OCTOBER 16, 2000

MEMBERS PRESENT: Galen Stearns, Christopher Doyle, Margaret Crisler and Roger Hohenberger. Carolyn Webber was excused. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Margaret Crisler announced that the Women's Club is holding their annual coat drive on November 4th at the Town Hall from 9 am until noon. All coats collected will be donated to various charities.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Hohenberger reported that the Master Plan is complete and the Public Hearing on it will be held on October 25th. He invited everyone to attend to discuss the plan.

MINUTES: Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to accept the minutes of the September 25th meeting as written. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from the Rockingham Planning Commission inviting residents to participate in a series of community information meetings on the planned Portland to Boston passenger rail service scheduled to begin operating in the Spring of 2001. The meetings are: Exeter Public Library - October 18th; Plaistow Public Library, October 24th; Dover City Hall, November 1st; Kingston Town Hall, November 2nd and Durham-UNH Elliott Alumni Center, November 8th. All meetings will be from 7 - 9 pm.

Letter received from the Department of Transportation announcing a Resource Agency Meeting to review and discuss information pertaining to ridership volumes for transit modes and high occupancy vehicle lanes, and the implications these volumes have relative to the widening of I-93. The meeting will be October 18th at the West Running Brook School in Derry at 4:00 pm.

Mr. Sullivan stated that the Conservation Commission has requested a waiver of fees associated with obtaining a variance for a sign at the Landry Conservation area. Mr. Sullivan noted that they would still be required to pay for the mailings and legal ad. Mrs. Crisler motioned to waive the fee but not the other costs described above. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan stated that two letters were received from the Windham Presbyterian Church Building Committee regarding the decisions made by the Historic District Commission. The Commission approved Phase I of the Church's building project, but have denied Phases 2 and 3. The Committee asked the Selectmen's assistance to resolve this matter and to clarify the process as they feel the directions are not specific enough from the Commission.

Mr. Sullivan explained that the Historic District Commission is a land use Board and therefore the Selectmen have no jurisdiction in their hearings or decisions.

Mr. Sullivan suggested the following:

  1. The Board send a letter to the Historic District Commission suggesting that they meet with Town Council to review their procedures and policies.

  2. The Board send a letter to the Building Committee explaining that they have no jurisdiction over any land use boards, which the Commission is and that their appeal would be to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Mrs. Crisler noted that the Commission had stated that they felt the plan was too contemporary for the Historic District. She also suggested that the District was keeping their minutes as required and if any party wanted some item included, it should be provided in writing.

Notice received from Rockingham County announcing a slight increase of approximately 4.5% in the County tax rate from 1996.

Mr. Sullivan stated that the Historic Committee was requesting that the Board approve the bid (only one bid was received) for the sanding and refinishing of the floors at Searles School. Mrs. Crisler questioned the water base finish noting that she understood there are some problems with it - drying time, etc. She noted that it is more environmentally safe. Mr. Bailey, member of the Historic Committee, stated that the Committee was told by two professionals that the water base finish would be best.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to grant the bid to Floors of Distinction for a not to exceed price of $3210 with the provision that the Historic Committee consider other finishes than the water base. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Mr. Doyle stated he felt the water base stain was superior. Motion passed 3-1 with Mr. Doyle opposed.

Partial Road Bond Releases - Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to release the following partial road bonds: - Carr Hill, Coventry & Grandview Roads - release amount $235,106; Sherwood Road - release amount $6,605 and Blossom Road - release amount $6,227. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that representatives from the Department of Transportation requested a meeting with the Board to go over the plans for the proposed Route 111 By-pass. Mr. Sullivan will see if they can meet on October 30th.

Mr. Sullivan announced that Police Dispatcher, Diane Mullaney, will be retiring on November 1st. The Board and Mr. Sullivan thanked her for her service to the Town and wished her well in the future.

AUDIT REPORT: Robert Vachon, Managing Partner of Vachon & Clukay Co., reported that the Town remains in a strong financial position with strong cash balances and a substantially improved fund balance. He praised the Town for its growth in services while maintaining a low tax rate.

Mr. Vachon then gave a brief description of the new accounting procedures under GASB 34, which the Town will be required to use beginning in 2004. It was noted that this is the most far reaching overhaul of municipal accounting procedures ever and it took 12 years to develop.

The Board thanked Mr. Sullivan for his excellent budgeting as reflected in the Audit Report. Mr. Sullivan thanked the employees, department heads, his staff and Mr. Skinner, stating it was a team effort.

RAILROAD ROW: The Planning Board voted on October 11th to recommend that the railroad right-of-way deed, running east to west from Route 93 to Route 111, be accepted at a nominal cost from the State of NH. A revisionary provision for the state would be included.

PUBLIC HEARING: Mr. Stearns read the following notice. The Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing at 8:00 pm on October 16, 2000 at the Town Hall to consider the acceptance of the following roads as public roads:

  1. Nottingham Road - from station 00+00 to station 18+50

  2. Glenwood Road from station 00+00 to station 16+92

  3. Coventry Road from station 0+00 to 12+00

Mr. Sullivan told the Board that he had deeds for Glenwood and Coventry Roads and should have the deed for Nottingham by the end of the week. Mrs. Crisler motioned to accept Glenwood and Coventry Roads and conditionally accept Nottingham Road, subject to receipt of the deed. Mr. Hoghenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns noted that the following road bonds required final releases: Glenwood - $8,460; Coventry - $6,000 and Nottingham - $9,250. Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to approve final release for the road bonds as read above. Passed unanimously.

BARTLEY HOUSE: The Board agreed to postpone the discussion of this topic until their next meeting on October 30th.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Hohenberger motioned to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Roll Call Vote - all members - yes. The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subject was personnel.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to approve the hiring of a part time laborer at the Transfer Station pending successful background and medical checks. Passed unanimously.

GRIFFIN PARK UPDATE: Frank Farmer, member of the Griffin Park Committee, updated the Board on the following matters concerning the park.

The Conservation Commission signed the Dredge and Fill application and it has been sent to the State.

Mr. Hohenberger was given the budget information he requested at the last park update session.

T. F. Moran Contract Change Order - Mr. Farmer explained that the original contract was awarded in August of 1999 and due to the drainage redesign, site visits and meetings, it is necessary to increase the contract by $3,000. The Board was previously aware of this increase. Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to increase the contract with T.F. Moran from NTE $10,000 to NTE $13,000. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Farmer stated that four wells have been drilled. The contract price was NTE $31,500 and the estimated actual cost is $24,000. Construction is continuing and the soccer fields are complete with hyrdroseeding to be done this week. The baseball fields have not been started yet. The budget is in good shape.

Parking Lot - Eric Nickerson, member of the Griffin Park Committee, explained that a decision has to be made regarding the parking lot in order for it to be graded before winter. The issue is the options regarding the apple tree and if no decision is reached, the contractor will stop work. He explained the following four options.

  1. Cut the tree down - cost $0 - Schedule Slip - none

  2. Move tree - cost $8 - 10K - Schedule Slip - undetermined

  3. Redesign Park - cost $13,000 - Schedule Slip - Summer 2001

  4. Plant Cuttings/Seeds - cost $0 - Schedule Slip - none

Mrs. Crisler stated that she had spoken with UNH Extension Service and was told about grafting and seeds. She reported the service was very enthusiastic and offered to have the students do the grafting and possibly come to the Windham schools and have the students plant the seeds. Mrs. Griffin stated she hates to have the tree come down but wants to see the park completed. She also spoke with the Extension service and agrees with Mrs. Crisler.

The Board discussed delaying their decision for one week to obtain Ms Webber's input. Mrs. Crisler moved to authorize removal of the tree after cutting and seeds have been obtained. Mr. Doyle seconded. Mrs. Crisler amended her motion to have the removal conditional on Ms Webber's concurrence. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. After discussion of amendment, motion failed 2-2 with Mr. Stearns and Mr. Doyle opposed.

Mr. Doyle motioned to authorize removal of tree after cutting and seeds have been obtained. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously. Mr. Stearns stated that the Town had tried to reach Ms Webber and she was not available.

RECREATION COMMITTEE: Mr. Farmer told the Board that the Committee was requesting permission to spend up to $6,000 for a "wash" well at Tokanel Field. This item was planned for 2001, however, with the help of local sports organizations, in completing other items this year, funds remain in this year's budget. Mr. Buterfield explained a wash well. Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve installation of a well at Tokanel Field for a cost NTE $6,000. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan told the Board that the following are agenda items in the near future:

    Rockingham Railway Beds
    Removal of Additional Trees at the Town Beach
    Bike Paths
    Department Head Workshops
    Public Hearing on Fire Fees

Mr. Sullivan announced that the Board at their workshop on October 2nd , approved the hiring of Jack McCartney as assistant road agent. Mr. McCartney will begin work on October 23rd.

WORKSHOP: The Board met in a workshop session to discuss the job descriptions for road agent and assistant road agent. This discussion will be continued next week.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to adjourn. Mr. Doyle seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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