Windham New Hampshire
NOVEMBER 3, 1999
Keith Goldstein-Chairman-Present
Russell Wilder-Vice Chairman-Excused
Annette Stoller-Secretary-Present
Margaret Crisler-Selectman-Present
Galen Stearns-Selectmen's Alternate-Present
Walter Kolodziej-Regular Member-Present
Wayne Morris-Regular Member-Present
Bernie Rouillard-Regular Member-Excused
Alan Carpenter-Alternate-Present
Fred Noyles-Alternate-Present
Betty Dunn-Alternate-Present
Mr. Noyles and Mr. Carpenter replaced Mr. Rouillard and Mr. Wilder respectively.
The meeting began with discussion by the Chairman of the hiring and hiring procedures for the new planning secretary. The new secretary was invited to attend the next meeting which will be a workshop. The secretary works for the Planning Department and is hired by the Selectmen. If the Board wants their own secretary, they must first request a budget. The Chairman stated that they Planning Board would've liked to have had input to the hiring.
Mr. Goldstein read a letter from David Sullivan from the Rockingham Planning Commission. The Board of Selectman voted to appoint Ms. Stoller to the Rockingham Planning Commission to fill the remainder of Mr. Morris' term.
Mr. Goldstein read a letter from David Sullivan regarding the annual town report. Mr.Goldstein will appoint members to write the three sections of the report.
Mr. Turner reported that Partridge Road has been inspected and ready for a bond reduction. The town has escrowed $113,136 and recommends a partial release of $25,936 and retaining $87,200 for the remainder of the project. Mr. Carpenter motioned to release $25,936 and retain $87,200 and Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Turner reported that Searles Road has been inspected and ready for a bond reduction. The Town has escrowed $118,871 and recommends partial release of $73,563 and retain $45,308 for the remainder of the project. Mr. Noyles motioned to release the $73,563 and retain $45,308 and Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Passed 7-0.
Ms. Stoller made a motion for those interested to each make a contribution to the Schloraderma Foundation in memory of Cathy Curtain. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 7-0.
It was noted that Mrs. Mona Feciuch resigned on October 29. She had been the planning board secretary for 14 years. Discussion ensued regarding presenting Mrs. Feciuch with a plaque, gift certificate, and/or taking her out to dinner. Ms. Stoller made a motion to present Mrs. Feciuch with a plaque at a Planning Board meeting. Seconded by Mr. Noyles. Passed 7-0.
Ms. Dunn stated that the dates from November 15 to December 15 is when proposals for changes to the zoning ordinances are accepted.
21 & 37 Searles Road
Mr. Dubay gave a presentation of the subdivision regarding the building location and the cuts in the wall. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the plan on the condition that a note be placed on the plan that the stones will be reused on the site and that no additional wall openings will be made for this subdivision. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Discussion ensued regarding the potential build out in the future and drainage onto Searles Road. Mr. Turner stated that there was a request for two waivers: 1) regarding 12" or greater trees, and 2) site plan fee of $975 be waived. Mrs. Crisler amended her motion to approve the subdivision and site plan with the condition that notes be placed on the plan stating that the stones from the wall be reused on the property, no additional wall openings will be made, setting the bounds, access easement be recorded at the rear of the property, and to additionally grant a waiver from our requirement that trees greater than 12" be noted on the plan. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed 7-0.
Discussion of the administrative fees ensued. Ms. Stoller made a motion not to grant the waiver as request for the approximately $975 fees to the town. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Passed 7-0.
13 Faith Road
Mr. Goldstein asked that the engineer present the plan. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to overrule the Chairman. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 4-3. Mr. Goldstein, Ms. Stoller, and Mr. Kolodziej opposed.
Mr. Turner explained the subdivision. The applicant is looking for direction from the Board as to which department reviews and if any special studies will be required. The plan does meet subdivision requirements. Staff does not recommend any special studies, but does recommend that the plan be sent to the departments, Heritage Commission, and the road agent.
Mr. Steve Haight from Herbert Associates further described the subdivision. Discussion ensued regarding house placement, house numbering, subdivision requirements being met, and the timing of the subdivision.
Mr. Goldstein read a letter from Richard and Ellen Mahoney, 15 Faith Road. Mr. Goldstein asked that Mr. Turner respond to each item as it was read. 1) Is this a developable parcel? Yes; 2) Realtors told the Mahoneys, at the time of the purchase of their home, that the land was not developable. Mr. Turner explained that the way soils are measured have changed and is more accurate now; 3) Would their house number change to 17? Mr. Turner will send a letter to the Mahoneys asking if they would change their number to 17, otherwise the new lots will be 13 and 13A. Mr. Turner will also address the Mahoney's questions in his letter; 4) Line of sight for proposed driveway? Mr. Turner responded that the driveway meets the requirements in both directions; 5) They currently do not have any drainage problems and would to make sure that won't change. Mr. Goldstein stated that that was general engineering practice. Discussion continued regarding renumbering the street.
Mr. Morris made a motion to send the plans to the fire department, police department, Conservation and Historic Commissions, and the road agent for review. Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed 6-1. Mr. Kolodziej opposed.
20 & 24 Beacon Hill Road
Mr. Turner explained that this is a public discussion. The subdivision is 38 acres and proposed as an open space development. Mr. Turner recommended that a traffic report, a detailed off-site improvement report, and a drainage study. He also recommended that the drainage study be sent to the Rockingham County Commission District for review. Also open space documents to preserve the subdivision as an open space development be reviewed by the town attorney at the developers expense. He also recommended that the plan be sent to all departments, transfer station, and road agent. Discussion ensued regarding a railroad bed, length of cul de sac, road width, soil type of the area, whether Derry should be notified, and regional impact.
Public discussion began with Erica Olson, 23 Beacon Hill Road, questioned the acreage per lot. Mr. Haight explained the lot size, and Mr. Goldstein explained open space developments. She also wanted to know the average dollar value of the homes to be built in the subdivision. Mr. Haight thought the homes would be approximately 3,000 square feet and cost around $250,000 and up.
James Olson, 23 Beacon Hill Road, said the road is treacherous and currently has problems turning into his driveway. He wanted to know if there were any plans to flatten this section of the road. Mr. Turner explained that 3-4 feet of the hill would be shaved off and a low area filled in. Mr. Olson was also concerned about the location of the new road and headlights being directed towards his home.
Kevin Cote, 44 Beacon Hill Road, expressed his concern about the sharp corner. Beacon Hill Road had been patched several times, and he would rather that the whole road was fixed instead of patched.
Debbie Livingstone, 28 Beacon Hill Road, wanted clarification as to the location of her property and the development. She wanted to know how close the lots were to the back of her property. Mr. Turner explained that there would be a 149' buffer plus the 30' from her home to the property boundary, and another 30' from the property boundary to the next home. She also questioned whether there would be 25-mph signs installed. Mrs. Crisler explained the procedure. Mr. Turner stated that the Police Department would be doing a study. She also wanted clarification of the hump that was going to be shaved near her home. Mr. Turner explained.
James Olson, 23 Beacon Hill Road, asked for clarification of the size and value of homes and was concerned about the impact on the homes already existing. Mr. Turner explained that the Board cannot regulate the size, price, or quality of homes except for the minimum standards for size and quality. Mrs. Crisler commented that open space developments tend to bring a higher dollar value to the homes being built.
Debbie Livingstone, 28 Beacon Hill Road, questioned the noise level from Route 93. Mr. Haight explained that there was 300-400 feet from Route 93 to the development.
Mr. Turner recommended that the plan be sent to all departments, transfer station, and road agent for review. He also recommended a drainage study be sent to Rockingham County Commission District, a traffic report, and a complete and detailed engineering plans of improvements to Beacon Hill Road.
James Olson, 23 Beacon Hill Road, wanted to know the location of the proposed road and wanted to be assured that a steady stream of headlights would not be going into his home.
Mr. Goldstein explained that this is a public discussion, and there will be a public hearing. Concerns will be addressed then.
Discussion ensued regarding a site walk, when the site walk should be, and regional impact. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to declare this regional impact and notify Derry. Seconded by Mr. Noyles. Passed 7-0.
Mrs. Crisler made a motion that we send this plan to the fire department, police department, conservation, heritage, transfer station, and road agent for comment, and a traffic report done, the applicant supply us with the covenants for the open space agreement in time for town council to review at the applicants expense and that the plan be sent to the Rockingham County Commission District for a drainage study. Also off-site improvements are detailed with the application having a separate page pertaining to the road with the most impact. Seconded by Mr. Noyles. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Kolodziej made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Noyles. Discussion ensued about tabling the motion. Vote was taken. Failed 3-4. Mr. Noyles, Mr. Carpenter, Mrs. Crisler, and Mr. Morris opposed.
Discussion ensued regarding the Wall Street wetlands overlay district. Mr. Turner explained the Wall Street and the area across the street. Discussion ensued regarding septic space, retail businesses, open space, office buildings, vacancy rates, office park zoning, Route 111 bypass, and traffic.
Mr. Kolodziej made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed 7-0.
These minutes were taken from the November 3, 1999 Planning Board Meeting videotape. These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Charland
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