DECEMBER 27, 2000

MEMBERS PRESENT: Galen Stearns, Carolyn Webber, Margaret Crisler and Roger Hohenberger. Christopher Doyle was excused. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 4:00 pm.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board will meet in workshop session to review zoning amendments this evening.

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM (CIP): Lisa Linowes, CIP Chairman, updated the Board on the CIP development. The CIP committee recommended a plan equivalent to $1.55 per $1,000 evaluation. The Planning Board made changes to the recommendation resulting in a recommended CIP plan equivalent to $1.76 per $1,000, including conservation funding in 2001 of $83,582. The CIP subcommittee is not in favor of the Planning Board recommendation.

Mr. Hohenberger spoke about the last few years and the changes in funding methodology. He felt we should be standardizing the method and keep the rate level from previous years and fund it at $1.55 (which is equivalent to the $1.75 on the older methodology of using new growth evaluation).

Ms Webber and Mr. Stearns supported the CIP subcommittee recommendations. Mrs. Crisler felt using the new growth evaluation was a wrong decision and we should stick to using the total evaluation of the Town. She was in favor of adopting the Planning Board plan and restoring the funding as originally proposed by the CIP subcommittee. She spoke in favor of purchasing conservation land and was in favor of setting funds aside for conservation.

Mr. Hohenberger moved to go to $1.55 per $1,000 and support the CIP subcommittee plan and remove all references to salt shed land and refer to the proposed land purchase as being for future municipal expansion needs. Ms Webber seconded. Passed 3-1 with Mrs. Crisler opposed.

FOOD PANTRY: Mr. Sullivan explained that the Shepherd's Pantry, located at the Presbyterian Church, will need a temporary home during the Church's renovations from April to December 2001. He recommended that the Board agree to allow the Pantry to use space in the old fire station. The Board supported Mr. Sullivan's recommendation.

IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE: Mr. Turner, Planning Director, presented a new ordinance to address the Simonsen case and provide clear authority to enact impact fees. Mr. Stearns stated he is in favor of submitting the ordinance to the Planning Board. The Board recessed to review the proposed wording.

After this review, Mrs. Crisler moved to forward this proposed zoning amendment to the Planning Board as a Selectmen is amendment with changes reflecting elimination of any reference to the Supreme Court case and adding roads under capital facilities. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

CEMETERY TRUSTEES: Ms Webber moved to forward a zoning amendment dealing with cemetery setback regulations. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

ROADS: The Board discussed the status and experience with the first two snow storms of the season. The Board felt we should continue the procedures being used. The Board also discussed the timing of the plow start times.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from Gerald Boucher, Business Administrator for the Windham Schools, requesting impact fees ($493,000) for this year. Ms Webber motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to release the requested funds. Passed unanimously.

The following petitions were accepted and forwarded to the Planning Board for deliberation and insertion into the Town Meeting Warrant.

    "To see if the Town of Windham will vote to amend Section 300 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Windham, to remove Lots 14-A-925 and 14-A-930, Mammoth Road, from the Neighborhood Business District (Section 301.4), to add Lots 14-A-925 and 14-A-930, Mammoth Road, to Rural District (Section 301.2), and to amend the Zoning District Map of the Town of Windham to reflect those changes."

    "To amend the Windham Zoning Map as to include the entire parcel known as Tax Map Parcel 8-B-5500-19042 in the "RESIDENTIAL B" zone and to remove that portion of said Tax Map Parcel 8-B-5500-19043 from "RURAL" zone to the "RESIDENTIAL B" zone.

    A third petition dealing with tower facilities and their regulations.

Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to approve the following partial road bond releases:

    Partial release of $8,475.00 to Yorkshire Realty Trust for Yorkshire Road (West) and partial release of $9,016.00 to Yorkshire Realty Trust for Yorkshire Road (East). Passed unanimously.

Request received from Rick Hancock to be appointed as an alternate member of the Recreation Committee. This appointment will be considered at the January 8th meeting.

Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on Griffin Park. He has received a petition to appropriate $600,000 to complete the park construction and the change order which had been negotiated has been executed. The impact to the construction budget was a net zero effect.

Ms Webber motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to accept the minutes of December 4, 2000 as presented. Passed unanimously.

Ms Webber motioned to adjourn. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 6:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

David Sullivan
Town Administrator

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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