JULY 30, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT: Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler, Christopher Doyle, Galen Stearns and Roger Hohenberger. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Sullivan reported that last Tuesday the Building Department held an open house in their new facilities. Alfred Turner, Planning Director, hosted the event. Planning secretary, Virginia Gray's, granddaughter, Kaylyn Mounce sang the national anthem. The administrative area was dedicated to the memory of Catherine Curtin former Planning secretary.

Mr. Sullivan also reported that the annual senior picnic, held last Wednesday, was a huge success with approximately 160 attending. Due to the extreme heat and humidity, the picnic was moved upstairs at the Town Hall. Although it was very crowded, everyone enjoyed the food and entertainment. Next year, we are planning to move the picnic to the new Fire Station where there is much more room. Mr. Sullivan thanked everyone for their help. He especially thanked Mr. Hohenberger for his help with the grilling.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Hohenberger reported that the Planning Board has been working on the following: Route 28 corridor, warrant articles and a barrage of plans.

Ms Webber reported that the Griffin Park Committee met and they will give an update later in the meeting.

Ms Webber also reported that the Historic Commission is sponsoring an Art Show and Antique Appraisals on August 4th to benefit the Searles School & Chapel Restoration Fund. They requested that the Selectmen donate a police officer for traffic control at this event. Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to approve the donation to offset the police officer's salary for the charitable event on August 4th at Searles. Passed unanimously.

FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chief Fruchtman announced the following items:

  • The EM trailer is in and striped.
  • Boating safety courses are being held tomorrow and in September. Call to register.
  • OHRV class will be held in August and September. August is already full and reservations are being accepted for September.
  • Deputy Chief Messier is now doing children's car seat inspections. The inspection takes about an hour, it would be best to call for an appointment.
  • The Department is working with a local fire extinguisher company to establish a drop off for recharge of fire extinguishers. More information will follow. Mrs. Crisler asked where home extinguishers should be placed. The Chief stated one on each floor and in the garage. A recommended type of extinguisher is an ABC multipurpose.

PUBLIC HEARING - DONATION: Ms Webber read the following notice. "In accordance with RSA 31:95-e, the Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on July 30, 2001 at 7:15 PM at the Town Hall for the purpose of considering the donation to the Town of two (2) Delsar Hotsticks and 15 sets of brush fire gear."

Chief Fruchtman explained that the Windham Ladies Auxiliary, in their continuing effort to support the department, was donating two Hotsticks, which indicate if wires are charged, and 15 sets of nomex brush fire gear. The Chief introduced Gail Webster and Rita Fratus of the Auxiliary. Ms Webster stated that the group welcomes new members - there are no dues and they do fund raising for the equipment for the department and provide drinks and foods during major incidents. She encouraged residents to volunteer. Mr. Stearns motioned to accept the equipment described above from the Ladies Auxiliary with sincere thanks. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

The Board recessed the Selectmen's meeting and convened the Board of Health hearing.

PUBLIC HEARING - BOARD OF HEALTH: Bruce Flanders, Health Officer, joined the Board for this meeting. Ms Webber read the following notice. "Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held on June 25, 2001 at 7:15 pm at the Town Hall concerning a request by Wesley Aspinwall for a waiver concerning Section 106.6 of the Waste Disposal/Septic Ordinance to permit the holding tank to be one foot off the foundation and the holding tank to be one foot off the property line on property located at 13 Rocky Ridge Road."

Mr. Aspinwall of Herbert Associates explained the situation to the Board and answered all questions from both the Board and Mr. Flanders. An abutter was present and stated he had no objections to the plan. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to approve placement of the holding tank at 13 Rocky Ridge Road to be placed one foot off the foundation and the holding tank to be one foot off the property line, provide erosion control as worked out with the Health Officer and to provide pump certifications to the Health Officer and restore adjacent property to original condition. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to adjourn the Board of Health hearing and reconvene the Selectmen's Meeting. Passed unanimously.

SUMMER ROAD WORK: Wayne Bailey, Interim Road Agent, provided the Board with a memo recommending summer road work. Mr. Bailey began his presentation.

Mr. Hohenberger moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the recommended work on Bedros Road.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to authorize the Road Agent and Assistant Road Agent to proceed with the list of projects and to widen the list as possible. Mr. Sullivan stated this was not possible because of approval of sub contracts. The motion was withdrawn.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to award the bid to Dow for sealing roads at a cost not to exceed $27,840. Passed unanimously. Mr. McCartney stated this contract would provide sealing for approximately a third of the roads.

The Chairman suggested this discussion be continued in a workshop. The Board agreed to continue this meeting to tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm.

MINUTES: Mr. Doyle moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the minutes of June 25th with the following addition under the discussion on Griffin Park. "Mr. Hancock addressed the Board and asked for clarification for who will come back on the 30th. Griffin Park and Baseball must work together on configuration of field and Griffin Park will present the plan on the 30th. If Griffin Park and Baseball have not had time to work together, then the 30th meeting is off". Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Various letters and emails were received regarding Griffin Park which will be addressed later in this meeting.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan reported on the following items:

  • Castle Hill Road Bridge - Town Officials met with Mr. Barry of the DOT last week at the bridge and discussed the situation. Mr. Barry stated that the bridge is in no danger of failure. He also stated that it is up to Pelham and Windham to decide what, if any, work will be done and what restrictions will be placed on its use. He suggested the Town's have an engineering study done which would cost approximately $30,000 of which the State would reimburse the Towns 80 percent. Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Pitts, Town Administrator in Pelham, are working together on this proposal for presentation at Town Meeting.
  • Bartley House Grant - Mr. Sullivan is preparing final documents for the grant and expects final approval by the end of August.
  • Church Street - The design of the culvert is progressing, building of the culvert should take 4-6 weeks and installation 7-10 days. The Town and Church are working together on the drainage (the Church's proposed new addition).
  • Wetlands Mitigation/Castle Reach - Mr. Sullivan reported that the DOT is reviewing the appraisal and hopefully will have more information on their meeting with the Board on August 7th.
  • Lowell Road Bike Paths - Mr. Hohenberger and Mr. Sullivan met with representatives from the DOT to drive Lowell Road and envision the impact of the proposed bike paths. Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Hohenberger stressed that the impact was sizable. Mr. Sullivan noted that the impact is 11 to 12 feet per side with dual paths and 23 feet with a single path. The Board agreed to discuss if the Town is willing to expend any funds for engineering studies at their next meeting.
  • Mr. Sullivan reminded the Board that they are meeting with the DOT for the By-Pass review on August 7th and the Public Officials meeting is on August 28th.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan asked the Board start thinking of what items they want to recommend to the CIP for next year's budget. Requests for the CIP are due by August 16th.

Mr. Sullivan also suggested that the Board meet more often during the month of August, originally they were scheduled to meet only on August 20th. The Board agreed to met on August 7th following their meeting with the DOT.

GRIFFIN PARK UPDATE: Dennis Butterfield, member of the Griffin Park Committee, gave the following update on the park.

  • General contractor is currently working through the loam pile. Mr. Sullivan stated on last Thursday, that he would be done in two weeks. Discussion followed concerning how much loam the town requires. Mr. Maranto stated that 6,000 cubic yards is necessary and if the contractor takes too much, he must replace it. Mrs. Crisler motioned to allow Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Turner and Mr. Maranto the discretion as to the amount of loam to be retained for the park. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously. Mr. Hohenberger expressed his concern that the completion date keeps changing and that we will lose the planting season. Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to notify the contractor, in writing, that he has three weeks to complete the loam removal. Passed unanimously.

  • Dredge Permit - A letter from Town Counsel is to be delivered to DES and the permit is expected to be issued.

  • Pumps in Wells - Hamilton Wood will be installing 3 pumps -(2 Griffin Park funded and 1 Soccer/BB funded).

  • Electrical Issues

    • PSNH scheduled to install primary service
    • All conduit is installed
    • Still need electrician contract. Solicitations for electrical contract were advertised in April and May. On May 21, the Selectmen approved negotiations with interested Electrical contractors and awarded up to $6000. Negotiations were conducted with 2 contractors with initial bids ranging from $14K to $19K. The Committee determined the best value is with Pesaturo Electric of Windham for $13,420 and funds are available in the park budget. Mr. Hohenberger and Mr. Stearns motioned to award the electric work to Pesaturo Electric for a price not to exceed $13,420. Passed unanimously.

  • Walking Path Proposal - Very initial discussions have been held with prospective donors. The Town will pay some base amount with donors contributing the remainder. Also, some naming rights have been discussed. The Committee requested the Board's approval to proceed with these discussions. The Board's consensus was for the Committee to proceed.

WORKSHOP - GRIFFIN PARK: The following members of the Griffin Park Committee, Rick Hancock, Jonathan Coish, Dennis Butterfield, Sam Maranto and Katie Pocklington, met in a workshop session with the Board and Mr. Sullivan.

Mr. Hancock told the Board that the Committee wanted this workshop for the following two purposes:

  • Clarification of instructions given to the Griffin Park Committee at the June 25th Selectmen's Meeting.
  • Clarification of Charge to the Griffin Park Committee.

Ms Webber stated that her amendment to the minutes of their June 25th meeting earlier in the meeting, addressed their first request sufficiently. The Committee agreed.

The Board and the Committee discussed letters and emails that had been received regarding the park. Mrs. Crisler noted that fences and lights have always been a part of the park plan. She also noted that there is a deeded right of way from Squire Armour to the Park for pedestrians.

Mr. Hancock then gave the Board copies of the Committee's charge as given in March of 1999. He asked if there had been any changes to this charge. Mrs. Crisler stated that the Board had made a change later in 1999 to have Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Maranto and Mr. Turner hold weekly meetings with the contractor in order to oversee the project.

Mr. Hancock then explained that the committee felt that the Baseball Association offer is not consistent with the charge - they felt this offer should be considered only after a feasibility study and approval of town meeting. The Board and Mr. Sullivan stated that the Board has the authority from Town Meeting to accept donations. The Board explained that they wanted Griffin Park Committee and Baseball to work together to provide a footprint of the fields and building to ascertain if this was possible. They are not requiring a feasibility sub-committee nor complete engineering plans. The approved motion from the last meeting was read.

The Board and Committee members discussed the installation of irrigation system, cement pads, soccer building and possibility of location of septic system. Input was also heard from Fred and Suzie Noyles, Dawn Chamberlain and Tom and Margaret Case.

Mr. Sullivan stated that the process on the offered donation is to first see if it will fit on the property and then does the Board wish to accept it. The Board did vote at their last meeting to accept the concept.

After lengthy discussions, the following clarification was given to the Committee:

  • Design irrigation for 3 fields as planned by Committee
  • Wait to hear from BA on fields and concession stand, then work with BA on footprint of fields and building.
  • Griffin Park to present said plan to the Board on August 20th
  • Work toward completion of Phase I
  • No subcommittee at this time.

CONINTUATION OF MEETING: Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to recess this meeting, after the non-public sessions, and reconvene tomorrow evening at 7 pm at the Town Hall. Passed unanimously.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Hohenberger moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IId. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subject was land acquisition.

The Board discussed a land swap and executed a release deed.


NOTE: Ms Webber was excused.

WORKSHOP: The Board, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Bailey (Interim Highway Agent) and Mr. McCartney (Assistant Highway Agent) met in a workshop session on roads.

The available road budget for the remainder of the year was discussed. Also discussed was possible purchase of a used six wheel plow truck from Surplus - estimated purchase price $5,000 to $8,000 plus installation of sander/plow. Total estimated cost is $12,000 to $15,000. Mr. Noyles expressed concern regarding the age of the used vehicle, cost of maintenance and availability of drivers.

Mr. Stearns motioned to authorize purchase from Surplus for a price not to exceed $5,500 and to expend up to $15,000 to outfit to make it serviceable. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed the possibility of buying/leasing a loader as opposed tractor. Board agreed to pursue funding through CIP.

The Board also reviewed the status of the Paver Program and inspections of roads.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa and c. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subjects were personnel and reputations.

The Board discussed the present position of Transfer Station Manager and Interim Highway Agent due to the recent resignation of Wayne Bailey. The Board agreed to replace the Transfer Station Manager and hire a full time Highway Agent and have separate departments. Therefore, there will be positions as Transfer Station Manager and Highway Agent.

The Board made the following appointments. Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to appoint Dennis Root as a Museum Trustee. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to appoint Diana Fallon as an alternate member of the Conservation Commission until 2004 and Theresa Lucas as an alternate member of the Conservation Commission until 2002. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Hohenberger motioned to adjourn. Mr. Doyle seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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