Ross McLeod, Chairman Present Wayne Morris, Vice Chairman Present
Lee Maloney, Secretary Present Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Member Present
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member Present Lisa Linowes, Regular Member Present
Russ Wilder, Regular Member Present Roy Dennehy, Alternate Present
Nancy Prendergast, Alternate Excused Alan Carpenter, Selectmen Alternate Excused
Mr. McLeod opened the meeting at 7:30 pm. Mr. Dennehy replaced Mr. Morris.
Mr. Dennehy motioned to approve the January 15 minutes as amended. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed 6-0-1. Mr. Wilder abstained.
Mr. Morris joined the Board, and Mr. Dennehy stepped down.
Letter from Attorney Sununus office regarding the rail line;
RPC notice of public hearing comment period for the long range transportation plan;
The Source Newsletter;
Special Places Newsletter;
Flyer for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Manual;
Flyer for Retaining Affordable Workforce Housing workshop;
Notice of Office of State Planning Tenth Annual Spring Conference;
Letter from Mr. Mark Samsel requesting to be on the trail subcommittee.
Hancock Road, partial release. Mr. Peter Zohdi, Herbert Associates, discussed the bond with the Board including landscaping, site walk, and buffers. Mr. Kolodziej motioned to continue to the January 29 meeting at 7:30 pm. Staff will contact the abutters. Ms. Linowes seconded. Passed 7-0.
The Board discussed the DOT 3-lane option for I-93. Consensus was the Board is in favor of 4 lanes.
Whispering Winds Phase II (19-A-801) Public Hearing Continued
Mammoth Road and Pleasant Street
Mr. Dennehy recused himself. Mr. Turner stated Stone Environmental will report on February 19 and Attorney Campbell advised this should be heard under the old regulations. Mr. Turner stated the legal condo issues are for the attorney generals office, and access should be discussed because of safety not the condo documents. Mr. Turner stated issues include updated traffic analysis, affordability requirements, covenants submitted after application, existing cul-de-sac, and master plan submittal. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to go into non-public for legal issues under section 91-A:3II(e). Mr. Kolodziej seconded. All yes. Mr. Wilder motioned to come back out of non-public. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. All yes.
Mr. Morris motioned to continue the Whispering Winds public hearing to February 5 to obtain additional information regarding matters discussed at last meeting including condominium compliance and master plan as per the last meetings motion. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Discussion ensued regarding the plans. Mr. Morris amended his motion to continue the Whispering Winds public hearing to February 19. Mr. Hohenberger seconded. Passed 6-1. Mr. Kolodziej opposed. It was stated that the Board would like Attorney Campbells opinion. Mr. Dennehy replaced Ms. Linowes.
Scott Subdivision 2 lots (7-A-420) Public Hearing
18 Netherwood Road
Mr. Warren explained the 2-lot subdivision, and he recommended the plan for acceptance and public hearing. Mr. Hohenberger motioned to accept for public hearing. Ms. Maloney seconded. Passed 7-0. Mr. Warren further described the subdivision including acreage, zoning, WWPD, and individual wells and septic system. Staff recommends lot and address correction and lot 7-A-435 and base coat of pavement completed before certificate of occupancy. No public comment.
Board discussion ensued regarding the proposed house with Mr. Peter Zohdi, Herbert Associates. Discussion continued regarding appropriate sized house, alternative septic, and pool location without a variance. Discussion continued regarding lot layout, compliance, 30,000 square feet, house location, well location, and locate well outside WWPD.
Mr. Hohenberger motioned to approve the 2-lot subdivision with the following conditions: 1) Plan sheets 1 through 3 should be corrected to properly identify lot 7-A-435 as #2 Stoneywyke Road; 2) Amend the tax map sketch on sheet 1 to correctly identify the newly created lot as lot 7-A-435; 3) No Certificate of Occupancy to be issued for lot 7-A-435 prior to the completion (to base coat of pavement) of the Searles to Hancock connector road because of any further subdivision to this area and introduction of more people is scattered and premature because it is only serviced by one road after Rouslton Road, and it is overburdened for emergency services for people on the other side of Searles Road and once the connection is made to Hancock Road two egress will be available into this large parcel that contains this subdivision; and 4) Mr. Zohdi to work with staff to take the well out of the WWPD. Ms. Maloney seconded. Passed 7-0. Discussion ensued regarding well regulations. Mr. Morris made a motion to reconsider. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Discussion ensued. Failed 2-5.
Butterfield Subdivision 37 lots (6-C-100, 700, 1024, 200A, 2500, 250A) Public Discussion
Off County Road
Mr. Warren described the subdivision including location, extensions of Jackman Ridge and Sheffield Road, lot acreage, zoning, and wetlands. Issues include the discontinuance of County Road and the Master Plan recommendation of Wall Street extension. He further discussed town owned lands, current roads, and discontinuance of County Road.
Mr. Zohdi, Herbert Associates, discussed roads, Jackman Ridge right-of-way, cul-de-sac, long-range planning, overall plan, connection, number of lots, and wetlands. Board discussion ensued regarding connection, road length, master plan, and traffic. Mr. McLeod read a letter from Mr. David Caron.
Public comment heard from Mr. Charles Cottone, 76 N Lowell Rd; Mr. Dave Peard, 20 Jackman Ridge; Ms. Sherry Gould, 24 Sheffield Rd; Ms. Karen Leare, 1 Lancelot Street; Ms. Jessica Frediani, 28 Sheffield St; Mr. Russell Whitney, 96 N Lowell Rd; Mr. Jason Thomas, 13 Jackman Ridge; Mr. Stephen Dapergolas, 3 Pine Hill Rd; and Mr. Russ Wagner, 5 Jackman Ridge. Issues included traffic, Lowell Road access, speed limits, well water, water study, sound study and mitigation, road layout, construction access, Sheffield Road community well, water quality, exploratory wells, wetlands, and lot sizing.
The Board discussed off-site road improvement. Attorney Mason discussed a noise easement. The Board discussed community well not hooked up and workshop topic. Mr. Zohdi will speak to Mr. Mesiti and report back to the Board regarding the community well. The Board discussed Mesiti projects in town, costs, cease and desist, well requirements, road connection, traffic, circulation, connection to Wall Street, and grades.
The plan to be sent out for comments to the Highway Safety Committee (speed limits N Lowell Rd, truck by-pass, Wall St to Londonderry Rd connection), police department, fire department, Conservation Commission, Historic District, transfer station, highway agent, traffic generation, hydrogeology (optimal methods to supply water from ground) drainage study (DES site-specific approval), school, assessor, and noise (blasting).
Mr. Hohenberger motioned to adjourn. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Passed 7-0. Adjourned 11:25 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Charland