Windham New Hampshire
MARCH 17, 1999
David Dubay-Chairman-Present
Bernie Rouillard-Vice Chairman-Excused
Jack Gattinella-Secretary-Present
Wayne Morris-Regular Member-Present
Russell Wilder-Regular Member-Present
Annette Stoller-Regular Member-Present
Keith Goldstein-Alternate-Present
Walter Kolodziej-Alternate-Excused
Margaret Crisler-Selectman-Present
Galen Stearns-Selectmen's Alternate-Excused
Mr. Goldstein replaced Ms. Stoller on the Board.
Mrs. Crisler reported the Star Vector case has been judged in favor of the Planning Board. The Board of Selectmen has been reorganized and both zoning petitions have passed. The Board of Selectmen have set a priority to inventory all the roads in Windham, including the class 6 roads.
The Board received a limited hydrogeology report from GeoInsight, Inc. on the Thibodeau Site Plan, lot 19-A-800, 80 Mammoth Road, elderly housing units. The report supported the standards applied and suggested an increase of 4 acres to the total parcel.
Discussion followed on the design of leachfields. Edward N. Herbert Assocs., Inc. responded to the suggestions and agreed with GeoInsights (see letter dated 3/16/99). Mrs. Crisler motion to accept the hydrogeologist report by GeoInsight for the proposed elderly housing complex on Mammoth Road and include notes on the construction drawings for leachfields 12 and 14, as outlined in Edward N. Herbert Associates letter of March 16, 1999. Instruct the Building Inspector to verify that leachfields 5,7,8,9,10,12, and 14 be separated as much as possible. This report satisfies the condition required for approval on March 3, 1999. Mr. Wilder seconded. Passed 5-1 (W. Morris opposed).
Mr. Morris tendered his resignation from the Rockingham Planning Commission due to conflicting schedules. This item will be discussed with the full Board in attendance. Mrs. Crisler motioned to accept Mr. Morris' resignation from the RPC and Mr. Wilder seconded. Passed 5-0-1 (W. Morris abstained).
The Board received a bond for completion of the Fritschy Site Plan, located at 75 Indian Rock Road, in the amount of $20,000.00. Mr. Morris motioned to accept the Fritschy bond and Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed 6-0.
Range Road
Mr. Turner explained the request to discuss the stipulations of approval for the Griffin Park Site Plan. Committee members in attendance were Mr. Rick Hancock, Mr. Ralph Titus and Mr. Dennis Butterfield. Mr. Rick Hancock, chairman of the committee, requested input from the Board on the type of lighting plan stipulated. The Griffin Park Committee is using volunteers and planning the lighting portion for future funding.
Mr. Turner reported the lighting plan shown in the presentation to the Board of Selectmen did not show shielding of the adjacent lots or illumination contours. The soccer fields showed nine poles, 70 feet high with twenty-three lights on each pole. Mr. Gattinella suggested the Park Committee be given another approved lighting plan to assist in the drafting of a plan.
Mrs. Crisler expressed concern with keeping the light contained to the park and the burden is on the applicant to show how this would be done. The Board would need details and design criteria. Mr. Hancock explained the town has not funded the lighting and the money would need to be raised. The plan is designed for the maximum.
Mr. Wilder reiterated the need to keep light directed on the field and not stray to adjoining properties. The Committee should use best practice criteria for lighting. Mr. Morris discussed the state driveway permit and the plan should meet the 100' setback requirement of the zoning ordinance. Mr. Morris stated the plan should ensure the driveways don't interfere with the abutters causing light pollution.
Mrs. Crisler recommended the Board instruct Mr. Turner to work closely with the Committee through the process. Mr. Turner would provide approved plans from the past and the Committee will need to give details that the lighting will not impinge on abutters.
Discussion followed on the setback requirements and the 100' buffer. This change in the plans would eliminate seven parking spaces. The plan must meet the zoning requirements and only the Zoning Board of Adjustment could give a variance. Mr. Turner reminded the Board a landscaped buffer plan would be needed. The hours of operation should be noted on the plan. Mr. Butterfield suggested the Board of Selectmen draft park procedures or principles of operation.
3 Lexington Road
Mr. Turner presented the proposed site plan for warehouse, manufacturing and office space. The plan presented for review included 95 parking spaces and Lexington Road will need to be reconfigured with a permanent turn around.
Discussion ensued on the 8% grade of the roadway and the future subdivision of the lot. Mr. Wilder questioned the type of manufacturing. Mr. Kevin Price, developer, explained printing ink would be manufactured. Mr. Price stated there would be no external vents or fans and no noise or odor. The ink is liquid and all cleaning solvents are water based.
Mr. Turner reviewed the proposed drainage for the site. There will be approximately 25 employees and the plan depicted the loading areas for trucks. Mr. Turner reviewed the traffic pattern and suggested a one-way traffic flow. This plan will be subject to design review. The Board discussed access to the residual acreage of lot 11-A-200. This is a two-zoned parcel with the southern part limited industrial and the rear portion, abutting Sherwood Road, rural. There will be no connection to Sherwood Road.
Mrs. Bossard, an abutter, questioned the ventilation and Mr. Turner explained the BOCA requirements for air exchange would have to be met. The building will be 18 feet high with a pitched roof.
Mr. Wurster, of MHF Design Consultants, Inc., presented the Board with a rendering of the proposed building. Mrs. Crisler suggested the plan be sent out for design review and Mr. Wilder pointed out the building was in a hidden location. Mr. Price assured the Board there would be not internal drains in the building. Mrs. Crisler expressed concern with blasting, landscaping and municipal impact. The plans will be sent to the Rockingham County Conservation Commission for drainage review. A traffic study is presently done on the entire area. Mrs. Crisler suggested a site walk with the Conservation Commission.
Mrs. Crisler motioned to send the plans out to the Police Department, Fire Department, Conservation Commission and the Historic District Commission and to send the drainage plans for review by RCCD. Mr. Wilder seconded and passed 6-0.
Kendall Pond Road & Londonderry Road
Mr. Jack Semplenski, of Benchmark Engineers, Inc., reviewed the proposal for a 10 lot subdivision to be an open space development. Each lot will be approximately 1 acre and the area nearest Beaver Brook will remain open space. The open space area will be 65% of the total area.
Mr. Wilder discussed the soils and drainage. The lots will have frontage on town roads. Mr. James Gove, soil scientist, has done the soils mapping and Mr. Thorndike, Town Surveyor, is reviewing the calculations. All well and septic systems will be on the individual lots. A dredge & fill permit will be needed for three driveways and the developer will be giving a right of way to the town for future roadway work on Londonderry Road. Discussion followed on a suspected kettle pond on the property
Mrs. Crisler motioned to send the plans out for review to the Conservation Commission, Fire Department, Police Department and Historic District Commission. Mr. Goldstein seconded and passed 5-1 (J. Gattinella opposed).
Beacon Hill Road
The proposal is for a nine (9) lot subdivision on Beacon Hill Road backing up to Route 93. The parcel is 36 acres and all lots would have frontage on Beacon Hill Road. The developer, Brian Harvey, will fix the curve in the roadway to improve sight distance.
Mr. Wilder discussed the problems in the past with salt from Route 93 contaminating wells. Mr. Jack Semplenski, of Benchmark Engineering, Inc., requested the plans be sent out for review to the various municipal agencies.
Mr. Wilder motioned to send the Beacon Hill Subdivision to the Fire Department, Police Department, Conservation Commission and Historic District Commission. Mr. Goldstein seconded and passed 5-1 (J. Gattinella).
148 Londonderry Road
The proposal is for 16 lots off Londonderry Road and the discussion centered on the connection to Coventry Road, if feasible. Mr. Turner will check with the Fire Department on emergency response time.
Mr. Jack Semplenski, of Benchmark Engineering, Inc., explained the necessity of severe cuts if the connection was made. Mr. Gattinella suggested the Board site walk the parcel. The Planning Board will conduct a site walk of the parcel on Saturday, March 20, 1999, at 7:00 A.M.
Mr. Dubay read the four amendments to the by-laws of the Planning Board regarding meeting place, public hearings after 11:00 P.M., commencement of public hearings, and ex parte communications. Mrs. Crisler expressed concern with the wording of amendment 4, ex parte communication, and suggested town counsel review and recommend new wording for ex parte communications.
Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve amendments 1 and 2, delete amendment 3, and table amendment 4 for review by town counsel. Mr. Wilder seconded and passed 6-0.
Meeting adjourned 11:00 P.M.
Mona Feciuch
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