June 26, 2000

MEMBERS PRESENT: Carolyn Webber, Christopher Doyle, Margaret Crisler and Roger Hohenberger. Mr. Stearns was excused. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Sullivan stated that all Town Hall offices, except the Tax Office, will be closed on July 3rd and 4th. The Building Department will also be closed on these dates. The Tax Office will be open on Monday, July 3rd from 9 am until 8 pm. Normal hours will resume on Wednesday, July 5th.

Mrs. Crisler displayed a beautiful pansy orchid raised by her husband.

Ms Webber offered condolences from the Town to the family of Maria Ferri.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler noted the activities, listed below, that have been planned by the Recreation Committee. For more information, check the Town of Windham website, the bulletin board on Channel 51 or call Town Hall at 432-7732 for more information.

    Field Day - July 4th at 9:00 am at Rogers Field
    Two tennis programs - youth and adult programs
    Windham Performing Arts is committed to the performance of "Fiddler on the Roof" at the Adams Memorial Opera House in Derry to be held March 23, 24, 30 and 31, 2001.

Mr. Hohenberger attended the I-93 Task Force meeting and reported that the DOT showed maps from border of NH through Windham showing various routes. The railroad possibilities were also discussed.

Mr. Doyle reported that the Cable Studio held an Open House last week and introduced the new coordinator, Lynn Wunderli.

Mr. Doyle also stated that the CIP has asked for requests. Mr. Sullivan stated that there would be a request for a purchase of land for a salt shed.

FIRE STATION UPDATE: Chief Fruchtman gave the last official construction update on the new Fire Station. The official dedication was held last Saturday and approximately 1000 people toured the facility. The Chief thanked the Board of Selectmen, the CIP and Building Committees, the residents, the Fire Union, William and Kathy Brown (Donation of Flagpole), the Ladies Auxiliary, Barry Berube (Carriage Rides), Mr. Thompson (Display of his 1949 Windham Fire Truck), Cub Scout Pack 262 and Boy Scout Pack 263 for their assistance during the building project and the dedication ceremony.

The outbuilding will be started the second week in July. Mrs. Crisler asked the final cost of the station. Mr. Sullivan and Chief Fruchtman noted it is approximately $1.69 million.

Mr. Hohenberger stated that the station is beautiful and the ceremony was well done.

Ms Webber noted that the sign facing Route 111 still says the Future Home of the Windham Fire Station. Chief Fruchtman stated it will be changed immediately to "home" or "new" home of and will remain there for a few weeks.

Chief Fruchtman noted that another OHRV class will be held at the station on July 8th. To register call Fish and Game at 271-3129.

Chief Fruchtman warned residents and local businesses that an organization named NH State Fireman's Association is soliciting funds and representing themselves as Windham Firefighters. They are not and we are not participating. If you have donated and are upset, notify Chief Fruchtman immediately.

ROAD AGENT - WAYNE BAILEY: Mr. Bailey thanked the Fire and Police Departments for their help with catch basins and removal of trees in the roads.

Mr. Bailey read his memo to the Board which summarized his requests for summer road projects. They are as follows: delaying Castle Hill Road project until next year; to "chip seal" most of the roads in Windham Estates; Telo Road - reconstruction in the middle section and chip sealing the end of the road; Nashua Road (central section needs to be cut out and reconstructed); Bedros Road - (near North Lowell Road - reconstructed, add drainage and paved) and Rock Pond Road - major repair and added drainage.

The Board, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Bailey discussed each project in detail. The summer road budget is $325,000.

Mrs Crisler motioned to authorize Mr. Bailey to proceed as outlined in his memo. Mr. Doyle seconded. Ms Webber asked to have the motion amended to have Mr. Bailey obtain prices for the chip sealing. Mrs. Crisler so amended the motion and Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler stated she had received inquiries regarding a stream in the area of Glance Road and Mary Street. Mr. Bailey will check this out and advise Mrs. Crisler.

POWER OUTAGE: Chief Fruchtman stated that there will be a power outage on June 27th, in the Lowell Road, Cobbetts Pond area and asked anyone requiring air conditioning to call the station to be moved. He also noted that portable phones will not work during the outage.

OLD FIRE STATION RENOVATIONS: Mr. Turner showed the Board the present configuration of the old fire station and the plans for the renovations.

Mr. Sullivan stated that the Board had previously authorized him, Mr. Turner and Al Barlow to work as a committee to serve as general contractors on this project and charged them with the task to obtain contractors, quotes, etc.

Mr. Sullivan stated that the committee feels confident that these renovations can be done within the budgeted amount ($75,000) and would like permission to commence the project. He recommended that the asbestos testing and work costs be charged to the Property Maintenance Trust Fund (approximately $6500). Maintenance personnel will do demolition and framing, then tradesmen will do their work.

Mr. Doyle motioned to approve the renovations of the old fire station up to $75000 with bids as noted contingent on asbestos testing and removal costs being expended from the property trust. Mrs. Crisler seconded. The Board and Mr. Sullivan discussed if they needed to waive the bid process. Mr. Sullivan stated that they had advertised for bids and contacted companies requesting them to bid. Mrs. Crisler questioned whether the meeting room would be wired for audio/visual equipment to televise the meetings. Mr. Turner stated that the wiring would be done but there are no budgeted funds for equipment.

The Board decided they needed to waive the bid process. The above motion was tabled. Mr. Doyle motioned to waive bid process for the renovations to the old fire station. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Mr. Sullivan stated the motion was not needed. Motion passed unanimously. The Board then unanimously passed the first motion to approve the renovations.

MINUTES: Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to accept the minutes of June 12th as presented. Mr. Hohenberger made the following correction: page four - fourth session - he was opposed to the motion, not Mr. Doyle. Mrs. Crisler and Mr. Doyle so amended the motion. Motion passed unanimously as amended.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Sullivan stated that the Cemetery Trustees sent memo inquiring if the Board has decided to rent the Bartley House or allow Town committees to use the space. The Trustees need space to store their records and maps and noted that presently Town records are being stored in committee members' homes.

The Board, Mr. Sullivan and Town Clerk, Joan Tuck had a short discussion on space problems for storage of records. The Board agreed to hold a workshop on this matter in the near future.

Mr. Doyle noted that he felt the Bartley House should be used for storage and committee offices, rather than rented. Mrs. Crisler stated that there is no money to renovate the building.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan replied to Mrs. Crisler's inquiry at the last meeting by noting that the golf course on Range Road is paying property taxes although it is owned by the State.

Mr. Sullivan also informed the Board that at their last meeting they had approved the rental of Town Hall by an AA Group, pending a town resident being responsible and he now has the name of that responsible party.

NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Crisler stated that earlier this year, she and Mr. Barlow had taken soil samples from various town properties, due to problems with the grass. They now have the results and hope to do necessary work in the fall. Bids are being secured.

Mrs. Crisler noted that she has received comments from residents requesting that the power company remove stumps and improve the look of the area where they did some work at the intersection of Glance and Mammoth Roads. Mr. Sullivan will contact the power company.

Joan Tuck, Town Clerk, asked the Board to please sign appointment papers before notifying appointees to come to her office to be sworn in.

GRIFFIN PARK UPDATE: Rick Hancock, Chairman of Griffin Park Committee, reported that Mr. Turner, Mr. Nickerson, Mr. Spaulding (State) and Herbert Associates have met and agreed on the plan for the sheet drainage for Griffin Park. The plans are being prepared by Herbert Associates. The State has allowed work to resume on site as the detention pond will not be needed. The State also requested a copy of the drainage plan as soon as completed.

Mr. Hancock asked to read a memo (which the Committee had not seen) from Al Turner to David Sullivan regarding hiring of an engineer to do the drainage plan for Griffin Park. Mr. Hancock felt this was demeaning to all those individuals volunteering their services. Mr. Sullivan explained that Mr. Turner simply thought that Herbert Associates might be able to process the plans more quickly if they could be paid. It was not intended to offend any of the parties. The matter has been resolved and the memo is moot.

Neil Gallagher noted that the Town is blessed with expert volunteers and that the State has been very cooperative.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Doyle motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to go into non-public sessions in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, IIa, c and d. Roll call - all members - yes. Subjects were personnel, reputations and land acquisition.

First Session - The Board, Mr. Sullivan and Mrs. Tuck were in attendance. Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to appoint Laurie Hobbs as Deputy Town Clerk, effective June 21, 2000. Passed unanimously.

Second Session - The Board, Mr. Sullivan and Chief Moeckel were in attendance. Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to hire a part time dispatcher as recommended by Chief Moeckel, pending usual background and medical checks. Passed unanimously.

Third Session - The Board and Mr. Sullivan were in attendance. Subject was Board appointments.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to appoint Robert O'Loughlin as a regular member of the Board of Adjustment until June 2002. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to appoint Earl Bartlett until June 2003 and Jodi Coppeta until June 2001, as regular members of the Recreation Committee. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to appoint Alan Carpenter as Windham's representative on the Rockingham Planning Commission. Passed unanimously.

Fourth Session - Mr. Hohenberger motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to reject an offer to support the sale of a parcel of Town property but would consider other alternative offers on this parcel. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Hohenberger seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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