Windham New Hampshire
AUGUST 5, 1998
David Dubay-Chairman-Present
Bernie Rouillard-Vice Chairman-Present
Jack Gattinella-Secretary-Present
Wayne Morris-Regular Member-Present
Russell Wilder-Alternate-Excused
Margaret Crisler-Selectman-Present
Galen Stearns-Selectmen's Alternate-Present
BUSINESS:Ms. Crisler motioned to accept, as amended, the minutes of July 22, 1998 and Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 4-0-1 (D. Dubay abstained)
CORRESPONDENCE:Copy of a letter from Town Counsel, Atty. Campbell, to Atty. Bowles, counsel for Wal-Mart, regarding the Wal-Mart project proposed in Salem, New Hampshire. Atty. Campbell requested Atty. Bowles join in the request that this project be designated as regional impact.
Memo received from Mr. Turner concerning consultants for impact studies. Copies of the proposals were given for a property values impact study, a municipal services impact study and a traffic study for the adult entertainment facility proposed on Route 28. Mrs. Crisler motioned to accept Mr. Turner's recommendations of Applied Economic Research for the property values and municipal services studies and Keach-Nordstrom for the traffic study. Mr. Morris seconded. Mr. Gattinella questioned whether the consultants would have a baseline site plan. Mr. Turner explained the process the consultants would use, a site plan will be provided and an interview of the applicant. Passed 5-0.
Mr. Turner recommended the release of $22,162.40 from the Candlewood Road bond and retain $28,260.00. So moved by Mrs. Crisler and seconded by Mr. Rouillard. Passed 5-0.
Letter received from Bedford Design Consultants requesting a site walk with the Board on the Sovereign Realty plan, located off Ledge Road, lot 11-A-50. The Board will walk this site on Tuesday, August 11, 1998, at 6:00 P.M.
Pamphlets received from the American Planning Association, UNH and the American Law Institute offering continuing education for planning and historic preservation.
The Board received a petition protesting the proposed connection between Heritage Hill Road and the Castle Hill Road area. This will be filed with the proposed subdivision, the Heights of West Windham.
Mr. Turner gave the Board a draft copy of the Land Use portion of the Master Plan to review. Mrs. Crisler discussed the possibility of the Planning Board meeting at the cable studio. Mr. Morris reported on the recent Capital Improvements Committee meeting. The primary issue discussed was the raising of the cap from $1.40 per $1000.00. The next meeting of the CIP will be August 13, 1998.
Mr. Turner presented the proposed addition to the Exxon gas station/convenience store located on Route 111. The proposal would be a 10'X20' addition to the front of the building with a food service window. The applicant will need a variance for the front setbacks. The owner is currently in negotiations with the state to buy a piece of land in the front of the parcel. Mr. Turner recommended a traffic count with attention paid to the three (3) roads that intersect at the entrance to the Exxon site. Mr. Rouillard has walked this site with the applicant and the Conservation Commission. Mr. Turner recommended a traffic and design engineer should look at the entrance. The Board requested the applicant have a traffic engineer study the site itself and the impact on the exit onto Route 111. Mrs. Crisler requested the applicant select a traffic engineer subject to Mr. Turner's approval and the scope of work to be given by Mr. Turner. The plans will be distributed to the various agencies when received.
The staff presented the proposed site plan for 57 Route 28. The site is zoned Business Commercial A, is in the Aquifer Protection district and has a W.W.P.D. present. The applicant will be appealing the Aquifer Protection delineation under 609.3.3 of the zoning ordinance. The Board has walked this site in July, 1998. The gas tanks are not in the W.W.P.D. Mr. Turner recommended a traffic study in relationship to the approved site plan across from this site and a drainage review. Mr. Rouillard questioned the depth of ledge in the area of the tanks. Mr. Peter Zohdi, of Edward N. Herbert Assocs., Inc., explained the test pits done in the area did not hit ledge at 8' and the tanks would be installed approximately 6' deep, which would be 3-3 1/2 ' above ledge. The applicant has hired a traffic engineer and has met with NH DOT. Discussion followed on the addition of a slip lane on Route 28. Mr. Turner will contact the traffic engineer. A new well will be placed in the APD and they have received a variance to place the leachfield in the W.W.P.D. The old leachfield was 20' from the wetlands and the new leachfield is 80' from the wetlands. Mr. James Gove, of Gove Environmental Services, explained the existing conditions and the proposed conditions of the property. Drainage will consist of a catch basins, two sediment forebays, a berm and a treatment swale. This system was suggested by the DES to remove sand and hydrocarbons. The first forebay would need maintenance every 2-3 years and reseeding. A curb and oil separator will be placed before the treatment area. Mr. Dubay question snow removal and Mr. Zohdi reviewed the area for snow storage. Mr. Turner recommended a railing type structure be placed in front of the treatment area. Mrs. Crisler expressed concern with the traffic increase on Route 28 in particular the intersection of Route 28 and 111.
Mr. Turner presented the proposed daycare center to be located at 4 Cobbetts Pond Road, the Towne Plaza. This site was formerly a doctor's office. The site conforms to all site plan and zoning requirements. The applicant is requesting waivers for soils study, a plan with 2' contours, detailed drainage calculations, showing snow storage and depiction of trees greater than 12" in diameter. Mr. Rouillard motioned to accept for public hearing and Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed 5-0. The parcel is zoned Business Commercial A, contains a W.W.P.D. and is in the Aquifer Protection District. The parcel is 8.6 acres and the applicant will add a fenced 40' X 60' play area. The illegal driveway around the rear will be blocked off. The parking area will need to be stripped. Mr. Turner explained the landscaping, stripping of parking area, the definition of one of the entrances and the closing off of the illegal driveway in the rear. The hours of operation will be 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., with 3 employees and 19 children. The parking is adequate. The Police Chief is concerned with vandalism in the rear and requests lighting on side and rear. Mr. Dubay read the comments from the Fire Department, Conservation Commission and the Police Department (on file). Mr. Gattinella questioned who would do the stripping of the parking area. Mr. Turner explained it was not a concern of the Board as the applicant would not receive a certificate of occupancy without the stripping being complete. Mr. Morris questioned the location of the leachfield. Mr. Turner reported there was no problem with the leachfield. Discussion followed on the overflow hose for the well. There will be no changes to the exterior of the building. Mr. Rouillard motioned to treat the waivers as a group and Mrs. Crisler seconded. Passed 5-0. Mr. Gattinella motioned to approve the request for the waivers and Mr. Rouillard seconded. Passed 5-0. Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve the site plan pending submittal of a lighting plan to the Planning & Development Dept. for approval. Seconded by Mr. Rouillard and passed 5-0.
Mr. Turner presented the site plan for 90 Range Road, next to the Common Man Restaurant. This plan is a negotiated agreement to resolve an enforcement issue. This would put a plan on file to enforce. The waivers requested are for soils, 2' contours, drainage calculations, depicting trees 12" or greater in diameter and snow storage location. The site plan is in compliance with site plan and zoning regulations. Mr. Rouillard motioned to accept the plan dated revisions January 7, 1998 for public hearing and Mr. Morris seconded. Passed Mr. Turner explained this was an as-built plan and the area has been cleaned up considerably. A 6' fence will be installed between the property and the restaurant and a 6' fence with wings for the tire storage area. The shed has been moved and the parking will be placed near the dumpster. Mr. Dubay read the comments of the Fire Department and the Conservation Commission (on file). The fence will be a 6' X 100' stockade. Mr. Rouillard motioned to waive the items in total and Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 5-0. Mr. Turner recommended a time limit be placed on the installation of the fences. A time limit of six (6) months will be given. Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve with the following conditions, the Fire Department request that the trailers be labeled appropriately with their contents and hazardous materials reported to the Fire Department, the installation of a six foot (6') stockade fence on the eastern boundary line , as shown on the plan within six (6) months, and the installation of a fence on the northern property line for the tire storage area within six (6) months. Mr. Rouillard seconded. Passed 5-0.
Mr. Turner presented the proposed subdivision of 32 Beacon Hill Road into two (2) lots. The proposal meets all subdivision and zoning requirements. Mrs. Crisler motioned to accept the plan for consideration and public hearing and Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 5-0. The comments of the Conservation Commission, Fire Department and the Police Department were read (on file). The Fire Department is requesting a cistern or a sprinkler system be installed for the new lot. This is a state law requirement for fire suppression. Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve the plan as presented and Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 5-0.
Mr. Turner presented the proposed three (3) lot subdivision located at 13 Meetinghouse Road. The plan meets all subdivision and zoning requirements. The applicant is requesting a waiver for the scale of the plan. Mr. Rouillard motioned to accept for public hearing and Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 5-0. The parcel is zoned Rural and contains W.W.P.D., is in the Aquifer Protection District and is in the 100 year flood plain area. The existing house and garage are grandfathered and the plans depict the 10,000 square feet of buildable area in the rear. The plan depicts the 4K areas for the two (2) subdivided lots. A ten (10') foot easement has been given to maintain the culvert on Meetinghouse Road. Mr. Gattinella questioned whether this subdivision would need a variance for the house and the garage now existing. Mr. Turner reported state and local law has grandfathered the existing house and garage. Mr. Dubay read the previous minutes and the comments from the Conservation Commission, Fire Department and the Police Department (on file). Mrs. Costa, the owner, explained the house and garage were placed where the Building Inspector told them to placed them. Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve the waiver request for the scale of the plan and Mr. Rouillard seconded. Passed 5-0. Mrs. Crisler motioned to approve as presented the Costa Subdivision subject to the setting of the bounds. Mr. Gattinella seconded and passed 3-2 (opposed W. Morris, B. Rouillard).
Meeting adjourned 10:50 P.M.
Mona Feciuch
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