APRIL 9, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT: Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler, Christopher Doyle, Roger Hohenberger and Galen Stearns. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Stearns announced that three Windham teams competing in "Destination Imagination" at the State level, won first place. He extended the Board’s best wishes for the Knoxville competition.

Mrs. Crisler stated that she had represented the Town at the grand opening of McCauley Commons - the new assisted living facility located on Searles Road.

Mrs. Crisler reminded everyone that the Garden Club will hold their annual plant sale on May 19th. They will also hold a raffle with profits going to the Nancy Surette Scholarship. She noted college scholarships are sponsored by the Garden Club, the Woman’s Club and the Lions. For more information, you can email her at the town website.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler noted that she had invited Planning Board members to attend the discussion on the planned expansion of Interstate 93 at tonight’s meeting. Mrs. Crisler noted that the Klemm project will be on the Planning Board’s agenda on April 18th. She also stated that the Planning Board rejected the Castle Reach application for 51 house lots but they will be reheard pending receipt of requested information.

Mrs. Crisler reminded everyone that Recreation is holding the annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 14th at the Town Hall from 10 am until noon.

2001 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS - SELECTMEN REPRESENTATIVES: The Board agreed to serve as Selectmen representatives on the following Town boards and committees.

Cable TV Advisory Doyle, Hohenberger(alternate)
CIP Hohenberger
CIP Alternate Webber
Forest Management Webber, Doyle (alternate)
Haz Mat District Barker - Continued
Health Advisory Doyle
Historic District Commission Webber, Doyle (alternate)
Nashua Reg. Solid Waste - Alt. Webber
Planning Board Crisler, Hohenberger(alternate)
Joint Loss Safety Committee Doyle
Welfare Overseer Stearns
Cemetery Webber
Road Agent Stearns
Police, Fire & Municipal Unions Stearns
Housing Authority Crisler, Doyle(alternate)
Technical Advisory Crisler, Stearns(alternate)
Recreation Crisler
Re-Use Committee Webber, Doyle
Griffin Park Webber, Hohenberger(alternate)

Mr. Hohenberger stated his interest in moving up to the Planning Board regular position in the future. Mrs. Crisler stated she wanted to remain on the Planning Board this year. Mr. Hohenberger suggested that Mr. Stearns represent the unions and he would take the CIP. They agreed.

MINUTES: Mr. Doyle motioned to accept the minutes of March 26th as presented. Mr. Hohenberger seconded with the following change: "Management Wage Schedule" - Mr. Hohenberger stated that although he favored a sixth step being added to the present management’s grade scale rather than adjusting the grade levels of the positions, he did support the motion to amend the current scale as recommended. Motion, as amended, passed unanimously.


Mr. Sullivan told the Board that he attended a meeting today in Bedford regarding instructions and forms for the Town to be reimbursed from the Office of Emergency Management for the snow storm on March 5 - 7th. The Town will be reimbursed up to 75% from the Federal government and possibly an additional 12.5% from the State.

Gail Webster, Cemetery Trustee, told the Board that the trustees had sent out RFPs for the grounds keeping. One bid was received. The trustees recommended that the bid be awarded to Methuen Memorial for the grounds keeping for the cemeteries for 2001. Mr. Stearns moved to award the bid to Methuen Memorial for their bid price of $ 27,200. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously. Ms Webster told the Board that the opening and closing of graves would be a separate contract and that Prescription Turf will also be under a separate contract for the lawn fertilization maintenance.

Ms Webster, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Turner and the Board discussed the proposed driveway for the new house located at the rear of the cemetery on the hill. The property owner was requesting a special exception under the town’s zoning ordinance to allow construction for their driveway and underground utilities to be 15 feet from the cemetery wall. The property owner will have to apply for a special exception to the Board of Adjustment, which has as a requirement that the exception be agreed to by both the Selectmen and Cemetery Trustees. Mr. Stearns motioned to approve the requested exception to allow the driveway and underground utility conduit be located no closer than 15 feet from the cemetery wall and to allow the driveway to be as close as 10 feet from the wall where the driveway intercepts with Range Road to a depth of 10’, contingent on approval of the Cemetery Trustees. Also, Mr. Turner is to be notified of the paving date and time. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on the renovations at the old fire station. He told the Board that with the better weather and the hiring of an additional maintenance person, the maintenance staff has been able to catch up on the renovations. Mr. Sullivan noted that he was pleased to announce that a local contractor, Doyle & Sons Painting, were donating their services to paint the inside of the building. A public hearing will be scheduled to accept this generous donation.

Ms Webster announced that the Ladies Fire Auxiliary will sponsor the annual Rabies Clinic on Saturday, April 14th at the new Fire Station from 11 am until 1 pm. Dogs may be registered at the clinic.

Mr. Sullivan read the following notice: "The Board of Selectmen will conduct a public hearing to discuss and receive public input on the following: Eliminating the ability to turn left off of Church Street onto Route 111 (Indian Rock Road), and also the ability to turn left off of Route 111 (Indian Rock Road onto Church Street".

Mr. Sullivan noted that the Highway Safety Committee had made this recommendation to the Selectmen and the Board wished to allow public input. Police Chief Moeckel noted that 6 accidents have occurred at this intersection in the past three months.

Discussion with the Board, Mr. Sullivan, Chief Moeckel and Mr. Bailey included: no left turns during certain hours, turning radius required for trucks, one way in from Route 111, traffic backup and adding a right turning lane onto Route 111 from North Lowell Road, at the traffic light at Fellows, North Lowell and Route 111 intersection. It was also noted that North Lowell Road is a state road and they need to be included in the discussion. Mr. Hohenberger asked for the traffic study discussed at the previous meeting be done before any decisions are made.

Mr. Hohenberger told the Board that Mrs. Wilton asked him to tell the Board that she was opposed to closing Church Road as access to her driveway is difficult now.

It was agreed that the traffic study would be done, Mr. Turner would consult with the State and this public hearing will continue on May 7th.

Frank Farmer, Recreation Chairman updated the Board as described below:

  • Lacrosse 48 boys and 19 girls have signed up.
  • Basketball successfully completed another season.
  • "Fiddler on the Roof" was a great and successful production.
  • The first 'contra' dance was held Friday and 50-60 attended.
  • Yoga classes are being held three times a week at Searles.
  • 3000 eggs will be hid for the Easter Egg Hunt.
  • The committee will be considering eliminating beach fees and will be back to the Board to discuss this.

Mr. Sullivan noted that the Board will discuss the possible removal of trees at the Town Beach at their meeting on April 23rd.

Frank Farmer, member of the Griffin Park Committee, gave the following update on Griffin Park for the Board.

  • Due to the snow and rain, construction has stopped until the ground dries.
  • Two solicitations were released for well pumps and well plumbing to pond and are due on April 16th.
  • Thanks were extended to Gove Environmental and Herbert Associates for their (free) work on the dredge permit process.
  • Budget - $61,000 has been paid to the general contractor since the Board’s last update.
  • The park committee will meet and make recommendations to the Board for expending the $45,000 approved at Town Meeting.

Mr. Sullivan reported that the Highway Safety Committee met and discussed the State’s proposed improvements to I 93, specifically the exits, increasing Route 111 to four lanes from I 93 to Wall Street and local access roads.

Mr. Sullivan described each option and stated that the Highway Safety Committee recommended the free flow interchange options, and supported moving Rte 111 400’ North parallel to the present Route 111 which provides for less impact on property owners.

The Board stated they were against making Route 111 a four lane road and suggested it be increased to three lanes to allow for a middle turn lane and no local access road. They expressed their concerns that the DOT is planning to have Route 111 become the east-west corridor to the Nashua circumferential highway. Mr. Stearns suggested that the barrels be moved closer together to lessen the interchange impacts to the environment and surrounding property owners.

Mr. Bailey, Mr. O’Loughlin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Morris, Mr. Case and Mr. McMahon expressed their endorsements and concerns. Mr. O’Loughllin requested the Board to ask the State to address the noise problems.

The Board agreed to send a letter to the DOT expressing their concerns as explained below:

  1. Keep the present Rt 111 with the addition of a center turning lane.
  2. Consider expanding Wall Street thru to North Lowell.
  3. Consider placing barrels closer.
  4. Noise abatement measures.

"In accordance with Section 715.8.1 of the Town of Windham Zoning Regulations, the Board of Selectmen will, as part of their regularly scheduled meeting on April 9, 2001, conduct a public hearing to consider the following: revisions to Section 715.9.1 of the Town of Windham Zoning Ordinance, Impact Fees for Windham Public Schools, Assessment Schedule for School Capital Facilities."

Mr. Hohenberger explained that this hearing needs to be indefinitely postponed as changes and procedures for changes need to be addressed. The Board indefinitely postponed the hearing.


Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3a and e. Roll call vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subjects were personnel and legal matters.

The Board approved two personnel evaluations.

The Board and Mr. Sullivan reviewed draft transfer deeds and suggested wording changes. Mr. Sullivan will follow up.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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