SEPTEMBER 11, 2000


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Galen Stearns, Carolyn Webber, Christopher Doyle, Margaret Crisler and Roger Hohenberger.  David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present.  Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Mrs. Crisler  stated that the Apple Festival, which is sponsored by the Women’s Club, Community Band and Garden Club, will be held at Golden Brook School on September 24th.

Mr. Stearns reminded everyone to vote in the primary tomorrow.

LIAISON REPORTS:  Margaret Crisler stated that the Planning Board and the Technical Advisory Committee will have a joint meeting concerning town use of  the Geographic Information System (GIS).

Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board is still very busy and that a public hearing will be held on the Castle Reach sub-division.

Ms Webber reported that the Capital Improvement Committee (CIP) has been meeting with the department heads to review their upcoming requests.  She further reported that the Historic District Commission approved Phase I of the proposed addition to the Presbyterian Church but did not approve Phases II and III.

Mr. Hohenberger announced that the NH DOT will hold an Advisory Task Force Meeting on the widening of I-93 from the state line in Salem to the I-93/I-293/NH 101 split in Manchester (discussion relative to ridership volumes for alternative modes of travel) at the McLaughlin Middle School on Thursday, September 14th at 6:00 pm.  He further noted that the DOT has scheduled a Resource Agency Meeting on Wednesday, September 20th at the West Running Brook School, in Derry at 4:00 pm.

HIGHWAY SAFETY ISSUES:  Mr. Sullivan presented the following Highway Safety issues and the recommendations of the Highway Safety Committee.

1.       Easy Street – Request to reconsider installation of “30 mph Speed Limit” signs at the top  and bottom of  Easy Street as it intersects with Blossom and Meetinghouse Roads.  The Committee recommended this at the August 7th meeting but the Selectmen denied the request.  The Committee subsequently received a petition from the residents to reconsider this request.  The Committee voted to reaffirm its support.  Ruth-Ann Calandra spoke in favor of the residents’ request and pointed out many unnecessary or wrong signs in Town.  Mr. Case and Mr. Bailey also commented favorably on this request.

Mr. Hohenberger motioned to approve the installation of 2 speed limit signs on Easy Street as requested.  Mrs. Crisler seconded.  Ms Webber noted that we can put up more signs but police enforcement is needed.  She suggested establishing police quotas, however the other Board members were not interested.  Motion passed  unanimously.  Ms Webber asked Mrs. Calandra to provide Mr. Sullivan with a list of the signs that were unnecessary or wrong.

2.       Morrison Road – Request to install a “Horse Crossing” and          “Sharp Curve” signs near the curve before 52 Morrison Road.  The Committee voted unanimously to recommend these signs, with their exact location to be determined by the Road Agent and Police Chief.   Mr. Hohenberger motioned to approve this request.  Ms Webber seconded.  Passed unanimously.

3.       Londonderry Road at Kendall Pond Road Intersection – Request to reconsider alternative safety measures such as speed limit signs, four way stop signs, blinking light, etc.  The Selectmen, at their last meeting, approved the “Sharp Curve” signs but wished to review the area prior to any other approvals.  The Committee continues to support installation of the 30 mph speed limit signs in the area.

The Board and Mr. Bailey discussed various signage and options. Also,  Mrs. Carreiro and Mr. Case made suggestions.  Mr. Hohenberger moved to approve the placement of a curve sign with the downgrade symbol, 30 mph speed limit sign near the Londonderry town line,  a chevron and a warning sign for the upcoming stop sign on Kendall Pond Road.  Placement of the signage to be done at the discretion of the Road Agent and Police Chief.  Ms Webber seconded.  Passed 4 – 1 with Ms Webber opposed to the warning sign. 

4.       Balmorra Road – Request to install “Children at Play” sign due to concern with traffic coming off Route 111 and approaching the neighborhood setting at a high speed.  The Committee recommends the sign given the transition from Route 111, however, the vote was not unanimous.  Board members, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Bailey discussed various options such as: speed bumps, speed humps, 3 way stop and the proposed sign.  Mr. Case noted that he felt the “Children at Play” sign would not have any impact beyond the initial placement.  Ms Webber motioned to deny the request for this sign.  Mr. Doyle seconded.  Passed 4-1 with Mrs. Crisler opposed as she voted with the committee’s recommendation.

PROPOSED LAND SWAP – In accordance with Article 10 of the 2000 Town Meeting, this land swap would transfer lot 24-F-400 (owned by the Town) for equal acreage of lot 24-F-150 (owned by RJR Development).  Mr. Sullivan noted that the Planning and School Boards are in favor of this swap and the Conservation Commission will give their input tonight.

Al Turner, Planning Director,  explained maps which depicted the proposed swap and how the swap would affect development and  add to the present school land, making it contiguous. 

Cherie Howell, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, told the Board that the Commission voted in favor of the swap but that this vote was not unanimous.  Ms Howell explained the pros and cons the Commission discussed which included protection of the wildlife corridor, concern about future roads and how it may speed up development and who the deed would be held by (school or conservation).

Mr. Horrigan, Chairman of the School Board, spoke in favor of the swap and noted that there is a potential that a new school may be needed in 10 to 12 years and the State looks at the amount of land available and this addition would help.  He asked if the school could be on the deed.  Mr. Stearns explained that the Town vote was for conservation and in order for this to be changed, another town meeting vote would be required.  Mr. Hohenberger asked Mr. Horrigan about possible development and use of trails on this land as the School Board has historically been opposed.  Mr. Horrigan did not feel this would be a problem. 

Mr. Hohenberger motioned to approve the proposed land swap with Town Counsel preparing the deed.  Mrs. Crisler seconded.  Passed unanimously.

NASHUA ROAD IMPROVEMENTS – A memo was received from Wayne Bailey, Interim Road Agent, to expend available road dollars on improvements to Nashua Road.  Mr. Bailey explained that on Nashua Road in the Foster’s Pond area, the south side of the road is losing its integrity.  Several years ago when work was done on the road, the utility poles were there and the edges were not repaired.  The poles have now been removed and the edges can be repaired.  The Board agreed to postpone this request until their next meeting to allow them to check the road.

PUBLIC HEARING – The Board of Selectmen held a public hearing to consider the acceptance of portions of Nottingham, Camelot and Aberdeen Roads and Bradford Road in its entirety.

Mr. Doyle  motioned to accept the portion of Nottingham Road known as station 17 + 50 to station 30 + 30.  Mrs. Crisler seconded.  Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to accept Bradford Road in its entirety, subject to deeding.  Ms Webber seconded.  Passed unanimously.  Mr. Case questioned a possible easement violation and was informed it was being handled.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to accept Camelot and Aberdeen Roads from station 0 + 0  to 6 + 40 subject to deeding.  Ms Webber seconded.  Mr. Case questioned the area, ditch lines and noted a bush with branches in the ROW.  Motion passed unanimously. 

REQUEST TO REMOVE TREES AT TOKENAL FIELD AND SEARLES SCHOOL – Mr. Sullivan told the Board that two oak trees at Tokenal Field are in bad shape and need to be removed.  Ms Webber stated that she would like an expert opinion before any trees were removed.  Mr. Hohenberger and Frank Farmer (Recreation Chairman) stated that the smaller of the trees was definitely dead.  The Board agreed to table this request until next meeting to have the large tree examined. 

Mr. Sullivan also told the Board that the Historic Committee has voted to request to have two evergreens located in front of Searles School removed.  Mr. Hohenberger motioned to have the evergreens removed contingent on approval from the Historic District Commission.  Mr. Doyle seconded.  Passed unanimously.

GRIFFIN PARK UPDATE -  Frank Farmer, spokesman for the Griffin Park Committee, gave the Board an update on the following items:  DES site visit, CIP presentation, schedule, change order, dredge permit and the hydroseeding contract award.

DES site visit was held on August 22nd.  Mr. Spaulding (DES) was pleased with the stabilization of the site and instructed the contractor for future work.

CIP Presentation – Mr. Butterfield made the CIP presentation for $600,000 for Phase II.

Schedule – Soccer Field  – September to October; Baseball Areas – September  to October; Facility Area – October to November and Parking Lot to commence in November.  Work will continue until winter shut down.  The first well did not work and they are hopeful for the second.  The irrigation contract should commence in September and with the approval of the hydroseeding contract tonight, seeding will be done as areas are ready.  Ms Webber requested a plan for the parking lot, including the Baldwin apple tree, before the work is begun.

Change Order – Mr. Farmer noted that there has been a change in personnel at TF Moran and Dave Jordan is now in charge of this project.  They are awaiting final detailed costs and hope to have them for the next meeting.   

Dredge and Fill Permit – Mr. Farmer told the Board that on August 30th Mr. Sullivan signed the application for the Dredge and Fill permit and on September 1st, Jim Gove walked the site with two members of the Conservation Commission.  The Conservation Commission did not sign the permit application as they felt  the work was not necessary.  The Griffin Park Committee feels the work is necessary for the safety of residents at the Park and to clean the water.  The Committee therefore requested the Board’s endorsement of the work and to allow them to meet with Conservation to obtain their approval.  Mrs. Crisler motioned to endorse the permit and support having the park committee meet with the Conservation Commission to obtain their approval for the Dredge and Fill permit.  Mr. Doyle seconded.  Passed unanimously.

Hydroseeding Contract – Mr. Farmer told the Board that the committee recommended awarding the hydroseeding contract to Gordon Company per their bid.  Mr. Hohenberger motioned to award the hydroseeding contract to Gordon Company for a unit price of $.028 per square foot for field seed, a unit price for hay mulch of $250 per ton and a unit price for annual/winter rye of $.005 per square foot.  Ms Webber seconded.  Passed unanimously.

Mr. Case questioned the removal of pipes from the site that day, however, the committee members had already left.

MINUTES – Ms Webber motioned to accept the minutes of August 7th as presented.  Mrs. Crisler seconded.  Passed 4-0 (Mr. Doyle was not present).

CORRESPONDENCE – Notice received from the Nesmith Library that Edward Richards has resigned from his position as Library Trustee and they requested that the Board appoint Murray Levin to fill this slot until the election in March.  Mrs. Crisler motioned to appoint Dr. Levin as a library trustee until the March 2001 election.  Ms Webber seconded.  Passed 4-0 (Mr. Doyle was not present.)   Mr. Hohenberger expressed the Board’s thanks to Mr. Richards.

Road Bond Releases:  Mrs. Crisler motioned to release the final bond amount of $9,250 to Ashwood Homes for Nottingham Road from station 0 + 00 to 18 + 50, subject to receipt of deed and formal road acceptance.  Ms Webber seconded.  Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to release $206,321 and retain $537,285 to H & B Homes for the bond for Carr Hill, Coventry and Grandview Roads.  Ms Webber seconded.  Passed unanimously.

Letter received from Maria Webber expressing her  thanks and praise for the Senior Picnic held earlier this year.

Memorandum received from Doug Barker requesting signature of the Annual Concurrence form which the State Office of Emergency Management requires.  Signature certifies that the Board is aware of our EM plan and concur that it is up to date.  The Board signed the form.

Mrs. Crisler motioned for David Sullivan to serve as Windham’s voting member for the NHMA Legislative Committee.  Ms Webber seconded.  Passed unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS – Sewage Study – Canobie and Shadow Lakes.  The Board discussed this request for a sewage study for Windham’s properties on Canobie and Shadow Lakes in conjunction with the Town of Salem for a cost of $2,500 at their last meeting and tabled it pending information from the Planning Board and Conservation Commission.

Mr. Sullivan reported that the Planning Board supports the study, however the Conservation Commission does not support it as they feel Windham’s soil-based lot sizing is effective and working well.  The Board discussed the pros and cons of participating in the study, noting they were not in favor of a sewer system and do not feel it is need.  However, some members felt the information in the study may prove useful in the future.  Ms Webber stated that she felt the Planning Board should develop a plan for monitoring the quality of water in our lakes, ponds and streams.    Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve $2,500 for the Sewage Study for Canobie and Shadow Lakes.  Mr. Doyle seconded.  Passed 3-2 with Ms Webber and Mr. Hohenberger opposed.

Mr. Sullivan reminded the Board and all volunteers of the training seminar entitled “Conflict Resolution and Team Building” on September 28th at the Fire Station Training Room from 6:30 to 9:30 pm.  He encouraged all to attend.

Langdon Road – Mrs. Crisler asked for an update on Langdon Road.  Mr. Sullivan stated that there is one more allocation request for the CIP as the Town will pay 20% with the State contributing 80% and additional $30,000 is being requested.   Easements will be required.

Old Fire Station - Mr. Hohenberger asked for an update on the renovations to the old fire station.  Mr. Sullivan reported that the demo is complete and hopefully the walls will be up within the next two weeks.  He explained that there was a short delay due to vacations.

Bartley House – Ms Webber asked if there was anyone interested in reconstruction of the property.  Mr. Sullivan stated no one has come forward but more advertising can be done.  Mr. Doyle has requested that discussion regarding the Bartley House be on the agenda on September 25th.

Mrs. Crisler asked if another vehicle was needed for transporting the seniors or if a car would be more efficient due to the high gasoline prices.  Mr. Sullivan replied he felt the van was sufficient for the present needs.

Mrs. Crisler asked if the current use monies being collected were based on the selling prices.  Mr. Sullivan explained that they are based on fair market value and some changes in the law have occurred recently.

NEW BUSINESS:  Bike Path Transportation Improvement Project Update.  The Town has been approved to receive  Transportation Enhancement funds to construct bike paths along Lowell Road.  The original estimate has doubled resulting in only half of the project being able to be completed.  The project is scheduled for 2004 with 20% Town funding coming from the Capital Improvement Program.  Mr. Sullivan told the Board that several properties will be impacted  and land taking could be involved.  The Board needs to decide if they wish to continue and notify the State of their decision.

The Board agreed to notify all abutters and have a public discussion with them at their September 25th meeting prior to their decision.

Mr. Sullivan and Kathleen Davis explained to the Board that the Administration Staff is working to establish a sort of “caregivers” group  to assist with the needs of the elderly and disabled.  The Board gave their permission to proceed.

Mrs. Crisler motioned to go into non-public session after the workshop with the Road Agent, in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa, c and e.  Mr. Doyle seconded.  Roll Call Vote – all members – Yes. 

WORKSHOP – The Board and the Road Agent, Wayne Bailey, met in a workshop session to discuss road issues, the future organization of the Highway Department and snow removal rates for 2000 – 2001.


Legal -  An abatement request was discussed.  Mrs. Crisler motioned to deny the request.  Mr. Doyle seconded.  Passed unanimously.

An opinion from the Department of Revenue Administration was discussed and Mr. Sullivan will follow up.

Personnel - Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on several personnel matters.

Reputation - Mr. Doyle motioned to appoint Jim Finn as a regular member of the Conservation Commission to fill the  term of Doris Mowson (2001).   Ms Webber seconded.  Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned to adjourn.  Ms Webber seconded.  Meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Davis, Administrative Assistant

NOTE:  These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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