two changes were made to the minutes of October 15th: the vote to accept the street light on Ministerial Road was opposed by Roger Hohenberger and the Woman's Club coat drive is on November 3rd not the 2nd. Mr. Stearns motioned to accept the minutes of October 15th as amended. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letters of resignation were received from Dennis Butterfield from the Griffin Park and Recreation Committees. Mr. Stearns motioned to accept Mr. Butterfield's resignations with regret and thanked him for his many hours of service. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to appoint Mr. Sullivan as the official voting member for the annual NHMA Meeting. Passed unanimously.

Memo received from Fire Chief Fruchtman inviting the Board to a dinner meeting and showcase for the Southeastern NH Hazardous Materials Mutual Aid District at the Hooksett Safety Complex on November 14th at 5:00 pm.

Road Bonds - Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the partial release of $6,000 for Osgood Road, Station 0 + 00 to Station 17 + 90 to CJM Excavating & Development. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the partial release of $3,500 for the Heritage Hill Walking Easements to Everett Ryan. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the partial release of $22,344 for Crestwood Road to ECN, LLC. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: Tree Removal - Mr. Sullivan stated that the Highway Agent has a bid for $3,000 to remove trees on various road which are safety hazards. The trees to be removed are mainly dead, however there are one or two which are not but are causing site problems. The trees will be removed and the property owners will have first refusal on the hardwood.

Bissell Camp Road - Jack McCartney, Highway Agent, is recommending that Bissell Camp Road be paved with two inches of asphalt for a price of $19,160. He stated that two inches of asphalt is sufficient as this road is very lightly traveled. Mr. Stearns motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to approve Mr. McCartney's recommendation to pave Bissell Camp Road and approve the bid from Tate Paving for $19,160. Passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan told the Board that he was informed late today of a potential donation to Griffin Park with the stipulation that there would be recognition of this donation at the park such as a sign on the baseball fencing. Mr. Sullivan asked the Board if they were interested in considering this.

Mrs. Crisler and Ms Webber stated that personally they were against signs. Mr. Stearns and Mr. Doyle stated that they would listen to a proposal. The Board did agree to have Mr. Sullivan ask Baseball, Griffin Park and Recreation for their input.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa, d and e. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes.

First Session: The Board, Mr. Sullivan, Attorney Campbell, Attorney Donovan and Mrs. DeLuca were in attendance. Issue: Town consideration of plowing Turtle Rock Road or a portion thereof.

Attorney Campbell outlined the procedure for this discussion. Attorney Donovan will discuss the issue and answer any questions.

  1. Road declared an emergency lane.
  2. Have town contract with owners to plow road and have residents pay fees.
  3. If Town elects to plow as contractor, there would have to be payment arrangements.

Attorney Donovan proposed to have Town plow road under contract. Twelve children, ages 6-8, walk ½ mile to the bus. This is a safety issue.

Appropriate payment and methods of payment arrangements were discussed. The average annual cost for plowing over the past five years is $1,625.0 per mile. There are 32 residents on the private portion of Turtle Rock Road. Concerns from the Town were their ability to tax individual property owners - would we have to charge individuals or association.

Town concerned if this would be setting a precedent and what type of criteria will be used to determine if we are going to contract with a private road.

Attorney Campbell explained the conditional layout procedure under RSA 231.

The Board agreed to schedule a public discussion on this issue on either November 5th or 19th.

Session 2: Land Acquisition - Board of Selectmen and Conservation Commission will meet regarding possible land acquisition on November 5th at 3 pm.

Session 3: Personnel - Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the hiring of call firefighters as recommended by Chief Fruchtman. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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