Ross McLeod, Chairman – Present Wayne Morris, Vice Chairman – Present
Lee Maloney, Secretary – Present Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member – Excused
Nancy Prendergast, Regular Member – Present Pam Skinner, Regular Member – Present
Roy Dennehy, Alternate – Present Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Member – Present
Chris Doyle, Selectmen Alternate – Present
Mr. McLeod opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
Mr. Morris motioned to approve the February 12 minutes as amended. Ms. Prendergast seconded. Passed 4-0.
Castle Reach II, release $305,000 and retain $1,577,274.25. Mr. Dennehy replaced Mr. Kolodziej. Mr. Morris motioned to release and retain. Ms. Skinner seconded. Passed 4-0-1. Mr. Dennehy abstained.
The Board interviewed Ms. Susan Gifford of 49 West Shore Road, and Mr. John Barry of 27 Hawthorne Road regarding the Alternate Planning Board positions. Ms. Maloney motioned to go into non-public as per RSA 91-A:3. Mr. Dennehy seconded. All yes. Mr. Hohenberger joined the Board. Ms. Prendergast motioned to come out of non-public. Ms. Skinner seconded. Passed 6-0. Mr. Dennehy motioned to appoint John Barry as an alternate member for 3 years. Ms. Prendergast seconded. Passed 6-0-1. Mr. Hohenberger abstained. Ms. Maloney motioned to have Ms. Gifford referred to the Selectmen regarding an appointment to the Conservation Commission. Mr. Dennehy seconded. Passed 6-0-1. Mr. Hohenberger abstained.
The Board discussed economic viable mechanism for open space subdivisions, and the Lamplighter meeting with residents is June 5.
Hadleigh Woods Condo Document Revision (3-B-200 & 265) – Public Hearing Continued
Rockingham and Flat Rock Roads
Brian Harvey, H&B Homes, asked for a continuance till June 4. Ms. Prendergast motioned to continue to June 4. Ms. Maloney seconded. Passed 7-0. Discussion ensued regarding Board support, letter to ZBA, apology to Mr. Harvey for the process, and reopen the discussion. Ms. Prendergast motioned to reconsider her motion. Mr. Dennehy seconded. Passed 7-0. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to reconsider last week’s motion regarding sending the letter to the ZBA. Ms. Prendergast seconded. Passed 5-0-2. Mr. Morris and Ms. Skinner abstained. Discussion ensued regarding the ZBA, support, and elderly housing ordinance. Ms. Maloney motioned to continue to June 4. Mr. Dennehy seconded. Passed 7-0.
Tremblay Subdivision – 4 lots (21-G-300) – Public Discussion
Canterbury Road
Mr. Turner explained the subdivision including location, acreage, zoning, two options including connecting Canterbury to Candlewood or not, and traffic study dates. Ms. Laurie Rauseo, traffic consultant, discussed the traffic impact study projected out to 2013. Mr. Denis Tremblay, applicant, asked which plan the Board preferred. Discussion ensued regarding needing the connector for emergency response times. Mr. McLeod read department comments. Discussion continued regarding traffic count numbers, distance to Golden Brook School, and police and fire comments. Mr. Jack McCartney, Highway Agent, stated having the connection would help with snow plowing. Mr. Dave Brouillet, Herbert Associates, discussed cul-de-sac length and wetlands.
Public comment began with Mr. Dave Shipman, 14 Candlewood Road, Mr. Bill Ferguson, 22 Bramley Hill Road, and Mr. Doug Roberts, 15 Canterbury Road, all presented petitions from the residents of their roads unanimously opposing the cut through. Ms. Lisa Linowes, 20 Bramley Hill; Mr. Mark Bermingham, 12 Candlewood Road; and Mr. Roberts spoke in opposition to the connection.
Board discussion ensued regarding drainage, safety, cul-de-sac, emergency vehicles, traffic, connection, trail, fire and police comments, and cul-de-sac has less environmental impact. Mr. Kolodziej joined the Board.
Mr. Morris motioned to move St. Matthews and Pawtucket to June 4. Ms. Skinner seconded. Passed 6-0.
Fletcher Road Extension – 3 lots (25-R-625) – Public Hearing
Fletcher Road
Mr. Warren explained the subdivision including lots, conventional subdivision, access, frontage, zoning, WWPD, cul-de-sac removed, new permanent cul-de-sac, acreage, application is ready for acceptance, individual septic systems, water from community well, waivers, and staff recommendations. Ms. Maloney motioned to accept for public hearing upon granting the waivers as on project review report. Ms. Skinner seconded. Discussion ensued. Passed 6-1. Mr. Hohenberger opposed.
Mr. Jack Szemplinski, Benchmark Engineering, discussed right-of-way to Town land, buffer, special permit, and photographs of cul-de-sac and driveway location.
Public comment began with Mr. Joseph Parker, 34 Fletcher Road, discussed drainage and easement location.
Discussion ensued regarding drainage, and 6” x 6” stone post trail designation. Mr. McLeod read the department comments. Discussion ensued regarding off-site improvements, hydrants, right-of-way location, drainage, and Mr. Thorndike checked the WWPD.
Mr. Morris motioned to approve waiver to Sections 602.8.5 and 602.15 to allow exceeding the cul-de-sac length because it will become a permanent cul-de-sac within the 2400-foot length. Ms. Prendergast seconded. Passed 7-0. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to approve waiver to Sections 602.18 for no curbing because it maintains the current Fletcher Road. Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 6-1. Mr. Kolodziej opposed. Mr. Morris motioned to approve waiver to Sections 602.17 for 24-foot road width to continue with what is currently there. Ms. Maloney seconded. Passed 6-1. Mr. Hohenberger opposed. Mr. Morris motioned to approve waiver to Sections 702 for open drainage because it is consistent with what is already there. Ms. Maloney seconded. Discussion ensued. Passed 4-3. Mr. Kolodziej, Mr. McLeod and Mr. Hohenberger opposed. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to approve the special permit for work proposed within the WWPD and no changes to the driveways or roadway in the WWPD without coming before the Planning Board. Mr. Morris seconded. Discussion ensued. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Morris motioned to approve the subdivision with the following conditions: 1) setting or bonding of the bounds; 2) 6” x 6” posts at the entry to the trail right-of-way; 3) The “Easement” shown on Sheets 2, 3, and 4 be labeled as a “Right of Way” to be deeded to the Town at the time of the deeding of the roadway. 4) The plans be stamped and certified by licensed Soil Scientist, and Wetland Scientist, as appropriate; 5) Roadway Cross-Sections (see sheet 5 of 6) be revised to reflect a cul-de-sac radius of 80 feet (not 80 feet diameter); 6) The “Typical Road Section” detail (see sheet 5 of 6) be revised to reflect the sub-base and base of bank run and crushed gravel to be 32 feet in width, and that the sub-base of 14” of bank run gravel be laid in two courses of 7” each; 6) Clearly marked no cut buffer as presented by the engineer as depicted on the plan. Ms. Prendergast seconded. Passed 5-2. Mr. Hohenberger and Mr. Kolodziej opposed.
Anderson Open Space Subdivision (3-A-512) – Public Hearing
off Morrison and Mitchell Pond Roads
Mr. Warren explained the notices regarding the scenic road, location, zoning, WWPD, 33 lots, connector road, special permits, waivers, Morrison Road is designated as a scenic road, hydrogeology study, and individual septic and wells. Mr. Warren reviewed the waivers requested. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to accept for public hearing subject to granting the waivers. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Mike Toll, StoneHill Environmental, discussed the hydrogeology study which included availability of water, potential impacts to abutters, and assessment of individual wells vs. a community well. Discussion ensued regarding failed and marginal wells, complaints, water use, maintaining forest, open space developments, and irrigation systems.
Public comment by Mr. Geoff Robertson, 7 Mitchell Pond Road; Mr. Michael Peterson, 60 Morrison Road; Mr. Bob Coole, 20 Morrison Road; Ms. Kimberly Callan, 36 Morrison road; Ms. Robin Kernel, Hancock Road; Mr. Dennis Senibaldi, 20 Partridge Road; and Ms. Nanci Costa, 11 Morrison Road. Topics discussed the water supply concerns in the area.
Board discussion ensued regarding community well and Anderson site walk schedule for June 4 at 5:30 pm. Members to meet at Morrison Road near the project’s planned access. Mr. Kolodziej motioned to continue to June 4 at 8:00 pm. Ms. Skinner seconded. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Kolodziej motioned to adjourn. Ms. Skinner seconded. Passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned 11:50 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Charland