February 28, 2000

MEMBERS PRESENT: Douglass Barker, Margaret Crisler, Carolyn Webber, Galen Stearns and Christopher Doyle. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mrs. Crisler displayed a beautiful moth orchid.

Mr. Sullivan announced that beginning April 1st US Census workers will be around to update figures for the census. The workers will have identification badges and Mr. Sullivan requested everyone's cooperation.

Mr. Sullivan presented John J. O'Conner, with the Volunteer of the Year Award, which was previously announced at the deliberative session earlier this month. Mr. O'Connor is a volunteer for our local Channel 51, previously served on the Highway Safety Committee and is presently a valuable driver of our handicapped van which transports residents to doctor appointments. Mr. O'Connor thanked everyone for this award and stated he enjoys helping others.

Mr. Barker reminded all voters that Town election is on March 14 at Golden Brook School from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. Mr. Sullivan alerted the voters that the polling place has been changed from Center School to Golden Brook School, due to construction at Center School. The second warrant, which will be mailed this week, has the correct information regarding the polling place on the cover, not on the inside.

Mr. Barker announced that the Board of Selectmen will meet next week, March 6 at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall.

Mrs. Crislser explained how to vote for a write-in candidate. You must write the name in and fill the oval in complete.

Ms Webber noted that the Town ballot is two sheets and the School ballot is one sheet. She suggested reviewing the ballot before voting, possibly filling in the copy of the ballot in the local newspaper prior to voting.

LIAISON REPORTS: Mrs. Crisler reported that the Planning Board is very busy. They held a workshop last week to address road widths and drainage and also had a site walk Saturday morning regarding Morrison Road which will be discussed on Wednesday, March 1st, at the Planning Board regular meeting.

Mrs. Crisler noted that the Master Plan is 99% complete and it only requires maps and final editing.

Ms Webber reported that the Historic District Commission/Heritage Commission met on February 10th and discussed the Bartley House, grants for historic restoration and other items.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Fire Deputy Chief Glenn Davis stated that they will have 3 paramedics in the department in July when FF Mike Mistretta receives his certification. FF Ralph DeMarco will begin his paramedic training in April bringing the paramedics to 4 when completed. Additionally call FF Frank DeCicco is presently working on his certification to be authorized to check Child Seats for proper installation. The new station will have a covered drive thru area for this inspection for residents, to insure the safety of their children.

Deputy Davis reported that the sheetrock and heat strips have been installed at the new station. The generator is due in later this week.

ADELPHIA: Mr. Nelsen, General Manager of Adelphia, updated the Board on their plans for the future. Adelphia is busy preparing an upgrade which will be in place later this year. Also two pay channels will be deleted and Christian and History channels will be added.

Mr. Nelsen also stated that Adelphia is currently testing the internet and have decided to roll it out during the second quarter. Mrs. Crisler noted that their system for the internet it not the most efficient. Mr. Nelsen agreed but stated this is all they can offer presently. They will have a display at the Library and will also be meeting with the Technical Committee.

Mr. Barker could suggested that Adelphia issue a new schedule of their channels.

Mr. Stearns questioned why channel quality varies. Mr. Nelson replied it could be for any number of reasons - atmospheric conditions, etc. and suggested those experiencing this problem call Adelphia to schedule a home visit.

Mr. Barker inquired if the after hours answering service would be replaced with a customer service representative. Mr. Nelsen stated that he is working with the Adelphia Center in Vermont, where some items will be handled from that site.

RECRUITMENT PROCEDURES FOR DISPATCHERS: Police Chief Moeckel stated that in the past special police officers were promoted, based on successful evaluations, when fulltime openings became available. This is presently the case in the Fire Department with the call firefighters. He requested that the Board support this hiring concept for dispatch positions, as well. Mr. Sullivan stated that he is full support of the Chief's plans as it works well in the Fire Department, promotes from within, the employee is already trained, as well as, gives an incentive to the part timers.

Mr. Stearns motioned to authorize fulltime dispatcher positions be filled by current part-time dispatchers, based on satisfactory evaluations. Mr. Doyle seconded. Passed unanimously.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Barker read the following requested road bond releases:

    Gov. Dinsmore/Searles Rd Partial release of $17,773.00
    Common Man Site Plan Final release of $18,000.00

Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to release the bonds, as read. Passed unanimously.

Contract received between the Town of Windham and Wheelbrator of Concord for signature. Mr. Sullivan recommended that the Board authorize Chairman to sign the contract. Mr. Stearns motioned and Ms Webber seconded, to authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign the contract. Passed unanimously.

Memo received from NHMA regarding support of Home Rule 2000. Mrs. Crisler asked the Board to postpone this request until next week, at which time she will have more information on this subject and be ready to make a decision. The Board agreed.

The Technical Advisory Committee asked the Board to approve their Rules of Procedure which propose to change the number of members from 9 to 7 (with selectman liaison being a voting member) and eliminate alternates. Mrs. Crisler motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to accept the revised rules of procedure, as submitted. Passed unanimously.

Request received from the Soccer Association to have their organization added to the list of groups in town that may use the Town Hall meeting room without having to pay the daily fee of $50.00. Mr. Sullivan stated he had no problem with granting their request. Mr. Stearns motioned to allow town exempt status for use of Town Hall by Soccer Association. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

MIS Job Description - Mr. Sullivan presented the proposed MIS job description to the Board of Selectmen which has been reviewed by the Tech Committee and their suggestions incorporated into it. The Board suggested additional changes. Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve the MIS job description with the Board's suggestions incorporated. Mr. Stearns seconded. Passed unanimously.

BOARD OF HEALTH: The Board of Selectmen recessed their meeting and the Board Health meeting commenced with Mr. Flanders, Health Officer, joining the Board.

PUBLIC HEARING: Mrs. Crisler read the following notice. "The Board of Health will hold a Public Hearing to discuss the proposed amendments, to the Ordinance Governing Sewage or Waste Disposal Systems, on February 28, 2000 at the Town Hall at 8:00 pm."

The Board discussed the proposed changes item by item and made further changes and corrections, to include changing "ordinance" to "regulations". Mr. Case asked questions and suggested changes.

Mr. Doyle moved to accept the Regualtions Governing Sewage or Waste Disposal Systems, as amended. Ms Webber seconded. Motioned passed 6-0.

The Board of Health meeting was adjourned and the Board of Selectmen meeting resumed.

MINUTES: Ms Webber motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded, to approve the minutes of February 7 and 15, 2000 as presented. Passed unanimously.

AWARD: Mr. Sullivan presented a clock from the Town, as a small token of their appreciation, to Sandra Champagne for her 13 years of service as Tax Collector. Mrs. Champagne is not running for office this year and is retiring. He further stated that Mrs. Champagne has been a real asset, with her friendly and cooperative manner to both residents and staff.

Mrs. Champagne expressed her thanks to the Board, staff and residents.

OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan updated the Board on Turtle Rock Road's status relative to being declared an emergency lane. He stated that he had contacted the school system and asked if they would allow the school buses to pass over and thru Turtle Rock Road, rather than doing a turnaround. Initial indications were that the trunaround would be used regularly. Recently residents and school personnel have been discussing this and Mr. Sullivan will follow up.

Mr. Sullivan asked the Board to consider waiving the bid process for the paving of a roadway at the Cemetery on the Plains. The Cemetery Trustees have received a quote from paving company they have previously used and been pleased with their work. Ms Webber motioned to waive the bid process and accept bid, pending approval of budget for 2000. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle stated that he doesn't usually approve waivers to the bid process but in this case, due to past history of bidder, he voted in the affirmative.

Mr. Sullivan informed the Board that he has been in contact with the Police Chief who is coordinating the Police Management Study. The first part of the study was completed last year with the hiring of the new Police Captain. The second part of the study was delayed, however, and is expected to be restarted in approximately 2-3 months.

NEW BUSINESS: Ms Webber asked the Board to approve having an arborist prune the apple tree at Griffin Park. The Board agreed and Mrs. Crisler will contact the arborist.

NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS: Mr. Stearns motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II a, b, c and d. Roll call vote - all members - yes. The Board, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Flanders were in attendance in the first session; the Board, Mr. Sullivan and Chief Moeckel in attendance in the second session and the Board and Mr. Sullivan were present in the remainder of the sessions.

Mr. Flanders, Health Officer, gave the Board of Health an update on a water issue.

Police Chief Moeckel updated the Board of Selectmen on pending issues.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Ms Webber seconded to approve the hiring of a secretary for the Board of Adjustment and Conservation Commission, pending successful background and medical checks. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Mr. Stearns seconded to approve the hiring of a cable coordinator pending successful background and medical checks and budget approval. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Ms Webber seconded to approve the hiring of a fulltime firefighter, pending successful background and medical checks. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Mrs. Crisler seconded to remove Mr. Rex Norman, Assessor, from probation, based on his successful completion of one year employment. Passed unanimously

The Board discussed possible land acquisition. Mr. Sullivan will follow up.

Mr. Doyle motioned and Ms Webber seconded to contract with Devine, Millimet & Associates for legal services regarding labor issues on an as needed basis. Passed unanimously.

The Board discussed fees for the position of rental agent for the Searles Building. No decision.

The Board discussed a personnel request from the Town Clerk on an issue previously denied. The Board stood by its former decision.

Mr. Stearns motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to deny an abatement request for an interest waiver on a tax bill. Passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen M. Davis
Administrative Assistant

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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