October 30, 2000

MEMBERS PRESENT: Galen Stearns, Carolyn Webber, Christopher Doyle, Margaret Crisler and Roger Hohenberger. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Sullivan announced that the 2000 tax rate is $18.95, an increase of 75 cents. The breakdown is as follows: Town - $3.25 (1999 - $4.24); Local School - $8.80 (1999 - $6.81); State School - $5.78 (1999 - $6.16); County - $1.12 (1999 - $ .99). Mr. Sullivan also responded to questions on the town's surplus, and explained that $895,000 of the fund balance was applied towards the tax rate.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that a public hearing on the Master Plan was held on October 25th. A future public hearing will be scheduled for adoption of the plan. Public comments are being received through November 8th at 4 pm.

Mr. Sullivan expressed appreciation to the Planning Department staff, and Mrs. Crisler acknowledged Russ Wilder for his efforts.

MINUTES: Mr. Hohenberger moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to approve the minutes of October 16th. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Memo received from Doug Barker, EM Director, reporting that the Town had a received a check in the amount of $12,190.62 from the State Office of Emergency Management. This check is the state's 50% share of the 2000-2001 Emergency Management Assistance Grant program.

An informational update on the I-93 improvements was received. The next meeting will be held on November 9th, with a location to be announced.

BARTLEY HOUSE: Mr. Sullivan explained that the original proposal to lease the Bartley House to professional and/or business enterprises had received minimal interest, as of this date. The initial proposal also would have waived or lowered the rental fees for a period of time with the provision that the tenant(s) be liable for renovation costs.

Mr. Doyle felt that the Town should keep the building as a governmental facility, which would provide space for office use and storage, as well as a meeting room for town committees etc, that now work out of their homes.

Ms. Webber was impartial to the building's use, but felt it should be restored as the town's history should be preserved.

Mr. Hohenberger questioned the maintenance needs of the building when the smaller committees use it.

Mrs. Crisler felt that serious estimates to repair the building, both structurally and environmentally, should be obtained. Although she would prefer to keep it as a town facility, she felt real estate professionals should be contacted about leasing the building due to the costs involved to repair the building. Mr. Stearns concurred with her on the cost factor. Mrs. Crisler also suggested that the Building Department review the list provided by the Historic District Commission to repair the building.

Gail Webster, Cemetery Trustee Chairman, explained the space needs of the various committees etc., and urged the Board to keep the building for town use. Ms. Webster's comments were echoed by Town Treasurer Robert Skinner, and Town Clerk Joan Tuck.

Carol Pynn, Historic District Commission Chairman, explained that town use was preferred by the HDC but their main intent was to get the building restored and/or renovated. She reviewed the 1994 report of Jim Garvin concerning the needed repairs, and a repair cost in the amount of $125,000 received in 1999.

Tom Case felt the Town would show respect for the work of the volunteers by providing them a space to meet. He proposed that a plan be developed as a solution to the problem of space needs.

Mrs. Crisler expressed concern for the storage of town records and meetings in individual homes, but felt that office space should not be provided for volunteer committees, with the possible exception of the Treasurer.

Mr. Sullivan gave an update on the Property Maintenance Trust Fund which would have $70,000 available for the Bartley House if the CIP includes this amount for a Town Vault. If not, this amount is needed for a vault.

Mrs. Crisler moved and Ms. Webber seconded the following:

  1. talk to real estate professionals about leasing,
  2. obtain estimates from HDC and review with Building Department,
  3. schedule workshop with Board no later than the end of November.

SEARLES BUILDING: Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on the plantings around the Searles Building, according to a plan submitted by the Historic Committee in conjunction with Delahunty Nurseries. The total project cost is $6,777, however, with a $2,000 donation from Delahunty and a $1,000 donation from the Garden Club Petal grant, the Town's share will be $3,777. Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to accept the plan and waive the bid process and award the bid to Delahunty Nurseries for a town cost not to exceed $3,777. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler recognized Joanne Ago for her efforts in applying for the grant awarded to the Windham Garden Club by Shell Oil Company and the National Council of State Garden Clubs in the amount of $500, which was then matched in like amount by the Windham Garden Club.

SEARLES RENTAL REQUEST: Ms. Webber advised the Board that a commercial enterprise would like to use Searles Building for a $75 rental fee as opposed to the standard $150 rate. She said the Historic Committee is not in favor of this. Mrs. Crisler moved to support the Committee's decision. Seconded by Mr. Doyle. Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: A letter was received asking the Board to reconsider its decision to remove the "No Thru Traffic" sign on Heritage Hill Road. Mr. Stearns felt the Board should reconsider its decision as the Planning Board made it a condition of approval for the subdivision. Mr. Hohenberger questioned the Planning Board's authority to regulate the road signage.

Mr. Schmidt said the signs were recommended by Mr. Turner, CEO, and supported by the Planning Board for safety reasons, to be placed at Lowell Road and Castle Hill Road entrance to Heritage Hill Road. Mr. Hohenberger moved to place signs on undeveloped portions of Heritage Hill Road and ask Highway Safety Committee to review road for possible signage. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Ms. Webber moved and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to award the bid for an engineering plotter for the Planning Department to Charrette Inc in the amount of $7,800 which includes installation, training and a two-year on-site maintenance agreement. Passed unanimously.

Two bids were received for an F350 4 x 4 pickup - Grappone Ford of Nashua, $31,315; Newman Ford of Salem, $30,021. Mrs. Crisler moved and Mr. Doyle seconded to award the bid for an F350 4 x 4 pickup for the Highway Department to Newman Ford in the amount of $30,021. Passed unanimously.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Doyle made to a motion to go into Non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3-c and e. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Roll call vote - all members - Yes. The subjects were personnel and legal matters.

Legal - The Board, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Turner, Ms. Webster and Mrs. Moe were present. The discussion concerned a building permit and Mr. Sullivan will follow-up with Town Counsel.

Personnel - Ms. Webber moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to hire a full-time laborer for the maintenance department pending physical and background reports. Passed 4 to 0, with Mr. Doyle recusing himself due to a conflict of interest.

WORKSHOP: The Board held a budget workshop.

Mr. Doyle moved and Mrs. Crisler seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

David Sullivan / Elaine Keefe
Town Administrator / Administrative Secretary

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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