January 24, 2000

MEMBERS PRESENT: Douglass Barker, Carolyn Webber and Christopher Doyle. Mrs. Crisler and Mr. Stearns were excused. David Sullivan, Town Administrator, was also present. Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Sullivan introduced Attorney Mason who represents Windham NH Development LLC, the developers of Castle Reach Development. Attorney Mason introduced Isaac Khafif, Principle for Castle Reach. Mr. Khafif read a letter thanking Mr. Turner and his staff at the Planning Department for their cooperation. He also stated that his firm wants to be a good corporate citizen and are thus making a donation of $10,000.00 to the development of Griffin Park. The Board and Rick Hancock, Chairman of the Griffin Park Committee thanked and extended their appreciation to Mr. Khafif for the gift.

Mr. Sullivan presented gift certificates and plaques to the first and second place winners for artwork for the Annual Town Report. Same Robichaud, 11 years old and in the fifth grade at Center School won first place for his drawing of "The Heroes of Windham" which will be on the front page of the Report. Brittany Yost, 9 years old and in the fourth grade at Center School won second place for her drawing of a deer in a clearing with evergreens in the background which will be on the back cover of the Report. Other drawings selected as honorable mention, will be featured in the report. The Board and Mr. Sullivan congratulated the winners and thanked all the fourth and fifth grade students for their participation. He noted that the decision for the winners was difficult with many good drawings to choose from. All pictures that will be in the Town Report were displayed at the meeting.

Mr. Barker announced that a Parent Information Night will be held on February 2nd at 7:00 pm at the Center School entitled "Drugs and Your Child".

Mr. Barker also announced that the CSPAN bus is scheduled to be at Center School tomorrow with a program of electrical tools for students.

LIAISON REPORTS: Ms Webber reported that the HDC/Heritage Commission discussed the Bartley House Lease option and the Simpson cellar hole.

Mr. Barker reported that he attended the Cable Committee meeting on Saturday at which Mr. Nelson of Adelphia spoke. Mr. Barker stated that Mr. Nelson will be at the February 7th Selectmen Meeting.

GRIFFIN PARK UPDATE: Rick Hancock, Chairman of the Griffin Park Committee, reported on the progress of the park. He presented the Board with the budget status of the project and the construction schedule. He further noted that the significant actions since the last report are: the contract was awarded for test wells, the lam is being spread and the donation as announced earlier at this meeting.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Fruchtman introduced Laura Hesse Morin and Cathy Maher of the NH Municipal Health Insurance Trust, who presented a grant of $3,500 to the Department. This grant is to be used for a fitness facility at the new station. Chief Fruchtman thanked the Trust for the grant and all the people involved in obtaining the grant.

Chief Fruchtman updated the Board on the progress of the new station. He reported that the concrete has been poured for the apparatus bay, the air units were installed on the roof, sheetrock contractors will be in on Tuesday, the power is complete and the garage doors are being finalized.

Chief Fruchtman reported that Engine 3 is out of commission for about three months due to extensive damage caused by the truck being left out and the all the truck's water elements froze. This damage was caused while the truck was being serviced. The estimated damages are approximately $40,000.00 and the chief is working on a settlement with the company involved.

The Chief also reported that he is working on a short term leasing arrangement to replace Engine 3 in the interim. Ms Webber motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to authorize to rent or lease for the interim while Engine 3 is being repaired. Passed unanimously.

SURCHARGE - WAYNE BAILEY: Mr. Bailey discussed proposed legislation, Senate Bill 388-FN-LOCAL which would assess a surcharge on solid waste disposed at landfills and incinerators. The surcharge shall be collected by the Department of Environmental Services to be deposited in a special fund and used for grants for eligible waste reduction and management programs and activities. Mr. Bailey stated that the surcharge would be $5/per ton.

Mr. Bailey told the Board he would like to speak at the hearing this week in support of the bill. Mr. Barker suggested that the grants be based on the level of local recycling effort, based on the State's targeted 40% recycling rate.

Mr. Barker stated that he supports the bill and also Mr. Stearns had expressed his support to Mr. Barker. Mr. Doyle and Ms Webber also supported the bill. It was agreed that Mr. Bailey would speak at the hearing on behalf of the Town of Windham.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from the Department of Transportation stating that the study to widen I-93 and construct improvements at interchanges between the NH/MA stateline in Salem and Exit 6 in Manchester is beginning the public participation of the overall study process. Also, each community is being asked to appoint two members.

It was noted that Tom Case is the Rockingham Planning Commission appointee to the committee. Mr. Turner, Planning Director, will be on representative to the task force and another will appointed once interest is determined.

A copy of the Heritage Hill Bill was received for review.

MINUTES: Ms Webber motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to accept the minutes of January 17, 2000 as presented. Passed unanimously.

Ms Webber motioned and Mr. Barker seconded to accept the minutes of January 10, 2000 as presented. Motion passed 2-0-1 abstained (Mr. Doyle).


NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Sullivan announced that John McCain will be at the Windham Middle School on Saturday, January 29th at 11:45 am.

Mr. Barker announced that the filing period for candidates to sign up for various town elected positions is from January 26th to February 4th.

PUBLIC HEARING ON ELDERLY EXEMPTION: Mr. Sullivan read the following notice: "In accordance with RSA 72:390b, the Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, January 24, 2000, at 8:15 pm at the Town Hall, to hear testimony concerning amending elderly exemptions as follows:

  Present Amount      Proposed Amount
Asset Levels $50,000 $ 100,000
Single Income Limits 23,800 30,000
Married Income Limits 32,800 40,000

Ms Webber stated that she wholeheartedly supports the changes being proposed. Mr. Sullivan explained the study done prior to making these recommendations. Mr. Doyle gave the changes his support.

Tom Case spoke in favor the proposed increases as noted above. Mr. Barker expressed his and Mr. Stearns' support.

Ms Webber motioned and Mr. Doyle seconded to recommend this article. Passed unanimously.

Ms Webber motioned to adjourn. Mr. Doyle seconded. Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

David Sullivan
Town Administrator

NOTE: These minutes are prepared in draft form and have not been submitted to the Board for approval.

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