Windham New Hampshire
August 11, 1999
Regular members: Russ Wilder, Bernie Rouillard, Margaret Crisler, Wayne Morris
Alternates: Alan Carpenter
Staff: Mr. Al Turner, Planning Director
Absent: Walter Kolodziej, Keith Goldstein, Annette Stoller, Mr. Galen Stearns
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Vice Chairman Rouillard.
Mr. Carpenter was asked to sit for Ms. Stoller.
Old Business:
Mr. Steve Haight of Herbert Associates asked the Board to approve changes in the road profile for Heritage Hill and Timberlane, new roads being constructed in the Ryan subdivision off Castle Hill. The reason for the change was to minimize wetland impact, blasting requirements, and to follow the natural contours more closely. Mr. Turner concurred with the changes. Mr. Morris made the motion to approve the changes from Timberlane: station 7+00 to 11+97 and Heritage Hill: station 12+00 to 28+25, seconded by M. Crisler. Passed unanimously.
Road Bonds:
Mr. Morris made a motion to release $11,774.00, retain $6,400, to Herbert Associates for Nottingham Road, seconded by Mr. Carpenter, passed unanimously.
- Mr. Rouillard read an announcement of the Fall Municipal Law Lectures. Again, these lectures fall on Wednesday nights making it difficult for Board members to attend.
- Mr. Rouillard read the letter of resignation from Mr. Dubay, who is moving out of state.
The Board scheduled an organizational meeting for the CIP to occur on 19 Aug.
Master Plan:
The Board then worked on the Master Plan, beginning with the Circulation Map. After much discussion, a motion was made by Mrs. Crisler, seconded by Mr. Wilder to adopt the final version marked up by the Board. Passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret M. Crisler
Windham Planning and Zoning Board
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