JANUARY 8, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT: Galen Stearns, Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler and Roger Hohenberger. Mr. Doyle was excused. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fire Chief Fruchtman introduced the new Deputy Fire Chief Donald Messier. Deputy Messier was accompanied by his wife and daughter. Mrs. Messier pinned the deputy badge on her husband. The Board welcomed Deputy Messier and his family. The Deputy thanked everyone for the warm welcome he has received.

Mr. Stearns announced that it is Girl Scout cookie time!

Mr. Stearns also announced that the School Board is holding open houses to show the new additions on January 21 at Middle School from 2 to 4 pm and at Center School from 3 to 5 pm.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board will hold the second public hearing on proposed zoning amendments on January 10th. Also, items before the Planning Board include Klemm's Country Store and 2 subdivisions.

MINUTES: Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve the minutes of December 27th with the following change: page 2, paragraph 2, replace "Selectmen is" with "Selectmen's". Ms Webber seconded as amended. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Memorandum from Cherie Howell, Chairman of Conservation Commission, requesting that the Commission and Board of Selectmen discuss the possible preservation of the remaining undeveloped land at Castle Reach. Mrs. Crisler noted that the Conservation Commission was holding a joint meeting with the Planning Board on January 24th.

The following petitions were received today for inclusion on the Town Meeting Warrant.

    "BY PETITION of Cherie Howell and others, "To see if the Town will vote, in accordance with RSA 80:80 (V) to retain lot 3-B-1500 and further designate said parcel as Conservation Land under the care of the Conservation Commission." Said parcel is located in the northeast corner of the Town, adjacent to Spruce Pond. Mr. Sullivan noted that this parcel is already designated as conservation land and further stated that the petition could be modified but not dismissed under Senate Bill 2.

    "BY PETITION of Cherie Howell and others, "To see if the town of Windham, New Hampshire will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $220,000.00 to be placed in the conservation fund for the future purchase of development rights, conservation easements and other land acquisitions in order to stabilize the tax base, maintain large tracts of land and to help ensure that development of additional residential subdivisions do not have a significant impact on taxes for education, fire and police."

The Board and Mr. Sullivan stressed to the residents how important attending the deliberative session of Town Meeting is, as that is where changes to the warrant can be made. The School deliberative session is February 9th and the Town deliberative session is February 10th.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Hohenberger inquired as to our replies to the DOT regarding the Route 111 By-Pass. Mr. Sullivan stated that he is still awaiting information from the DOT, showing the proposed plan and the input they need. Mr. Hohenberger stated he would like to propose some modifications.

Mr. Hohenberger also asked for updates to the impact fees. Mrs. Crisler noted that the Planning Board and School Board are holding a joint meeting on this matter.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan told the Board that Jeanette McMahon, Searles School Coordinator, had asked the Board if they wished to permit candles on the tables at an upcoming wedding. The ordinance does not allow open flames without Board approval. The Board discussed this with Fire Chief Fruchtman and the Chief agreed to have his department review the floor plan with the candles. Ms Webber motioned to approve the use of candles as table centerpieces pending the approval of the Fire Department. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Ms Webber seconded to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3,IId. Roll call vote: all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance.

Mr. Stearns stated that the Board had discussed a land issue and will move it forward to the public hearing on January 15th.

CONDOLENCES: The Board offered their sympathies to Mr. Turner on the death of his father and to Mr. Flanders on the death of his mother. Mr. Turner is the Planning Director and Mr. Flanders is the Building Inspector.

RECREATION: Frank Farmer, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, updated the Board on the formation of a lacrosse league in the spring. A flyer was distributed at Middle School.

Mr. Farmer also asked the Board about Mr. Hancock's request to be an alternate member of the Recreation Committee. The Board will take up this request in non-public session at the end of the public meeting.

GRIFFIN PARK: Frank Farmer, member of the Griffin Park Committee, presented the update on the park's construction.

  • The change order has been signed and there is no added cost.
  • Release of excess topsoil. The committee requested permission to have TF Moran quantify the amount of topsoil to be removed from the site and begin removal. After discussion, the Board decided they would act on this request when removal was imminent.
  • The amount of interest earned on the Griffin Park bond was $42,800.00 on November 30th and the figure for release of the interest could be adjusted at the public hearing.
  • Pond dredge permit - still being worked and still possible to have it issued with minimal impact.
  • Planning Board issue - Mr. Farmer asked about Planning Board minutes which included a motion for the dissolution of the Griffin Park Committee. The committee wanted to know how this matter came to be discussed at the Planning Board. Mrs. Crisler stated that a member made the motion but there was no seconded. She noted that the Board of Selectmen, not the Planning Board, have the authority to do this.
  • Mr. Farmer told the Board that the Committee respectfully denied to withdraw the resolution presented at the Board's meeting on November 23, 2000 and further requests that it be made a part of the minutes. Mr. Stearns stated that he disagrees and that he felt the resolution was not professional and the tone was offensive. He further stated that the Board's verbal and written apology should suffice and end the matter. Mr. Hohenberger and Mrs. Crisler agreed with Mr. Stearns. Mr. Stearns told Mr. Farmer that if the committee wished to discuss this further, they could submit a written memo to the Board.

Mr. Farmer asked if the Board would appoint a liaison as Mrs. Crisler has stepped down. Mr. Hohenberger and Ms Webber volunteered. Mrs. Crisler motioned to appoint Ms Webber as the liaison to the Griffin Park Committee. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

PUBLIC HEARING - AMBULANCE FEES: Mr. Stearns read the following public hearing notice. "In accordance with RSA 41:9A, the Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on January 8, 2001 at 8:00 pm at the Town Hall for the purpose of amending the fees charged for ambulance services as follows:

Current Fee Proposed Fee
BLS Rate $ 147.55 $ 151.53
BLS Mileage 5.89 6.05
ALS Base Rate 206.56 212.14
ALS Mileage 6.18 6.35
Oxygen 35.42 36.38
Airways 64.70 66.45
MAST 45.29 46.51
IV Therapy/IV Drugs 81.91 84.12
Cardiac Monitoring 111.21 114.22
Defibrillation 64.70 66.45

Ms Webber motioned to approve the new ambulance fees as proposed. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

PUBLIC HEARING - FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT FEES: In accordance with RSA 41:9A, the Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on January 8, 2001 at 8:15 pm at the Town Hall for the purpose of amending the fees charged for permits issued by the Fire Department as follows:

Permit Type Present Fee Proposed Fee
Oil Burner $5.00 $20.00
Gas Burner $5.00 $20.00
Vented Space Heater $0.00 $15.00
Un-Vented Space Heater $2.00 $2.00
Place of Assembly
    50 Person $0.00 $25.00
    50-299 $0.00 $25.00
    300 Plus $0.00 $25.00
    Temporary $0.00 $25.00
Wood/Coal Stove $5.00 $15.00
Smoke Detector Cert for Banks $0.00 $25.00
Re-Inspections $0.00 $50.00
Gas Piping $0.00 $25.00
Day Care Facilities
    Family, Group, Center $0.00 $15.00
Incident Reports
    Fire/EMS < 1 Year $2.00/page $2.00/page
Flammable Comb Liquid Storage $0.00 $50.00
Combustible Material Storage $0.00 $25.00
Flammable Finishes $0.00 $25.00
Plans Review $0.00 $0.00
Public Fireworks Display $0.00 $50.00
Underground Tank Installation
    Res. 500 gallons or more $0.00 $25.00
    Comm/Indus. 500 gallons or more $0.00 $25.00
Underground Tank Removal $0.00 $50.00
Above Ground LPG 300 Gallons or > $0.00 $25.00
Fire Alarm
    Residential $0.00 $0.00
    Commercial $0.00 $50.00
    Sprinkler System $50.00
    Automatic Fire Ext. System $25.00
    Fire Pumps $25.00
Photographs $0.00 $3.00
VCR Tape $0.00 $10.00
Exhibit and Trade Shows $0.00
Explosives-Storage/use/transport $0.00

Mr. Hohenberger stated that he is worried that residents will not use the expertise of the fire department if these fees are charged. Chief Fruchtman noted that many of these fees are for commercial systems and they would work with residents with hardships.

Line stating Blasting Bldg Dept was deleted. Re-inspections and third re-inspections were combined. Fire/EMS < 1 Year duplication removed and above ground LPG tank removal 2 lines changed to one line stated 300 gallons or >, and daycare facilities combined into one line.

Charles McMahon questioned if the Fire Department personnel had the expertise for these inspections. Chief Fruchtman noted that this education is ongoing as regulations change constantly.

Ms Webber motioned to accept the fees for the permits for the Fire Department as proposed with the removal of duplications. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed 3-1 with Mr. Hohenberger opposed.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Ms Webber motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:93, IIc. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Roll call - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance.

BUDGET WORKSHOP: The Board and Mr. Sullivan held a budget workshop.

PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Hohenberger motioned to appoint Rick Hancock as an alternate to the Recreation Committee for one year. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to request that the Planning Board to eliminate Section VI of the proposed regulations to the proposed cemetery setback ordinance. Ms Webber seconded. Passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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