March 12, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT: Galen Stearns, Carolyn Webber, Christopher Doyle, Margaret Crisler and Roger Hohenberger. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Stearns reminded everyone to be sure to vote tomorrow at Golden Brook School from 7 am until 8 pm. He noted there is a lot on the ballot and everyone’s vote is important.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board has approved the Cyr Lumber expansion with an architectural review and the Klemm project is scheduled on the March 21st agenda.

Ms Webber reported that the Historic District/Heritage Commission met and discussed the grant application for the Bartley House, a possible grant for the old depot and accepted their new web page which will be connected to the Town website. She thanked Pat Schena for his work developing the web page.

CONSERVATION COMMISSION: I-93 Wetlands Mitigation - Cherie Howell, Conservation Chairman, explained that the planned expansion of I-93 to three lanes will pass through wetland areas. The Department of Transportation is therefore requesting possible sites for required wetlands mitigation. Ms Howell explained that the Conservation Commission has reviewed 15 possible sites in town for a recommendation to the DOT for the mitigation area.

The Conservation Commission unanimously voted to recommend to the DOT that the State purchase Castle Reach Subdivision (Phases II and III) which abuts I-93, for the mitigation area. The Commission feels this is the best selection for the following reasons:

  • Most eminent development in Windham
  • Includes Mitchell Pond which is a NH Great Pond
  • Wetland systems connecting to Mitchell Pond
  • Significant wetland and upland
  • Provides in-watershed mitigation for proposed wetland losses
  • The wildlife corridor extends from I-93 to Mitchell Pond, as indicated in the Wildlife Habitat Study.
  • One landowner for this large parcel
  • Prevents 116 new house lots and loss of 386 undeveloped acres.

Ms Howell told the Board that the DOT said that they would definitely address this recommendation and asked the Board to endorse this request and send a letter of support to the DOT.

Ms Webber motioned to send a letter to the DOT endorsing the State’s purchase of the Castle Reach area as the wetland mitigation area for the I-93 expansion project. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Mr. Hohenberger asked if there was more they could do to gain approval as this subdivision is presently before the Planning Board. He suggested contacting Senator Smith, State Senator Klemm and our local representatives for their support. Mrs. Crisler noted the traffic concerns if this development is allowed and Ms Webber noted the historic value of the land. Motion passed unanimously.

Ms Howell told the Board the following time line: March 15th, she, Jim Gove and the DOT Resource representative will walk the area and on March 21st the DOT Resource Agency will hold their monthly meeting at West Running Brook School in Derry at 4 pm and will discuss this proposal.

Mr. Michael Peterson of 60 Morrison Road spoke in favor of having the proposed parcel as the wetland mitigation area.

LCHIP Grant: Ms Howell told the Board that the Conservation Commission has applied for a NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCIP) 50/50 grant to purchase a 20 acre parcel of land which abuts town property in the Bayberry Road area.

Ms Howell stated that this parcel contains wetlands, uplands, scenic areas, recreation areas and forestland. It also has a trail leading to Griffin Park. The Conservation Fund would be used for the Town’s fifty percent match. The land was appraised a few years ago, however a new appraisal will be done. Funds will be included in the grant application for this appraisal and legal costs. The Commission is requesting the Board’s support and a letter stating so.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to endorse the LCHIP grant application and send a letter so stating. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: SNOW PLOWING ISSUES - Wayne Bailey, Highway Agent, expressed his thanks to Jack McCartney, Assistant Highway Agent, his wife and the other contractors for their hard and great work so far this season. Mr. Bailey requested that at a future date that the Board hold a workshop session to further discuss the road issues.

Mr. Bailey stated that the clearing roads is difficult work and they need public cooperation. The Board members told Mr. Bailey the questions and problems that they have heard from residents. Mr. Hohenberger reminded everyone that especially with the amount of snow received last week, clean up will take a couple days.

Mr. Bailey addressed the following subjects: parking in the traveled way and right of way (ROW); private snow removal in the ROW and roads; location and damage of mailboxes; who and when to contact with problems and sand/salt mixture.

He stated that some residents are parking their cars at the end of their driveways in the Town’s ROW and some accidents have occurred. He asked residents not to park in the ROW as it has caused damage to plows and private vehicles.

Mr. Bailey noted that at various locations in the town, snow was plowed into the roads, in some instances blocking the traveled way. There is a fine for this and causes a dangerous condition. Mr. Stearns stated that the Board needs to strengthen the ordinance to stop these practices. Mr. Bailey asked homeowners to speak to their private plowers to ensure the snow is not placed in the roads.

Mailboxes are another problem area. He assured the residents that the drivers don’t intentionally hit mailboxes, but it is often difficult to see them and sometimes the snow takes them down. Those boxes in the ROW are more easily hit and also no dangerous structures are allowed.

Mr. Bailey explained that he can be reached on his cell phone at 231-1860 to hear any road problems. He suggested that during a storm to please call within 4 to 5 hours after the snow stops, while the crews are still cleaning up.

He stated the Town uses a salt/sand mixture to protect the wells. The mix may change due to the current conditions. He asked people to slow down when the roads are snow covered.

Mr. Stearns read a letter from Raymond Raudonis, Superintendent of Schools, regarding the condition of Windham roads. He stated that he was not criticizing Mr. Bailey but felt his resources were far too limited. He requested that the Board take whatever action necessary to hire all equipment necessary and to take a long range view of the situation and put a plan in place to satisfactorily address future and present needs.

The Board, Mr. Bailey and Mr. McCartney replied that they presently have such a plan and were able to get the number of plowers desired. What they were not able to obtain were larger trucks and are presently using 5 wings, 2 large and 7 pick up trucks. Ms Webber noted that getting trucks and drivers was a statewide problem this year. Mr. Bailey noted that the school presently faxes a list of problem areas to him and they are subsequently addressed.

EASY STREET - Charles McMahon gave the Selectmen a letter explaining a drainage problem at the intersection of Easy Street and Meetinghouse Road. He asked that the appropriate parties investigate and take appropriate action. Mr. Bailey will follow up.

Mr. McMahon also voiced his support in using larger trucks or more salt (in dangerous areas) for snow removal and to keep endorsing the planning of wide roads, as is now the Town’s policy.

MINUTES: Ms Webber motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to approve the minutes of February 26, 2001 as presented. Passed 4-0-1 with Ms Crisler abstaining as she was excused from that meeting.

CORRESPONDENCE: Memo was received from Rex Norman, Town Assessor, regarding collection of Current Use taxes. He noted that in 2001, the Town will bill approximately $762,000 in Current Use taxes. This revenue goes into the Conservation Land Acquisition Fund.

OLD BUSINESS: Bartley House - Mr. Doyle asked the status of the Bartley House. Ms Webber replied that the LCHIP grant application which was prepared by David Sullivan and Ms Devlin, is now being reviewed by the Historic/Heritage Commission to be submitted by April 2, 2001. She asked for a letter of support from the Board. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to have the Board sign a letter in support of this application. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Motion passed 4-1 with Mr. Stearns opposed although he said he would sign the letter as it was the vote of the majority.

Future Building Department - Mr. Doyle then asked the status of the remodeling of the old fire station for the future building department. Mr. Sullivan stated that work is progressing and they hope to move in April. He also noted that it is possible that a local contractor may donate their painting services.

Castle Hill Bridge - Mr. Sullivan told the Board that in the past two weeks he has spoken with Mr. Pitts, Administrator in Pelham, and others in regard to the ownership of the bridge. This subject has been discussed for years. He is meeting with Mr. Pitts to review the repairs needed. Once this meeting is complete, the respective Boards will be updated. Pelham is also planning to do a traffic count and no decision will be made without the results of this survey.

Interstate 93 - Mr. Sullivan reported that he has two copies of the Scoping Report for I-93 available at the Town Hall for review. This report will be discussed at the Selectmen’s Meeting on April 9th.

NEW BUSINESS: Church Street - Mr. Sullivan stated that a Public Hearing will be scheduled for April 9, 2001 to discuss proposed turning restrictions at the intersection of Route 111 and Church Street. The proposal is to not allow left turns onto Church Street from Route 111and no left turn out of Church Street onto Route 111.

Griffin Park - Mr. Sullivan told the Board that the Griffin Park Committee asked for a televised workshop with the Board to discuss the future park plans and the Committee’s future charge. The Board agreed to do so on an upcoming Monday evening.

Searles Building Use - Mr. Sullivan told the Board of a request by a school group, Odyssey of the Mind, to use the Searles Building for two weeks to prepare for the competition. Mr. Sullivan spoke with the Historic District Commission concerning this request and it was granted with some reservations. Ms Webber explained the Historic District Commission’s concerns but was willing to have the group leader work with Mr. Barlow to ensure no problems will arise.

Impact Fees - Mr. Hohenberger requested that the Board schedule a public hearing to consider the proposed revisions to the impact fee schedule.

Town Reports - Mr. Sullivan noted that Town Reports are available at the Town Hall, Library and at the election tomorrow.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Ms Webber motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa. Mr. Doyle seconded. Roll call vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subjects were personnel.

The Board signed two department head evaluations and Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on two personnel issues.

Ms Webber motioned to adjourn. Mr. Doyle seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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