Windham New Hampshire
JUNE 23, 1999
David Dubay-Chairman-Excused
Bernie Rouillard-Vice Chairman-Present
Jack Gattinella-Secretary-Present
Wayne Morris-Regular Member-Excused
Russell Wilder-Regular Member-Excused
Annette Stoller-Regular Member-Excused
Keith Goldstein-Alternate-Present
Walter Kolodziej-Alternate-Excused
Alan Carpenter-Alternate-Present
Margaret Crisler-Selectman-Present
Galen Stearns-Selectmen's Alternate-Present
Mr. Goldstein and Mr. Carpenter replaced Ms. Stoller and Mr. Wilder.
The Board received the following communications:
- Copy of a letter from Mr. Turner to Mr. Robert Yennaco concerning the cutting of trees and stumps within the W.W.P.D. without the proper permits.
- Pamphlet received from Chas. H. Sells, Inc. regarding the GPS system.
Request from Nault's Honda for the release of their site plan bond. Mr. Turner has inspected the property and the site is in conformance with the approved site plan. Mr. Goldstein motioned to release the site plan bond in the amount of $3,150.00 and Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed 5-0.
Mr. Turner handed out calendars for future workshop on the master plan and the Board will discuss this item at the July 14th workshop.
Mr. Goldstein motioned to approve the minutes of June 16, 1999 with the amendment to the first paragraph, business, "the motion passed 3-1-3, with Ms. Stoller opposed." Mrs. Crisler seconded and passed 5-0.
2 Lowell Road & 112 Lowell Road
Mr. Turner reviewed the application for two proposed school additions to Windham Center School and Windham Middle School. As this is a municipal site, plan under state law the Board may review and give non-binding comments. The plan as submitted did not conform to site plan regulations for submission requirements. Mr. Goldstein motioned to accept for public hearing and Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed 5-0.
The Center School plan depicted two additions on either side of the existing building. The driveway widths varied and the radius proposed at the entrance and exit is adequate. The issues Mr. Turner reviewed were setbacks, landscaping, the driveway impact on the abutters and drainage. The parking lots were adequate but the handicapped spaces ned to meet state law.
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