JANUARY 15, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Galen Stearns, Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler, Chris Doyle and Roger Hohenberger were present. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also in attendance. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

The Board of Selectmen held the following public hearing on the 2001 Town Budget as posted below:


The Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on the proposed Town Budget and Warrant for 2001 on Monday, January 15, 2001 at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall, in accordance with RSA 32. A second hearing, if necessary, will be held on Monday, January 22, 2001 at 7:00 pm, at Town Hall. Proposed budget figures are as follows:

General Government $ 1,411,815.00
Public Safety 2,931,025.00
Highways, Streets and Bridges 554,480.00
Sanitation 599,675.00
Health and Human Services 63,050.00
Welfare 48,500.00
Culture and Recreation 640,835.00
Debt Service 653,995.00
Capital Outlay 349,900.00
Capital Reserve 4,910.00
Property Trust Account 35,000.00
Earned Time Trust Account 30,000.00
Health Trust Account 375,000.00
Total Proposed Budget $7,698,185.00

The above proposed budget figures represent an increase of $673,801.55 from the 2000 appropriations of $7,024,383.45 or 9.592%.
The Selectmen will also address all Petition and Special Warrant Articles including:

    (1) $ 60,000 for repairs to the Searles Building - funding to come from Searles Revenue Fund - no cost for 2001

    (2) $ 45,000 for Griffin Park improvements - funding to come from 2000 fund balance representing the interest earned on the Griffin Park bond.

    (3) $ 5,000 for cost associated with marketing the Searles Building - funding to come from Searles Revenue Fund.

    (4) $600,000 petition to raise funds to complete Griffin Park

If all special articles are approved (total $650,000*) the budget will increase by $1,323,801.55 or 18.846%. Total budget for 2001 would then be $8,348,185.

The total budget increase, after taking into account the use of $45,000 from the Griffin Park Bond interest, and $5,000 from the Searles Revenue Fund, would actually be $1,273,801.55 or 18.134%. The total budget without the $50,000 from other sources would be $8,298,185

A revised posting notice was explained updating some of the articles to be considered as follows:

    Capital Outlay - changed from $349,900 to $235,718.00

    Total Proposed Budget - changed from $7,698,185 to $7,584,008

    Adding a petitioned article for Conservation Funding of $220,000

    Amending the Searles Building repairs article from $60,000 to $99,000

The changed noted above to the operating budget represent an increase of $559,624.55 from the 2000 appropriations of $7,024,383.45 or 7.967%. If all special articles are approved (total $870,000) the budget will increase by $1,429,619.55 or 20.352%. Total budget for 2001 would then be $8,454,008.

The total budget increase, after taking into account the use of $45,000 from the Griffin Park Bond interest, and $5,000 from the Searles Revenue Fund, would actually be $1,379,619.55 or 19.641%. The total budget without the $50,000 from other sources would be $8,404,008

Mr. Sullivan gave a presentation explaining the overall budget and highlighting the areas of increases in all departments. Following this the Board explained each area and addressed any questions. As part of the discussions, the Board made the following motions on the 2001 Budget:

Article 7 - Conservation Commission - $5,760 - Ms. Webber moved to RECOMMEND the article, Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed unanimously

Article 24 - Operating Budget - $7,437,620 - Mr. Hohenberger moved to amend the article by adding $3,000 to the Recreation budget for the purposes of providing funds to donate to the Windham Community Band. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Amendment passed 5-0. Ms. Webber moved to RECOMMEND the article as amended at $7,440,620. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed unanimously.

Article 10 - Langdon Road / Route 111A improvements - $35,000 - Mrs. Crisler moved to RECOMMEND the article. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed unanimously.

Article 12 - Town Vault - $70,000 - Mr. Hohenberger moved to RECOMMEND the article. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed unanimously.

Article 15 - Fire Apparatus CRF - $4,910 - Mr. Doyle moved to RECOMMEND the article. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed unanimously.

Article 8 - Conservation Commission Petition - $220,000 - Mrs. Howell made a presentation in support of the petition. Members of the public spoke both in favor of the expenditure and against. Many of those that spoke against where in support of purchasing land, but felt this year was not the time for the request. Speakers included Tom Case, Tom Seniow, Wayne Morris, J. Gross, Bob Skinner, Alan Carpenter, Gerry Capron. After discussion, Mr. Hohenberger moved NOT TO RECOMMEND the article. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed 4-1 with Mrs. Crisler opposed.

Article 13 - Use of Griffin Park Interest - $45,000 - Mrs. Crisler moved to RECOMMEND the article. Seconded by Mr. Doyle. Passed unanimously.

Article 14 - Griffin Park Petition - $600,000 - Mr. McMahon made a presentation in support of the petition. Members of the public spoke in support and against, members of the Griffin Park Committee explained what was left to be completed in Phase One (base preparation) and in Phase Two, which would be covered by the petitioned article. Speakers included Rick Hancock, Tom Case, Betty Dunn, Gail Webster, Bob Skinner, Dennis Butterfield. Mr. Doyle moved to recommend. No second. Motion failed due to lack of a second. Mr. Hohenberger moved to NOT RECOMMEND. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed 4-1 with Mr. Doyle opposed.

Article 5 - Bond Hearing to purchase lot 11-A-300 (land next to Transfer Station) - The public hearing notice was read into the record. Mr. Stearns explained the article. Mr. Hohenberger spoke about the need for 60% approval. Those who spoke included Tom Case and Wayne Bailey. All involved discussed the present Board's intent not to site a salt shed on the land, but that this would be determined by future boards and town meetings. Possible usages include storage for town equipment and expansion of the transfer station. Mr. Hohenberger moved to RECOMMEND the article with the additional language "excluding a salt shed" following the words "future municipal expansion purposes". Seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed unanimously.

Article 19 - Use of Searles Revenue Fund - $5,000 - Those who spoke on the article included Tom Case. Ms. Webber moved to RECOMMEND article. Seconded by Mr. Doyle. Passed unanimously.

Article 20 - Use of Searles Revenue Fund to renovate West Room of the Searles Building - $99,000 (to be bonded and paid out of Searles Special Revenue Fund). Mr. Doyle moved to RECOMMEND article. Mrs. Dunn explained the intent of the article to use the revenue from the Searles Revenue Fund to pay the annual payments of the loan. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed unanimously.

Article 9 - Conservation Petition Designate 3-B-1500 as Conservation Land - Mrs. Crisler moved to RECOMMEND article. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed 4-1 (Mr. Doyle opposed).

Article 9A - Conservation Petition Designate 3-B-375 as Conservation Land - Mrs. Crisler moved to RECOMMEND article. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed 4-1 (Mr. Doyle opposed).

Article 6 - Hearing of reports - Mrs. Crisler moved to RECOMMEND article. Seconded by Mr. Doyle. Passed unanimously

Article 11 - Leasing parts of 21-W-2 and 21-W-6 - Mr. Webber moved to RECOMMEND article as amended with lot # change. Seconded by Mr. Doyle. Passed unanimously.

Article 16 - Discontinue use of cul-de-sac on Nottingham Road - Ms. Webber moved to RECOMMEND article. Seconded by Mr. Doyle. Passed unanimously.

Article 17 - Purchase of Highway Vehicle - Mrs. Crisler moved to RECOMMEND article. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed 4-1.

Article 18 - Change purpose of Searles Revenue Fund - Ms. Webber moved to RECOMMEND article. Seconded by Mr. Doyle. Passed unanimously.

Article 21 - Easement over town land 17-I-49 - Mr. Doyle moved to RECOMMEND article as amended (language change). Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed unanimously.

Article 22 - Lowell Road bike paths - Mr. Doyle moved to RECOMMEND article with amended language to eliminate reference to size of bike paths. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed unanimously.

Article 23 - Acceptance of Rockingham Recreation Trail - Ms. Webber moved to RECOMMEND article. Seconded by Mr. Doyle. Passed 4-1 (Mr. Hohenberger opposed)

Article 25 - Other business article - Mr. Doyle moved to RECOMMEND article. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle moved to adjourn at 10:15 pm. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed unaimously.

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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