SEPTEMBER 10, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT: Carolyn Webber, Christopher Doyle, Galen Stearns and Roger Hohenberger. Margaret Crisler was excused. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fire Chief Fruchtman announced that Fire Prevention Week begins October 7th. He told the Board that Steve Pliskin is working on his Eagle Scout project and is producing a video on maintenance of smoke detectors and when completed, it will be shown on our local cable station.

Chief Fruchtman stated that the department is planning many activities for Fire Prevention Week including school visits, contests and an open house at the station on October 14th from 10 am to 3 pm.

Sister City - Barbara Coish gave the Board a brief update on her recent trip to our Sister City, Suzdal, Russia. She attended an international craft fair and brought items made by our residents.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Hohenberger reported that the Planning Board will not be meeting this week. Last weekend they did a site walk of the Route 28 corridor.

Ms Webber reported that both she and Mr. Stearns attended the Griffin Park Committee meeting last week and the committee will do an update later in the meeting.

PUBLIC HEARINGS: Mr. Sullivan read the following notice. "In accordance with NH RSA 31:95-e, the Board of Selectmen will conduct a public hearing on September 10, 2001 at 7:15 pm at the Windham Town Hall to consider acceptance of the following donations: 1. Electric patch panel for use at Griffin Park and 2. Utility building for use at Griffin Park."

Dennis Butterfield, member of the Griffin Park Committee, stated that Winmill Equipment Company has offered to donate an electrical panel with an estimated value of $3,000. Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to accept the donation from Winmill Equipment Company of an electrical panel, with thanks. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Butterfield told the Board that the Athletic and Soccer Club of Windham has offered to donate to the Town their precast concrete building currently located at the town beach with the following understanding: 1. That the building will house the electrical service and irrigation controls for Griffin Park, and 2. That the remainder of the building will be reserved for the Athletic and Soccer Club of Windham until a mutually agreed upon change. He further explained that such change might include a similar sized, secure, storage facility or replacement value compensation. He suggested a model agreement be drafted by Mr. Sullivan and Town Counsel to be used for all such agreements. Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to accept the donation of a precast utility building to house the control panel for the electrical service and irrigation controls from the Athletic and Soccer Club of Windham, with thanks, and to have Mr. Sullivan work with Town Counsel on the model agreement described above. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan read the following notice. "In accordance with RSA 31:95-b, the Board of Selectmen will conduct a public hearing on September 10, 2001 at 7:15 pm at the Windham Town Hall to consider the acceptance of a cash donation to be used toward paving of the walking paths at Griffin Park."

The amount of this donation will cover the cost of the paving less a Town contribution of $20,000, which has been allotted previously with the park's Phase One budget. Mr. Stearns asked Mr. Butterfield if the savings due to this donation would allow the paths to be widened to their original width. Mr. Butterfield was not certain. Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to accept the donation for paving, with thanks, and to have the Griffin Park Committee consider the feasibility of widening the paths and if possible to bring the change order to the Board for approval. Passed unanimously.


  1. Church Road Culvert - Mr. Sullivan stated that only one bid had been received from Construction Divers of Maine, however the bid was in excess of estimate and budgeted amount. Therefore, he recommended the Board reject the bid and rebid the work. Mr. Stearns motioned to reject the bid from Construction Divers and rebid the work. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

  2. Building Department Roof (Old Fire Station) - Mr. Doyle excused himself, as his company is a bidder. Mr. Sullivan told the Board that two bids were received - CJ Miers bid $12, 490 which included extras and Doyle & Sons $10,700, who agreed to do the extras at no additional cost which were included in CJ Miers' bid. Mr. Sullivan recommended the bid be awarded to Doyle & Sons. Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to award the bid for the Building Department roof work to Doyle & Sons for their bid price of $10,700 which will also include the extras discussed above. Passed unanimously.

  3. Perimeter Walls for Town Vault - Mr. Sullivan stated that two bids were received - Lefebrve Construction - $71,780 and Devlin Construction - $24,500. Mr. Sullivan told the Board that the budget for the project is $70,000 of which $49,908 is already committed. Mr. Sullivan recommended that the Board award the bid to Devlin Construction with the difference between the $70,000 budgeted and the total cost of $74,500 be taken from the property trust account to cover the demolition costs. The only other costs for this project would be the clapboard and shrubbery which costs would be included in next year's budget. The only other option is to purchase a smaller vault, which he does not recommend. Mr. Doyle moved to award the bid as recommended by Mr. Sullivan, to use $4,500 from the Property Maintenance Trust and to wait until next year for clapboard and shrubbery. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

MINUTES & CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to accept the minutes of August 20th as presented. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve partial release of $65,836 to H & B Homes for Carr Hill, Coventry and Grandview Roads with $61,074 to be retained. Passed unanimously.

AUDIT REPORT: Mr. Robert Vachon of Vachon & Clukay, presented the audit report for 2000. He stated that the Town is in excellent shape financially and suggested we consider increasing the fund balance over the next few years. Our debt ratio remains low.

Mr. Vachon then told the Board that he feels strongly that it is time for the Town to hire a financial director. He stated that with the new accounting requirements beginning in 2003, with the number of our accounts increasing, that we do not presently have a balance sheet, increases in our revenue and expenses and other facts, make it prudent to hire a financial director. He stated that although Mr. Skinner has done a fine job, he is not schooled in accounting and needs help. Mr. Sullivan thanked Mr. Vachon and stated he appreciated his endorsement for this position. Mr. Vachon answered questions by Board members regarding duties, salaries, etc. regarding a financial director.

OLD BUSINESS: The Technical Advisory Committee proposed changes to their Rules of Procedure reducing the number of members from nine to 5 including a Selectman as a voting member with the IT Director and 3 alternates and establishing three year terms. Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the Rules of Procedure as presented. Passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Stearns asked the Board if they were interested in meeting in the new Building Department Conference Room as Cable is permanently installed there. The consensus is that they are not interested in moving their meetings at this time.

Mr. Hohenberger asked the Board to meet with the Planning Board and Mr. Turner to make recommendations to the Department of Transportation regarding the proposed Route 111 By-Pass. The Board agreed to hold a workshop on October 1st at the Town Hall at 7:00 pm and to invite the Planning Board and Mr. Turner.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that Mr. Raudonis, Superintendent of Schools, called to request a joint meeting with the Selectmen and School Board. Mr. Sullivan asked the Board to check their calendars and give him possible dates.

Barbara Coish told the Board that volunteers set up for the cable casting of the meetings and need to have the tables and chairs set up first thing in the morning on meeting dates. Ms Webber asked that cable casting not begin the audio until 7:00 pm when the meeting commences.

Mr. Sullivan reminded all interested residents that the proposed bike paths on Lowell Road will be discussed and a decision made at the September 24th Selectmen's meeting.

The Selectmen agreed not to meet on Columbus Day and will meet on October 15th.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Doyle motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa, d and e. Mr. Stearns seconded. Roll call vote - all members - yes. The Board, Mr. Sullivan, Denise Ryan and Leo Hart were in attendance in the first session and the Board and Mr. Sullivan in the others.

First Session: The subject was possible land acquisition. No decisions.

Second Session: Eric Twarog was removed from his probationary status upon his first year anniversary.

Third Session: Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to request the Board of Adjustment rehear Case 31-2001. Passed unanimously.

GRIFFIN PARK UPDATE: Dennis Butterfield, member of the Griffin Park Committee, told the Board that Mary Taylor and her family were donating funds toward the paving of the paths in Griffin Park in loving memory of her husband and son. A plaque will be placed on the path memorializing the donation. The Board extended their appreciation and thanks to the Taylor family.

Rick Hancock, Chairman of the Griffin Park Committee, presented the following update.

  • The Dredge Permit is still pending State approval.
  • Hamilton Wood Inc. has installed all pumps.
  • PSNH has installed the pole.
  • Pesaturo Electric will install the power panel this week.
  • The general contractor is back on site. It was noted that the Board had given 9-21-01 as the target completion date, however it is not likely that it will be completed by that date. The Board questioned timing of the hydro-seeding. Mr. Maranto stated it is all dependent on the weather.
  • CIP request was presented on September 6th by Mr. Sullivan. Funding is requested for 2003.

Baseball - The Griffin Park Committee recommended that the Selectmen approve reducing the north boundary buffer zone to a 30 foot minimum and the construction of the three baseball fields as shown on the WBSA plan presented to the Griffin Park Committee on September 6, 2001. They further recommended that the Board of Selectmen allow the Committee to immediately place the BB proposal for a multipurpose building at Griffin Park into the Committee's evaluation process and that the results of the evaluation be presented to the Selectmen at the earliest practical date.

Board members questioned the placement of the path in relationship to the buffer zone. It was noted that the path is being built according to the original plan.

Ms Webber read emails received from residents stating their concerns regarding the proposed fields and multi purpose building. Mr. Stearns stated that he had received calls favoring these additions to the park.

Chuck Tomes of the Baseball Association stated that baseball intends to go through the proper procedures to have the building approved but do want it on file for the future.

Mr. Sullivan noted that in speaking with Town Counsel he was informed that the Conservation Easement required for the Dredge Permit must be approved by Town Meeting. Mr. Sullivan will follow up with the State to see if permit can be issued contingent on that vote. Mr. Maranto noted that the pond should be dredged and he does not recommend irrigation without the dredging.

The following residents voiced their opinions, concerns and questions about the additions to the park: Chuck Tomes, Tom Case, Grace Cotton, Christine Marvel, Neil Gallagher, Al Turner (answered questions), Fred Noyles, Rick Hancock, Tod Marvell, Elizabeth Bondioli, Terry McCafferty, Jessy Kamien, Wayne Morris, Charles McMahon, Sam Maranto and Eric Nickerson.

Mr. Hohenberger motioned to accept the offer from the Windham Baseball/Softball Association to build three baseball fields under the direction of the Griffin Park Committee, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Turner and to show on the plan a possible multipurpose building to be built in the future, to have the Griffin Park Committee hold public meetings on the possible location of the multipurpose building and to have the agreement with the Baseball/Soccer Association committed to paper by Town Counsel. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan and Mr. McMahon clarified the following items:

  • The fields, when built, will be given to the Town, maintained by the Town and use controlled by the Town.
  • The Town will have the field areas prepared to the point of having 12" of loam spread over the entire area.

Mr. Hohenberger motioned to adjourn. Mr. Doyle seconded. Meeting commenced at approximately 10:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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