Windham New Hampshire
JULY 7, 1999
David Dubay-Chairman-Excused
Bernie Rouillard-Vice Chairman-Present
Jack Gattinella-Secretary-Present
Wayne Morris-Regular Member-Present
Russell Wilder-Regular Member-Excused
Annette Stoller-Regular Member-Present
Keith Goldstein-Alternate-Excused
Walter Kolodziej-Alternate-Present
Alan Carpenter-Alternate-Present
Margaret Crisler-Selectman-Excused
Galen Stearns-Selectmen's Alternate-Present
Mr. Kolodziej and Mr. Carpenter replaced Mr. Dubay and Mr. Wilder on the Board. Mr. Stearns replaced Mrs. Crisler.
Mr. Stearns motioned to approve the minutes of June 23, 1999, as written, and Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Passed 5-0-2 (W. Morris, A. Stoller abstained).
Ms. Stoller presented a letter to members of the Board regarding the minutes of the May 8, 1999 site walk, at 67 Range Road. Ms. Stoller motioned to reconsider the motion, as amended, on June 16, 1999. Discussion followed on the purpose of legal record keeping. Mr. Stearns motioned to table until the next meeting and Ms. Stoller seconded. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Morris discussed the need to activate the Capital Improvements Committee. Mr. Gattinella indicated the reorganization of the of the by-laws by Mrs. Crisler was needed. Mr. Turner will place a notice for new members and contact the present members. Ms. Stoller motioned to add the CIP and the membership to the next agenda for discussion. Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Morris questioned the progress on the intersection of Route 111 and Searles Road. Mr. Turner reported the NHDOT is currently reviewing the plans and the improvements are bonded.
Mr. Gattinella is currently going through the zoning ordinance identifying the ambiguous areas and gave several examples.
Mr. Turner reported a substantial amount of the work has been done on Sheffield Street and Cochran Farm Road and $505,745.00 would be sufficient to complete the work. Mr. Rouillard motioned to accept the road bond for Sheffield Street and Cochran Farm Road. Mr. Morris seconded and passed 7-0.
The following communications were received:
- Flyer received from the Citizens for NH Land & Community Heritage.
- Memorandum received from the RPC regarding planning assistance grants.
- Memorandum received from NH DOT concerning the Transportation Enhancement Project Selection Process.
- Letter received from RPC regarding the congestion mitigation and air quality program.
Off Longmeadow Road
Mr. Turner reviewed the proposed 16 lot, open space development, off Longmeadow. This plan would need subdivision and site plan approval. Longmeadow Road was developed as a permanent cul-de-sac and the developer is proposing to extend the road to an adjacent property.
Mr. Rouillard questioned the length of the cul-de-sac and the new road. Mr. Peter Zohdi, of Edward N. Herbert Assocs., indicated the length would be 8/10ths of a mile from Goodhue Road. Discussion followed on the planned radius and the cul-de-sac is currently deeded to the Town of Windham.
Mr. Morris questioned the future development of the adjacent parcels and the possibility of a connection to Route 28. Mr. Zohdi explained the connection would entail approximately 4,000 feet of roadway to reach Route 28. Mr. Morris expressed concern the current owners on Longmeadow Road bought with the knowledge the cul-de-sac was permanent. Mr. Morris was also concerned with the safety of having a cul-de-sac of this length. Mr. Zohdi will give the Board the topography of the land adjacent but can not guarantee the connection would be made. Mr. Morris questioned the number of wetlands crossings involved in this proposal and Mr. Zohdi indicated there would be one minor crossing.
Mr. Rouillard and Ms. Stoller expressed concern with the permanent cul-de-sac and safety with the extension of the roadway and would like input from the Fire and Police Department. Mr. Zohdi requested permission to send the plans out for review by the various agencies.
Mr. Rouillard questioned the area to be preserved for open space. Mr. Zohdi depicted the area on the tax map and it will be 40 acres. Mr. Gattinella pointed out a spear of land on lot 16 that should be squared off and Mr. Zohdi will correct. Mr. Carpenter questioned the size of the house lots. They will be approximately 40,000 square feet. The existing lots on Longmeadow Road are 1 1/2 acres to 7 acres each.
Mr. Brian Serrentino, of Longmeadow Road, expressed the concerns of the neighborhood i.e., traffic, the character of the neighborhood and the covenants governing the existing homes. Mr. Zohdi reported he has met with some abutters, understood their concerns and the developer is willing to put the same or more stringent covenants on this development.
Mr. Morris expressed concern with the traffic impact, a connection to Route 28 and would like a fair picture of what would happen in the area in the future. Mr. Morris suggested a traffic study with a full build out of the area addressed and the connection to Route 28. Mr. Turner suggested the Board should also consider the construction of the by-pass and the impact it would have on this area. Mr. Morris motioned to require a traffic study to include Goodhue Road to Route 28, both ways and Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Mr. Gattinella discussed the regulations requiring the Planning Board give the scope of work and hire a traffic engineer. Motion failed 3-4. Ms. Stoller motioned to send the plans out to the Fire, Police, indicating the full length of the roadway, and the Conservation Commission, Historic District Commission and the Road Agent. Mr. Stearns seconded and passed 7-0.
67 Range Road
Mr. Turner has reviewed the plan and application. The proposal is a sporting goods and the parking and site plan are similar to the previous application. The application was in conformance with site plan and zoning regulations but did not have the requested and required traffic information. The application was deficient in this area and was not sufficient for acceptance for public hearing. Ms. Stoller questioned whether the applicant had the information available for the meeting. The preliminary discussion was on April 21, 1999 and Mr. Rouillard read the minutes of that meeting. Mr. Turner indicated he had notes from the previous meeting of April 21st and indicated the Board had wanted traffic projections and they should be submitted with the application for review by staff and the abutters.
Mr. Craig Francisco, of Bedford Design Consultants, Inc., explained the length of time the report took. Discussion followed on the concerns of the Board with traffic in the area. Atty. Rubega indicated the traffic study was picked up today and could not be submitted with the application.
Ms. Stoller motioned to accept for public hearing with the inclusion of the traffic study and Mr. Gattinella seconded. Discussion followed on the need to hear from the abutters if they would prefer to see the traffic study. Mr. Turner explained the Board could accept for public hearing and table for two weeks so the neighbors could review the traffic study. Mr. Stearns expressed concern with the procedure of having a list of deficiencies and suggested if the application is not in compliance it should not be accepted. The motion failed 6-1.
Mr. Morris motioned to table the Star Vector Site Plan for two weeks and accept the traffic study for the file. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Mrs. Betty Dunn, an abutter, questioned the procedure of rejecting a plan as incomplete and then tabling for two weeks. Mr. Turner explained if the Board decides the application is incomplete the applicant would reapply and the abutters would be renotified. Mr. Turner reviewed the three options the Board has: 1. Accept for public hearing and table for two weeks with the inclusion of the traffic study in the file, 2. Say the application was incomplete without the traffic information and the applicant would have to resubmit, 3. Accept the application as complete. Mr. Turner recommended not accepting the application as it was incomplete. Mr. Gattinella questioned whether the Board asked for a traffic study and Mr. Turner indicated the traffic issue was discussed.
Ms. Stoller discussed the reconsidering of the motion made previously to accept and continue the hearing adding the traffic study to the file and continue the hearing in two weeks. Mr. Turner explained if the Board denies the application the clock would stop and the Board should give the reason for denial of the application.
Mr. Morris motioned to not accept, due to the reason the application did not include the requested or required traffic data for the traffic study. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Motion passed 4-3 (J. Gattinella, A. Stoller, A. Carpenter opposed as there was no objective evidence the Board asked for this information).
Mr. Rouillard read the entire amendment into the record. Mr. Turner discussed the last public hearing on site plan amendments. This amendment would amend section 1201. Purpose, of the Windham Site Plan Regulations. Mr. Stearns motioned to approve the amendment to section 1201 of the Windham Site Plan Regulations and Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed 7-0.
111 Range Road
Mr. Turner reviewed the list of conditions given at the approval of the site plan. The Committee has submitted a pole location plan to lay the conduits. The meeting is for the administration of the conditions to facilitate plan approval and begin construction. The final lighting plan is not complete at this time.
Discussion followed on the location of the poles and number of poles. Mr. Rouillard suggested smaller poles to eliminate off site impact. Mr. Turner suggested in the front parking lot utilize the existing telephone poles and eliminate 16 poles in the parking lot. When the lighting plan is complete then the decision would be made as to the number of poles needed. At this time the conduits would be laid down for future use if needed.
Mr. Morris questioned the location of the conduits on the basketball and tennis courts. Mr. Rick Hancock, of the Griffin Park Committee, reviewed the location of the poles and explained the lighting plan and utility plan is still being designed. Mr. Hancock will asked the lighting design company whether an additional lighting sources should be added to the south side of the basketball and tennis courts.
Mr. Hancock reported a granite monument would be placed inside the park instead of signage on Range Road. State driveway permits are still pending. Discussion followed on the buffer zone abutting the residential area and the handicap parking spaces. Mr. Gattinella question whether a traffic impact study was done. This was not requested for this site plan.
Mr. Morris questioned the drainage and Mr. Turner reviewed the drainage in the area of the soccer fields. Mr. Gattinella suggested the plan note specify evergreens 4 feet high and 8 feet on center to buffer the residential side of the site plan. The Committee will meet with the Board with further information on July 21, 1999.
1 Lexington Road
Mr. Turner reviewed the proposed car wash off of Ledge Road and listed the deficiencies but suggested the information given was adequate for public hearing acceptance by the Board. The Board discussed the listed deficiencies, memorandum dated July 7, 1999 from Mr. A. Turner to the Planning Board, and at issue are items 1, 3 and 7 (in file).
1. Single trees over 12" have not been located or a request for a waiver;
3. Proposed building setbacks are not shown;
7. Soils engineer who stamped the plans has not been individually notified.
Mr. Stearns motioned to reject the application and Ms. Stoller seconded. Mr. Gattinella read the previous minutes regarding the traffic study. Motion passed 6-1 (J. Gattinella opposed). The reason for rejection of the plan was the application was incomplete.
Off Haverhill Road
The proposal is for the construction of a tower and Mr. Gattinella indicated the Zoning Board of Adjustment has granted the applicant a variance but the variance has been appealed. Mr. Gattinella recused himself due to the ZBA rehearing.
Mr. Blaine Hopkins, representing the developer, reviewed the appeal process and agreed he was willing to take of risk of the rehearing reversing the variance. Mr. Morris questioned whether the Board should continue the conceptual process and Mr. Turner indicated the Board would be giving guidance at this meeting and the process was non-binding. Mr. Gattinella returned to the Board.
Mr. Rouillard questioned whether the applicant has done a study to show the need for this tower. Mr. Turner reported a detailed study has been done and three companies have committed to placing their equipment on the tower and a fourth is interested. Mr. Turner has reviewed the study and disagrees with a small portion of the study. Mr. Rouillard requested the study confirm the location was the best possible site. Mr. Carpenter recused himself from the Board due a conflict of interest.
Ms. Stoller questioned the different applications for towers and requested the study preclude all possibilities before going forth with this type of construction.
Mr. Rouillard requested elevations from residential areas depicting the tree line with the monopole. There will be a visual impact analysis submitted with the application. Mr. Morris expressed concern with the existing gravel driveway and Mr. Turner indicated the Fire and Police Departments have not reviewed the plan. Mr. Rouillard requested erosion control on the roadway so as to prevent washouts.
Mr. Stearns discussed the FAA requirements on a 150' pole. Mr. Hopkins has submitted the plan to the Manchester Airport and will not have to light the tower. Mr. Stearns requested a letter confirming this information from the FAA. The plan will be sent to the various agencies after the appeal hearing on July 27, 1999.
Mr. Stearns motioned to suspend the by-law of no new business after 11:00 P.M. and Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 7-0.
Extension of Sherwood Road
Mr. Turner reviewed the list of deficiencies with this application, as stated in his memorandum to the Board dated July 7, 1999(in file). Mr. Stearns motioned to reject this application based on the deficiencies and Ms. Stoller seconded. Passed 7-0.
Meeting adjourned 11:15 P.M.
Mona Feciuch
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