Ross McLeod, Chairman – Present Wayne Morris, Vice Chairman – Present
Lee Maloney, Secretary – Present Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Member – Present
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member – Excused Nancy Prendergast, Regular Member – Present
Pam Skinner, Regular Member – Present Roy Dennehy, Alternate – Present
Christopher Doyle, Selectmen Alternate – Present
Karl Dubay, Russ Wilder, David DeVries, Mr. Sylvestri
Mr. McLeod opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Mr. Dennehy and Mr. Doyle replaced Mr. Kolodziej and Mr. Hohenberger respectively.
Mr. McLeod presented national volunteer certificates of appreciation to Board members.
The Board discussed scheduling a meeting with Atty. Campbell to discuss the Nasser property on either May 15 or 29
Jenny’s Hill Road extension. Mr. Morris motioned to accept a road bond in the amount of $305,916 to allow the recording of plans and road construction. Ms. Skinner seconded. Passed 6-0.
DelPozzo subdivision. Ms. Maloney motioned to accept a bond in the amount of $500 to set the bounds for two lots. Mr. Dennehy seconded. Passed 6-0.
DVD – Smart Growth
Notice from NHDOT of workshop on the application process to fund transportation projects.
The Board discussed road shoulders and safety issues on 27 Emerson Road. Ms. Maloney made a motion to accept staff comments, regarding Emerson Road in a memo from the Planning Office to Chairman McLeod, dated 4/22/03, and forward those comments to the Board of Selectmen. Seconded by Mr. Dennehy. Passed 6-0-1. Mr. Doyle abstained. Mr. Hohenberger joined the Board.
Liason reports:
Mr. Morris and Mr. Hohenberger testified before the Senate hearing HB420. Hearing is continued to Tuesday April 29th.
Mr. Hohenberger reminded the Board that the BOS session with NHDOT is scheduled for 5/5/03.
Site Plan amendments:
Town of Windham Subdivision Regulations.
Amend Section 601.20. Motion by Ms. Skinner. Seconded by Ms. Maloney to remove wording “without prior approval…”. Passed 6-1.
Amend Section 601.21.1 Motion by Mr. Morris. Seconded by Mr. Dennehy to remove wording in parentheses (per Section 601...). Passed 7-0.
Amend Section 601.21.2 Motion by Mr. Dennehy. Seconded by Ms. Maloney to remove wording in parentheses (per Section 601…), and, in sections a. and b., insert the word “maximum” before the first word interval when referencing 50-foot intervals. Passed 7-0.
Amend Section 704.1.2 Motion by Mr. Morris. Seconded by Ms. Skinner to approve amendment as posted with minor punctuation changes. Passed 7-0.
Amend Section 704.1.3 Motion by Mr. Dennehy. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger to approve as posted. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Dubay provided comments on 901.24.
Amend Section 901.24. Motion by Ms. Prendergast. Seconded by Mr. Dennehy to change the words “catch basins” to drainage structures, the word contractor to owner and remove last 6 word of last sentence and replace with the word “them”. Passed 7-0.
Amend Section 903.4 Clean up: Motion by Mr. Dennehy. Seconded by Mr. Morris 2nd line
… left in a safe, neat and presentable condition. All catch basins, detention ponds, drainage swales, level spreaders and drainage out flows shall be cleaned no more than 30 days prior to the street’s proposed Town acceptance. All detention ponds, drainage swales, level spreaders and drainage out flows shall be cleaned, stabilized against erosion, and functioning in compliance with Town regulations. Passed 7-0.
Motion by Mr. Hohenberger. Seconded by Mr. Prendergast to reconsider previous motion and amend amendment to change wording in last line. Passed 7-0
Motion by Mr. Hohenberger. Seconded by Mr. Dennehy to change the word Town in the last line and replace with State and Federal regulations. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Dubay commented on section.
Amend Section 903.6. Maintenance Escrow: Motion by Mr. Dennehy. Seconded by Ms. Skinner to change words “final acceptance” to “designated completion” and add end of sentence to read “per linear foot of roadway center line”. Passed 7-0.
Amendments to Town of Windham Site Plan Regulations
Mr. DeVries commented on section.
Reference: New section 703.3.1 Motion by Mr. Dennehy. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger to place period after district and eliminate last 7 words. Passed 7-0.
Reference: New section 703.3.2 Motion by Mr. Dennehy. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger to remove references in parentheses. Passed 7-0.
Reference: New section 703.3.3 Motion by Mr. Dennehy. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger to remove references in parentheses, in section a. insert the word “maximum” before intervals to read “50 foot maximum intervals and in section b. remove the words “50-foot”. Passed 7-0.
Motion by Mr. Hohenberger, seconded by Ms. Maloney to reconsider Section 703.3.1 to add a section “c” for staff to provide additional requirements. Passed 7-0. Staff directed to draft a new paragraph C (for future hearing) requiring the WWPD to be staked on-site at 50-foot intervals.
Motion by Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Dennehy to reconsider Section 601.21.2 to add a section “c” for staff to provide additional requirements. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Hohenberger motioned to adopt all proposed regulations, as amended. Mr. Dennehy seconded. Passed 7-0.
Roundtable Discussion- Improving Approval Procedures
Mr. Dubay, Mr. Wilder, Mr. Sylvestri, and Mr. DeVries participated. Comments and thoughts on the process included: Tuesday morning meetings called TRM and not required additional meeting; Post all regulations and applications to the Town’s web page; Board should participate more in the conceptual design and the owner/engineer should provide as much information as possible if ideas and conceptuals are not well defined then the Board cannot give good direction and the procedure should allow after thought period.
Board should focus on gateway/business technology not on town center yet. Certain districts have pre-approval and pre-set guidelines (i.e. traffic study impacts on services, lighting standards, hours of operation, dumpsters, screen from adjacent zones). Board should provide presentation guides to applicant and let the applicant make a full and complete presentation and utilize time management practices.
Review process should include; architectural review, treatment of water, treatment of sewer, parking capacities and internal circulation, drainage, comments from Police, Fire and Use taxes should be established to pay for infrastructure changes to the Town.
Abutters and special interest groups should get a fair hearing and have informational gatherings prior to hearing. Send out informational sheets to abutters to stem anger. Encourage developers to meet socially for ideas, recommendations and final site plan review.
Board should provide more structure to hearings, opening and closures; should have a list of questions; have the Town’s engineer available for Q.& A’s and technical issues at public hearings.
Send out plans to board members before hearings/meetings, have a checklist organized by thought process and have all reports submitted on disk for e-mailing to members or posting on website. Have applicants come in with an issue sheet (i.e. drainage, affordability) Bring the “I don’t like it issues” early on in the process. Board should be given latitude to apply common sense and make adjustments as they see fit.
Public discussion process with site plan to be optional to applicant. Applicant to submit a waiver request with plan. Board should use time management with public discussion. Have public discussion held on a different night.
Use of consultants: have applicants hire their own consultants and a check list will determine hiring of a consultant by applicant. Specify study vs. a report.
Mr. Hohenberger made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Dennehy seconded. Passed 7.0. Meeting adjourned 10:45 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Lee Maloney