MAY 7, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT: Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler, Galen Stearns, and Roger Hohenberger. Christopher Doyle was excused. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Sullivan announced that the Windham Fire Department and Firefighter Jennifer Hanlon received awards at the 10th annual Emergency Medical Services Appreciation Banquet, hosted by Parkland Medical Center. The Fire Department received the Team "Life Savers" Award for saving a man's life two months ago with a defibrillator after the man suffered a heart attack. Firefighter Hanlon was recognized with the Humanitarian Award for donating 60 percent of her liver to save her uncle who lives in California. Congratulations were extended by the Board.

Mrs. Crisler displayed another beautiful orchid called Azure Skies. She also reminded the public of the Windham Garden Club's annual plant sale on May 19th. She also said raffle tickets were on sale for the Nancy Surette Scholarship Fund.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board would hear the Klemm proposal on May 16th. She also noted that the Board would be meeting an extra night in May, and that pending applications could be viewed at the Planning Department.

Ms. Webber reported that the CIP committee had begun work for the year 2002.

TOWN VAULT BID AWARD: Mr. Sullivan said that bids had been advertised in the newspapers and sent to four interested companies, but only one bid was received. He said that CSI of Londonderry bid with two options: a 10 ft by 21 ft by 21 ft structure at a cost of $40,712; a 10 ft by 21 ft by 29 ft at a cost of $49,908. These figures did not include site work.

He said that he recommended the larger size, but if site work costs came in high the smaller size would be constructed as the modular style would allow for the addition of sections in the future.

Mr. Hohenberger moved to award the Vault bid to CSI of Londonderry in an amount not to exceed $49,908 for the structure. Seconded by Mr. Stearns. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan said that site work bids were being sent out, and the plans would be given to the Historic District Commission for any necessary action.

FIRE DEPARTMENT SCBA COMPRESSOR BID/PORTABLE RADIO BID: Fire Chief Fruchtman reported that bids for the SCBA Compressor had been advertised in newspapers and sent to four local dealers, but only one bid had been received. He recommended that United Divers be awarded the bid in the amount of $30,065 including trade-in.

Mr. Stearns moved to award the bid to United Divers in the amount of $30,065. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed unanimously.

Chief Fruchtman said that bids for 17 Portable Radios with vehicle chargers had been sent to five local vendors. He recommended that the bid be awarded to R & R Communications in the amount of $12,212.80.

Mr. Stearns moved to award the bid for the Portable Radios to R & R Communications in the amount of $12,212.80 with a reduction in service contract costs for a period of two years. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed unanimously.

BURNING BAN: Chief Fruchtman announced that the State of NH had imposed an open burning ban until further notice.

HIGHWAY SAFETY ISSUES: Mr. Sullivan reported that the Highway Safety Committee had met on May 2nd to discuss several requests for highway safety improvements with action taken as follows:

Range Road (area of Candlewood) - Request to remove the passing zone in the area of Candlewood due to safety concerns. The committee recommended sending a letter to the State requesting that the passing zone be removed. Mr. Stearns moved and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to support the recommendation of the committee.

Beacon Hill Road - Request to review the roadway, particularly in the area of #25 and #27, for possible additional safety improvements. Requester suggested adding in blind driveway signs, speed limit signs, bus stop, or other appropriate signage, as well as possible "shaving" down the road further than has previously been done as part of the Rosewood Development.

After much discussion and an on-site inspection, the committee recommended a "blind driveway" sign in the area of #27-29. Mr. Stearns moved and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to approve a "blind driveway" sign in the area of #27-29 coming from Derry. Passed unanimously.

Barker Road - Request to install speed limit signs and/or "slow children sign" on road. Concern was the use of Barker Road as a cut-through to Castle Hill and Mammoth Roads.

The committee did not support installation of any signage on this road as "slow children" signs are unenforceable and the speed limit signs would not be effective due to shortness of road. Police Chief Moeckel said they are aware of the problem and discussions are being held to consider a town-wide speed limit. Mr. Stearns and Mr. Cassidy (Barker Rd) recommended that the corner at Mammoth Road be squared off to stop the speeding problems. No permanent action was taken at this time.

Route 28 (area of Cyr Lumber and Harris Road) - Request to install "No Parking" signs on Route 28 to prevent night parking of trucks along side of road waiting for deliveries to area businesses.

The committee felt that this issue might be short term as the police have instructed drivers to move their vehicles and have also spoken to the area businesses about this concern. The committee agreed to send a letter to the requesting party advising them to contact the NH DOT in writing with their request, as Route 28 is a State road. No action required by the Board.

OTHER HIGHWAY ISSUES: Ms. Webber questioned if any action had been taken to remove the "No Parking" signs on Cobbett's Pond Road. Mr. Sullivan said the committee would consider this issue in the future.

Mr. Hohenberger recommended that the passing zone on Range Road near the intersection of Lowell Road be removed at the same time as the area of Candlewood Road.

Mrs. Crisler said she had complaints about parking on Hayes Hart Road where cars are blocking driveways and out-of-state cars are being observed. She wondered if cars were being towed according to signage or parking fines being imposed.

Chief Moeckel said this short stretch of road creates a good deal of action by the department, but felt entire length of road should not be posted. He said the department was aware of the problems and extra patrols would be in the area at this time of year. He also said they were in the process of revising their summons and parking fine fees.

Wayne Ulaky, Hayes Hart Rd, gave a brief background of the boat ramp and thanked the Town and Police departments for their efforts in making the conditions in the area more acceptable. He indicated, however, that there were problems after sunset with persons using the area for surreptitious reasons rather than boating or fishing. He recommended that increasing the parking fines could be a curtailment to this problem as persons have told him that a $10 parking fine was no big deal.

Jim Homsey, Hayes Hart Rd, also thanked the police for doing a good job in the area and supported an increase in the parking fine. He also noted that boats are being launched at the ramp by out-of-towners who do not park on the road.

Ms. Webber suggested that a key system for Windham residents only could be considered.

MINUTES: Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to approve the minutes of April 23rd. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Ms. Webber announced that Dispatcher Barbara Sealock was retiring as of June 1st. Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to accept Ms. Sealock's notice of retirement with regrets. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: Town Beach Trees - A discussion was held on removal of the trees at the Town Beach. Mr. Sullivan advised that the arborist's report was confidential at this time. It was agreed that the sand around the base of the trees should be removed to prevent rotting. Mr. Turner said that a permit from the State was not needed to remove the damaged trees that are a safety hazard at the Town Beach only.

Church Road - Mr. Sullivan reported that the NH DOT had re-inspected the Church Road culvert this morning. They found that the pipe was structurally sound and a temporary fix would allow the road to be reopened. The following options were presented for consideration:

Temporary fix to open road now. Dig up pipe part way, install new fill, Compact and pave. $ 4,000 $ 0
Twin 48-inch pipe installation beside existing pipe, with new concrete wing walls. 40,000 0
Arched Culvert 5 ft by 12 ft, replace existing 48-inch culvert. 80,000 64,000
Box Culvert 5 ft by 10 ft, replace existing 48-inch culvert. 90,000 72,000

Mr. Sullivan explained each option and recommended that the Town do the temporary fix and open the road to one-way traffic from Route 111 only. He also recommended that the former Road Agent be hired to do the work. Mr. Turner said the temporary fix should be good for approximately two months, but substantial rain will still cause a washout. Mr. Turner also said that the State had not placed a load limit on the road.

Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to authorize the temporary fix of the culvert on Church Road as soon as possible and to open the road to one-way traffic from Route 111, and authorize the former Road Agent to do the work in the amount of $4,000. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Mendozza supported the temporary fix. He said he would be meeting with the State DOT about North Policy Street in the near future.

Mr. Sullivan asked the Board for their opinions on the permanent repairs to the Church Road culvert. He suggested that the Arched Culvert option be considered and the pipe purchased from a local vendor. He said that site work would go out to bid. He noted that there was no definite guarantee of reimbursement from the State.

Mr. Sullivan explained that Stephen Keach, CE, had not completed his report of the project as he was waiting for the Board's decision on what type of repairs would be made. It was agreed to have Mr. Keach meet with the Board at a future meeting.

Ms. Webber asked the Board if any action would be taken concerning the damage to the walls at Farrwood and Cobbett's Pond Roads. She said Mr. McCartney concurred that damage on the left side of the wall was the Town's liability, and the other side was the State's problem. Mr. Sullivan said that this could be discussed at a workshop next week.

NEW BUSINESS: Chief Moeckel informed the Board that Irwin Motors had notified him that the new cruisers were in. He said they had offered a trade-in of $7,000, which is more than normally received with sealed bid sales. With the trade-in savings, he said this would enable him to trade-in the detective's car and replace it with a 1999 Lumina.

Mr. Stearns moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to support the Chief's recommendation to trade-in the cruisers and trade-in the detective's car for a 1999 Lumina. Passed 3 to 1, with Mr. Hohenberger opposed.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Hohenberger moved and Mr. Stearns seconded to go into Non-public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa and IIc. Roll call vote - all members - Yes. Mr. Moeckel was present for the first session on personnel and Mr. Fruchtman was present for the second session. Mr. Sullivan and the Board were present for all sessions.

Personnel #1. Mr. Moeckel recommended the hiring of a new dispatcher to fill the vacancy of Dispatcher Sealock who is retiring. Mr. Hohenberger moved to accept the recommendation based on background and physical. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Personnel #2. Mr. Fruchtman requested the Selectmen's approval to test a new 24-hour shift schedule for the Fire Department for a temporary basis. The Board was in agreement to do this on a limited trial basis.

Reputations. The Board and Mr. Sullivan discussed several tax deeding issues. No decisions were made.

Reputations. Mr. Hohenberger moved to approve a Hardship abatement. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine Keefe

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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