Windham New Hampshire
SEPTEMBER 16, 1998
David Dubay-Chairman-Present
Bernie Rouillard-Vice Chairman-Present
Jack Gattinella-Secretary-Present
Wayne Morris-Regular Member-Present
Russell Wilder-Alternate-Present
Margaret Crisler-Selectman-Excused
Galen Stearns-Selectmen's Alternate-Excused
BUSINESS:Mr. Morris motioned to approve the minutes of September 2, 1998, as amended, and Mr. Rouillard seconded. Passed 5-0. Mr. Rouillard motioned to accept, as written, the minutes of September 9, 1998 and Mr. Wilder seconded. Passed 4-0-1 (W. Morris abstained).
CORRESPONDENCE:Memorandum received from the Conservation Commission regarding the joint meeting to be scheduled. The Board will try to schedule a joint meeting October 22, 1998 with Mr. Jim Spaulding, of DES, to address the new drainage technology.
Mr. Wilder forwarded his suggestions for revisions to the subdivision and site plan checklists. Members will review at a future workshop.
A copy of correspondence from Atty. Grant Kidd, representing citizens on Heritage Hill Road, to the Conservation Commission (on file). The Conservation Commission has commented on the Hts. Of West Windham Subdivision. The Board consensus was to place a copy of the letter in the Planning Board file. Letter received from Mr. & Mrs. Stanford, of Londonbridge Road, in opposition to the connection between Castle Hill Road to Heritage Hill Road.
Letter received from Attorney Bernard Campbell, town counsel, concerning the Star Vector court case.
The Board discussed the various applicants requesting appointment to the Planning Board. Mr. Dubay motioned to recommend Mr. Russell Wilder be appointed a regular member and Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 4-0-1 (R. Wilder abstained). It was the consensus of the Planning Board that the Board of Selectmen, having interviewed the applicants, would be better able to make the necessary appointments.
LIAISON REPORTS:Mr. Morris attended the recent Rockingham Planning Commission meeting. The U.S. Forest Service will be doing a build out study of New Hampshire. Mr. Turner will follow up.
Mr. Turner reported money has been sent to NH DOT for the town's portion of designing the Langdon Road/Range Road intersection.
Mr. Turner reported this plan was not stamped and signed by a soil scientist, there is no information on what the NH DOT is requesting regarding the intersection of Range Road and Searles Road and there is no information on the use of paver blocks in the parking area. Mr. James Gove, soil scientist, has been out to the site but would not stamp the plan as the wetlands have changed since his 1990 wetlands mapping. Mr. Gattinella questioned the basis of the use of paver blocks in the parking area. The Town of Salem has seen the plan and has no problem with the development. Mr. Gove presented the Board with a memorandum addressing the site. He has found the wetland delineation has changed, the jurisdictional wetland is down slope from the old boundary, more uplands are present in the area of proposed development then is depicted on the plan presented, wetlands plants are growing on non-hydric soils due to parking lot runoff and the proposed development will not impact jurisdictional wetlands. Mr. Wilder indicated if the wetlands were incorrect on the presented plan the W.W.P.D. was also inaccurate. Mr. George Fredette, of SFC Engineering Partnership, has met with the NH DOT and they are not requiring the applicant do anything at this time and he has information on the paver blocks. Mr. Wilder motioned to not accept this plan as presented for the reasons Mr. Turner provided in his comments dated September 16, 1988 (on file). Mr. Morris seconded and passed 5-0.
This proposal would revise the original site plan to increase parking by 31 spaces and connect both parking areas. Mr. Turner would recommend the parking area be self policed by hiring an off duty police officer. The note referring to seating will be changed and Mr. Wilder questioned the notes regarding a gift shop. Mr. Gattinella indicated note 4B should be revised. Mr. Steve Gagnon, an abutter, expressed his concern with additional cars and the impact on the environment, specifically the nitrate loading. Mr. Gagnon suggested soil samples be done in the area. Mr. Morris questioned the employee parking area across the street. The owner currently leases the area for employee parking only, no customer parking. A copy of the lease will be needed for the public hearing. Mr. Turner addressed the need to keep the fire lane free of traffic and it should be marked accordingly. Mr. Wilder requested Mr. Turner ask the state for assistance in determining if the system is working properly and for guidance on storm water pollution controls, i.e., monitoring. Mr. Brian Johnson, CEO of Common Man Restaurants, reviewed the history of the project and suggested a one way traffic flow through the parking area. He would have a paid employee work outside to police the area and keep the fire lane open. Mr. John Walters, an abutter, questioned the increased parking spaces in relation to the number of seating allowed in the restaurant, which is 126 seats. Mr. Rouillard stated the parking calculations should be shown on the plan and based on the use of the site. Mr. Morris indicated the plan should be reviewed by the Heritage/Historic District Commission, Conservation Commission, Fire and Police Departments. A general floor plan will be needed and the variance noted on the plan. Mr. Turner will inquire, of the state, on nitrate loading and if any improvements will be needed to the facility.
JOHNSON/NICKERSON SUBDIVISION (22-R-800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 4000B) - CONCEPTUAL
Mr. Steven Haight, of Edward N. Herbert Assocs, Inc., presented a proposal for a 26 lot subdivision located off Range Road and directly across from Horseshoe Road. The proposal would have a temporary cul-de-sac and require three (3) wetlands crossings. The Conservation Commission has walk the site. The parcel abuts Route 93 and Mr. Turner discussed the possible need for sound barriers. Mr. Rouillard requested the existing trails be located on the topography plan. Mr. Turner will speak to NH DOT regarding the sound barriers and ask for guidance. Discussion followed on road connections, drainage, traffic patterns and the possibility of this subdivision being an open space development. The Board requested a public discussion be held on this subdivision before a public hearing.
Mr. Steven Haight, of Edward N. Herbert Assocs., Inc., presented the proposed 43 lot subdivision, of 130, acres off Marblehead Road. Mr. Haight reviewed both methods of subdivision development, conventional and open space. The consensus of the Board was an open space development for this parcel. The Board requested a public discussion be held on this subdivision before a public hearing.
NEW BUSINESS:Mr. Rouillard informed the Board and Mr. Turner of a violation on lot 17-J-1, Castleton. A letter of deficiency is on file regarding RSA 482-A:3, I, permit #92-1193. Mr. Rouillard requested Mr. Turner look into the matter.
Adjourned 10:50 P.M.
Mona Feciuch
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