Ross McLeod, Chairman - Present Wayne Morris, Vice Chairman - Present
Lee Maloney, Secretary - Present Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Member - Excused
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present Lisa Linowes, Regular Member - Present
Russ Wilder, Regular Member - Present Roy Dennehy, Alternate - Present
Nancy Prendergast, Alternate - Present Alan Carpenter, Selectmen Alternate - Present
Mr. McLeod opened the meeting at 7:30 pm. Ms. Prendergast replaced Ms. Linowes.
Mr. Wilder made a motion to approve the October 30 minutes. Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 6-0.
Morrison Road to Hancock Road. Release $43,436.20 and retain $6,875. Tabled.
Seavey Road, new bond $69,059.40. Mr. Wilder made a motion to accept. Ms. Maloney seconded. Passed 7-0; Ms. Linowes joined the Board, and Ms. Prendergast stepped down.
Flat Rock Road, new bond $54,480. Mr. Morris made a motion to accept. Ms. Maloney seconded. Passed 7-0;
Carr Hill, Coventry, and Grandview Roads, release $32,479 and retain $28,595. Mr. Wilder made a motion to release. Ms. Maloney seconded. Passed 7-0;
Beacon Hill Road off-site, final release $1,680. Not released;
Tarbell Road, release $36,090 and retain $6,000. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to release and retain. Ms. Maloney seconded. Passed 7-0;
Easy Street, final release $9,500. Ms. Maloney made a motion to release and recommend to the Board of Selectmen to accept as a town road. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Passed 7-0.
Town and City newsletter;
Public hearing notice regarding I-93 widening for November 12;
ZBA notice from Derry;
Letter from Village Green regarding sign replacement because of a fire. Mr. Rick Hammer, Hammer and Sons, discussed the replacement sign with the Board. Consensus was to have a plan review.
Ms. Prendergast reviewed information she received at the law lecture series she attended.
The Hancock Road residents were invited to discuss a natural buffer zone along Hancock Road. Residents to speak included Mr. Keith Strang, 10 Hancock Road; Mr. Bo Rueda, 4 Hancock Road; Mr. Stephen Gauthier, 7 Hancock Road; Ms. Laurette Cathen, 1 Hancock Road; Mr. Tam Cao, 3 Hancock Road; and Mr. Thomas Joyce, 9 Hancock Road. Mr. Peter Zohdi, Herbert Associates, discussed the road width and plantings. Comments included cul-de-sac planting, 50’ right-of-way, vegetation, not all residents need more buffer, slope easements, short-wide plants to fill in the space, more trees, hill landscaping, and footage cut. Board discussion ensued regarding the natural buffer that was to be kept, landscape consultant, three trees on a lawn is not what the Board required, right-of-way, and end of Morrison Road slope. Mr. Zohdi discussed landscape architect, fairness to the developer, and care of plants. The Board will walk the site after the McIntosh Hollow site walk on Satuday.
Mr. Wilder made a motion to continue Tremblay Subdivision, Haffners Site, Mesiti Subdivision, Anderson Open Space Subdivision, and Delpozzo Subdivision to November 20 at 8:00 pm. Ms. Maloney seconded. Passed 7-0.
McIntosh Hollow Subdivision - 17 lots (13-C-1 & 7-B-5) - Public Hearing Continued
Gov Dinsmore Road
It was noted that a site walk is scheduled for this Saturday, November 9. Mr. Warren stated this is a continuation of a public hearing. He reviewed the information and decisions from the previous meeting. Mr. Morris made a motion to continue the public hearing. Ms. Maloney seconded. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Warren continued his presentation including road widths, cul-de-sac length, access, lot size, special permits requested, staff recommendations of road names, rebuild Gov Dinsmore Road, soil scientist signature, easement on plan, driveway easement width corrected, cistern, road address, and no CO’s till connector road to Morrison is completed. Discussion ensued regarding Gov Dinsmore Road name. Ms. Linowes made a motion to not change the name. Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 5-2. Staff to inform the Historic District Commission. The Board continued discussion regarding road widths and cul-de-sac, stonewalls, staking the road, right-of-way requirement, and variance required. Mr. Sam Nassar, owner, discussed road widths. Mrs. Jean Nassar, owner, discussed the railroad bed use. Mr. Jack McCartney, Highway Agent, stated he prefers 28’ roads and 80’minimum cul-de-sac radius. Discussion ensued regarding hammerhead vs. cul-de-sac and WWPD crossing. Mr. Kevin Reid, 42 Gov Dinsmore Road, stated his concerns regarding minimum cutting of trees, slopes, and changing road widths. Mr. Wilder made a motion to continue to November 20 at 8:00 pm. Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 7-0.
Squire Armour Ext Open Space Subdivision- 6 lots (22-R-4000A & 22-R-32A) - Public Hearing
Squire Armour Road
Mr. Turner explained the 6-lot subdivision, the plans are not stamped by a soil scientist and setback lines were not shown, and a cul-de-sac length waiver has been requested. Mr. Zohdi presented plans with stamps. Mr. Wilder made a motion to accept for public hearing contingent upon the soil scientist stamp be supplied and the proper setbacks be shown on the plan. Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 4-3. Mr. Kolodziej, Mr. Morris, and Ms. Linowes opposed. Discussion ensued regarding the plans.
Mr. Warren presented the plan including acreage, lot size, community well, utilities, guardrail, stop sign, soundproofing, 60-decibel impact line, and Squire Armour road length. Discussion ensued regarding cul-de-sacs, connecting to Settlers Ridge, consistency with subdivision regulations, connection to Brookdale, not approving the waiver, and second point of egress. Ms. Linowes made a motion to deny the extended cul-de-sac length as scattered and premature because of excessive length, inadequate emergency response time, health and safety of town’s residents, not in compliance with the Town’s Master Plan, additional traffic congestion for Squire Armour Road residents, and hardship to Squire Armour and Glendenin Road resident because of traffic congestion. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Mr. Zohdi discussed the 500’ additional length, previous approvals, and can get out through Spear Hill Road. Mr. Tom Case agreed with being consistent. Passed 7-0.
Discussion ensued regarding scattered and premature, this subdivision does not help the connection only adds to the congestion, more load on the road system, safety problems, emergency response, traffic congestion.
Mr. Wilder made a motion to deny the application as scattered and premature because more load on the road system without an outlet is premature, safety is an issue because there is no second point of egress provided to ease emergency response times, this development does not further the connection for the outlet road for the area and adds to traffic load, it is not in compliance with section 604.2, and traffic congestion is a safety issue for current Squire Armour Road residents. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Wilder made a motion to waive the bylaws to hear new business after 10:30. Mr. Morris seconded. Passed 6-1. Mr. Kolodziej opposed.
Sargent Special Permit (3-A-546) - Public Hearing
12 Partridge Road
Mr. Turner explained the special permit to change a driveway location through the WWPD, and the plan is complete. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to accept for public hearing. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Passed 7-0. Mr. Turner further described the driveway including length and location. Mr. McLeod read 1) letter from Ray and Kay Howard and 2) department comments. Discussion ensued regarding other options, and 30,000 square foot area. Mr. Morris made a motion to allow the construction of the home outside the contiguous area. Ms. Linowes seconded. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Zohdi described the wetland area and driveway, cross section. Discussion ensued regarding area cleared and abutter concerns. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to approve the WWPD driveway crossing work and the applicant to work with staff to minimize the slopes and to install suitable erosion control measures. Mr. Morris seconded. Discussion ensued. Passed 6-0-1. Ms. Linowes opposed. Discussion ensued regarding clearly marked no-cut zone.
Mr. Wilder made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed 7-0. Adjourned 10:50 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Charland