Windham New Hampshire
AUGUST 19, 1998
David Dubay-Chairman-Present
Bernie Rouillard-Vice Chairman-Present
Jack Gattinella-Secretary-Present
Wayne Morris-Regular Member-Present
Russell Wilder-Alternate-Present
Margaret Crisler-Selectman-Present
BUSINESS:Mr. Rouillard motioned to accept, as amended, the minutes of July 29, 1998 and Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 5-0. Mr. Rouillard motioned to accept, as amended, the minutes of August 5, 1998 and Mr. Wilder seconded. Passed 5-0.
CORRESPONDENCE:Memorandum received from the Board of Selectmen inviting the Planning Board to a joint meeting with the School Board on August 31, 1998, Town Hall, at 8:30 P.M. This meeting will focus on the distribution of impact fees, availability of police officers for drug and alcohol programs in the schools and the report from the consultants studying school building needs.
Notice received pertaining to the relocation of the Rockingham Economic Development Corporation and the Rockingham Planning Commission.
A copy of a memorandum from Mr. Turner to the Capital Improvements Committee was received regarding the removal of a request from the CIP projects. NH DOT has informed Mr. Turner a new driveway permit for a fire station will be required but no additional improvements to Route 111 will be needed for the new construction.
Notice received from the Salem-Plaistow-Windham MPO concerning the statewide transportation plan. A copy will be kept on file.
The current "Town & City" was received, of particular interest was the section on Chapter Laws of 1998.
LIAISON REPORTS:Mrs. Crisler reported on the recent Board of Selectmen meeting discussion on acquiring the railroad right-of-way between the Waterhouse site and Depot Road. Mr. Devlin is requesting a 10' easement to build a house on a landlocked parcel. Mr. Morris suggested the Selectmen contact the Bureau of Trails. There are several sections of the railroad bed with historic significance. Mr. Morris questioned the maintenance of the railroad bed which is now maintained by the state. The Planning Board will be discussing this item at the September 2, 1998 meeting.
Mr. Dubay reported on the recent Capital Improvements Committee meeting. The Board will hold a joint meeting with the CIP Committee September 23, 1998.
Mr. Turner informed the Board this proposed subdivision conforms to the subdivision and zoning regulations and recommended acceptance for public hearing. Mr. Rouillard motioned to accept for public hearing and Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed 6-0. Mr. Turner presented the proposed subdivision which is in the Rural zone, within the Aquifer Protection District and contains a W.W.P.D. This parcel is located at 137 Kendall Pond Road, consists of 70 acres and the new lot would be 5 acres. Mr. Turner reported there was a four (4) lot subdivision in June, 1989 and the concern for the Board was piecemeal subdividing and the possible need for off site improvements. The plan depicted two (2) drainage easements to be given to the town. Mr. Dubay read the comments from the Fire Department recommending sprinklers be put in the house. The Police Department and Conservation Commission had no objections. Discussion followed in the placing of a note on the plan stating the Fire Department requirements. Mr. Gattinella suggested this Fire Department requirement was part of the permitting process. Ms. Normington, trustee of the estate, reported there were two (2) wells on the property. Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve pending a note be placed on the plan that the Fire Department emergency water requirement must be met and setting of the bounds. Mr. Wilder seconded. Mr. Turner suggested that with the subdivision of the next lot the Board should consider the whole subdivision as a major subdivision in respect to off site improvements. Ms. Normington stated the entire parcel has been HISS mapped and only 3-4 more lots could be subdivided. The motion passed 5-1 (J. Gattinella was opposed as he did not believe the Planning Board had the authority to place this note on the plan.) The special permit was for a driveway crossing of the W.W.P.D. The Conservation Commission has no objections. Mr. Rouillard motioned to approve the special permit and Mr. Wilder seconded. Passed 6-0.
Mr. Turner reviewed the proposed site plan for a new church with additional parking. The site has received a variance to allow parking within the W.W.P.D. There are extensive wetlands in the rear of the parcel. Mr. Turner recommended the intersection of Searles Road and Route 111 be redesigned. Mr. Thorndike, Town Surveyor, provided a conceptual design dated 1990. Mr. Wilder discussed the proposed Route 111 and Lamson Road intersection which will be part of the Route 111 by-pass improvements. The by-pass is scheduled for 2005. Mr. George Fredette, of SFC Engineering, reviewed the proposed drainage system. The existing site consists of 11.5% impervious surface and the new site plan would have 21.8% impervious surface. Mr. Morris suggested the engineer look into the drainage being used at the Lechmere site in Salem, NH. This site will need a special permit. Mr. Wilder discussed the traffic issues. The applicant should take the conceptual design to NH DOT for approval and get a cost analysis. The plan will be sent to the Salem Health Office and Ross Moldoff, Salem Planning Director, for review. Mr. Morris suggested the use of paver blocks with walkways for the parking area. The Board authorized sending the plan to the Fire, Police, Conservation and Heritage Commission. This application should include elevations and signage. The plan is subject to design review. Mr. John Gloclowski, an abutter, expressed his concern with the intersection of Searles Road and Route 111 and its close proximity to the wall. Mr. Frank Martel discussed the cost of the off site improvements and the possibility of the Diocese of Manchester not funding this cost. Mrs. Crisler explained the charge of the Planning Board was to look out for the interests of the town and the expansion on this site would double the traffic at this intersection. The board could declare this development scattered and premature until the state constructs improvements in 2005.
NEW BUSINESS:Mr. Crisler discussed the need for the Water Supply Needs Committee to meet and submit a final report to the Planning Board. The membership includes Mr. Wilder, Mr. Dubay, Mrs. Crisler and Chief Lipe.
Meeting adjourned 10:45 P.M.
Mona Feciuch
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