APRIL 23, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT: Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler, Christopher Doyle, Roger Hohenberger and Galen Stearns. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was excused. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Margaret Crisler announced that the Woman’s Club will hold a Yard Sale on Saturday, April 28st at the Town Hall.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler stated that the Recreation Committee had met and Mr. Farmer, Chairman, would report later in the meeting.

Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board began a hearing on the Klemm’s project and it will be continued at their first meeting in May. She also explained that it is not permitted to lobby Planning Board members on a matter before them. They are acting as a jury and are not permitted to discuss the pending matters. She noted that residents can come to the hearings and voice their opinions and concerns.

Ms Webber reported that she and Mr. Hohenberger attended the Griffin Park Committee meeting and the committee is on the agenda later this evening for an update.

Ms Webber reported that the Historic/Heritage Commission met and Patrick Schena was elected Chairman. They also discussed the LCHIP grant, Church Road culvert and storage of historic files.

Mr. Doyle reported that he and Mr. Hohenberger attended the meeting with Adelphia. Mr. Hohenberger stated that digital service should begin in June or July.

BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE: Ms Webber noted that the Town contacted all local banks for a quote for a bond for 1 or 2 years for $114,182.00 to purchase the Wilson property as approved at Town Meeting. Two quotes were received. Citizen’s Bank: 5.1% for one year and 5.2% for two years and First Essex: 6% for period not to exceed two years. Mr. Doyle motioned to accept the quote from Citizen’s Bank for one year at 5.1%. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Mr. Hohenberger questioned CIP funding. Passed unanimously. Mr. Hohenberger still expressed concern that funding might not be there for the one year period. The Board agreed to reconsider if funding wasn’t sufficient. (After research, funding was available and motion was not reconsidered.)

ROGER’S FIELD: Charles McMahon, President of the Windham Baseball/Software League, presented a letter to the Board informing them of a possible danger at Roger’s Field. The Board of Directors requested that the Town conduct a safety assessment immediately to determine the health of the remaining trees and the removal of any questionable branches. He noted that a tree fell over third base last year.

The Board discussed this request and the possibility of including funds in next year’s budget to assess the trees on all town facilities. Mrs. Crisler discussed hiring a tree warden. Mr. Stearns motioned to contact a forester to assess the trees at Roger’s Field. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

PUBLIC HEARING - DONATION: The Board held a public hearing in accordance with RSA 31:95-e, to consider the donation to the Town of services to paint the interior of the old Fire Station. E. L. Dolye & Sons Inc. offered to apply to all walls - two coats of latex primer and finish latex paint and apply to all woodwork - two coats of latex primer and latex finish paint. The town will supply the paint. Mr. Stearns motioned to accept the generous donation for the interior painting (labor) at the old Fire Station from E. L. Doyle & Sons. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

REMOVAL OF TREES AT TOWN BEACH: Frank Farmer, Chairman of Recreation, opened the discussion for the removal of trees from the town beach. He suggested that the pines, which have shallow root systems, be removed and possibly replaced with stronger trees. Mr. Hohenberger asked if the arborist’s report from last year was available - it was not. Mr. Stearns stated that the arborist stated that the sand that was brought into the beach was extremely bad for the trees and he felt we should be proactive and remove the trees covered by sand. Mrs. Crisler agreed that sand does hurt the trees. Ms Webber wanted the base of the trees checked as she feels the beach needs shade. Mr. Stearns and Mrs. Crisler stated that shade could be provided in other ways than trees and did not want a repeat of last year’s tragedy.

Gail Webster, Dennis Butterfield, Robert Coole and Maz DeLuca spoke on the issue. Mrs. DeLuca suggested that the Board check the Shoreland Protection Act and RSA 485-A:17 before cutting any trees. She also stated that there is a loon nest in the trees on the side of the beach.

The Board agreed to check further before taking any action.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to accept the minutes of April 9, 2001 as presented. Passed unanimously.

Road Bond Release - Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve the partial release on the road bond for Sheffield and Cochran Farm Roads in the amount of $474,271.00 to Mesiti Development LLC. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

The First Quarter Report from the Transfer Station was received and read.

A thank you letter was received from the Wallace Family for the Town’s help during a recent storm.

Chief Fruchtman explained that permits are required for any open burns. The department issues these permits at no cost. Residents need to call the day they plan to burn to check conditions. Leaves cannot be burned at any time.

Chief Fruchtman also warned residents that the pond and lake waters are still very cold. He also stated that the department has flotation devices in all sizes which can be borrowed.

In accordance with RSA 41:9A, the Board of Selectmen opened the public hearing for the purpose of amending the fee charged for a Town Beach permit as follows:
Present Fee - $25/family
Proposed Fee - No Cost for Permits

Mr. Farmer, Recreation Chairman, explained that it costs the Town approximately $39,000.00 to operate the beach each year and the income from the permits is approximately $12,000.00. He stated that as the residents initially purchased the beach and have also been paying for passes each year. He stated, if the fee were abolished, residency would still be verified and passes issued.

Mr. Stearns stated he was in favor of not charging as he feels it is double taxation. Mr. Hohenberger stated he favors user’s fees and feels payment advocates responsibility. Ms Webber stated she agreed with Mr. Hohenberger. Mrs. Crisler stated that although she agrees with user fees for business purposes, she agrees with Mr. Stearns but was concerned about the budget impact this year if the fees were not collected. Mr. Stearns stated that the fees were a revenue and thus would not affect this year’s budget.

Gail Webster, Tom Case and Lil Murphy spoke in favor of keeping the fee. Bob Coole, Frank Farmer and Charlie McMahon spoken in favor of rescinding the fee. Mr. Turner suggested the fee be put into a fund for additional land acquisition in the area, improved drainage or water quality improvement.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to rescind the $25 family fee and $15 senior citizen fee for the beach and to continue to have recreation verify residency and issue passes. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed 3-2 with Mr. Hohenberger and Ms Webber opposed.

Frank Farmer of the Griffin Park Committee, gave the following update on the park. The ground is still too wet to start work. No expenditures have been made since the last update. The Conservation Commission is meeting on April 24th to consider the dredge permit. After their approval, it will be sent to the State for approval. Solicitations for well pumps and pumping are out.

The Committee recommended the following priorities for expenditure of $45,000, which is the interest on the bond.
Priority One - Wood barrier along parking lot
Priority Two - Pave Walking Path

The Board discussed these priorities and finishing a baseball field. Mr. Hancock, Chairman of the Committee, explained that they are recommending the walking path to include recreation for all residents, which was the charge of the committee. Mr. Farmer stated that they have more fields this year due to the completion of school fields. Mr. Butterfield stated that if the paths were paved, they could be used by the disabled and plowed for year round use. Mr. Case spoke in favor of the committee’s recommendations.

Mr. Stearns motioned to support the Griffin Park Committee’s recommendation (Priority One and Two) as outlined above for the expenditure of the $45,000. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to accept the deed from the State of NH for the conveyance of the Railroad Right of Way. Passed unanimously.

Church Road - Mr. Hohenberger asked the status of a temporary fix for Church Road. Mr. Stearns inquired about a steel sheet as a temporary fix. Mr. Turner will follow up and obtain a formal proposal for possible temporary measures.

Ms Webber told the Board that she has contacted the State Highway Department concerning snow plow damage to the stone wall at Farrwood and Cobbetts Pond Roads. Also Wayne Bailey, Highway Agent, will review the damage.

The Board and members of the Planning Board discussed the State’s proposed improvements to I-93 and Route 111.

Mr. Doyle motioned to adjourn. Mr. Stearns seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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