Ross McLeod, Chairman - Excused
Wayne Morris, Vice Chairman - Present
Lee Maloney, Secretary - Present
Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Member - Excused
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Excused
Russ Wilder, Regular Member - Present
Nancy Prendergast, Alternate Member - Excused
James Finn, Chairman - Present
Tom Seniow, Regular Member - Present
Steve Haight, Herbert Associates
The site walk was called to order at 6:00 PM at the Squire Armour cul-de-sac.
Path Followed:
The attendees walked into the woods at the end of the Squire Armour cul-de-sac and proceeded along the marked center of the proposed road to the proposed end-of-road. The attendees continued past the proposed cul-de-sac to each of the 5 marked well locations. At the last well location, the attendees followed the woods trail abutting the property constructed as part of the Fieldstone subdivision.
Site Walk Observations and Notes:
The application is a proposed 5-lot open-space subdivision to be constructed on the parcel at the end of the Squire Armour cul-de-sac. The parcel is approximately 14.2 acres of which 9.461 are slated as open space (conservation) land.
The length of the proposed road is approximately 500 feet and currently planned as a 28’ wide road. The planning board discussed going to a narrower road width given the number of homes and the short length of the proposed road.
At the cul-de-sac, Mr. Haight stated that the land would be raised 6’ above grade with a 3-to-1 slope per town regulation. Mr. Wilder discussed a 2-to-1 slope to limit further impact on the wooded area. A guardrail may be required at the steeper slope.
The attendees observed the proximity to I93 and the noise level from the road. There was discussion regarding possible construction of sound barriers.
The attendees observed the wetland boundary flags and noticed that several edge-of-wet flags were placed within wet areas.
The attendees observed 1) the natural drainage areas, 2) the proposed drainage for the subdivision and 3) possible drainage sites for the I93 reconstruction
The radius on each well will be 75’. The attendees discussed the well drilling rigs and the impact on the forested areas when the drilling rigs cut.
Mr. Wilder noted the maturity of the forest with the very high canopy and reduced ground growth. The attendees discussed efforts to preserve trees where possible and the waiver on showing 12” diameter trees.
The site walk ended at 6:50 PM.
These minutes are submitted in draft form and have not been approved by the Planning Board.
Lisa Linowes, Windham Planning Board
Ross McLeod, Chairman - Present Wayne Morris, Vice Chairman - Present
Lee Maloney, Secretary - Present Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Member - Excused
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present Lisa Linowes, Regular Member - Present
Russ Wilder, Regular Member - Present Nancy Prendergast, Alternate - Excused
Alan Carpenter, Selectmen Alternate - Excused
The Planning Board met with 3 members of the Historic District Commission: 1) Patrick Schena, 2) Carol Pynn; and 3) Nim Stolz. Discussion included synthetic siding, town buildings in the town center, Simpson cellar hole, Searles Chapel, and the Union Hall on Anderson Road. Suggestions for seeking to prohibit synthetic siding included amending the HDC regulations, addressing at the architectural/design review stage, and developing preservation guidelines with the Planning Board. Staff suggestions included HDC develop the ordinance/guidelines, review with the Planning Board in regards to zoning amendments, and consideration of area adjacent to historic districts (perhaps a buffer) i.e. consider impact of Village Center District with town center.
The Board discussed the Route 111 and I-93 potential zoning changes. Corridor and Lane Use Plan -- Discussion Draft is below.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Charland
Route 111 and I-93 Exit 3
Study Area: Route 111/Route 111A Corridor from Wall Street to Searles Road.Intersection and Approach Corridors
Situation: The New Hampshire Department Of Transportation (NHDOT) has plans to reconstruct and expand Route 111 and Route 93 through the study area. The Town of Windham Planning Board recognizes these highway projects as having a tremendous impact on the Rt. 111/111A intersection, its approaches, and the existing character of Windham. The Planning Board accepts its duty to review these impacts, to gather information from the citizens and business owners and to plan for these changes with well thought out methods and schemes to preserve the character and quality of life in Windham. The following issues need to be studied and improvedaddressed;
Large vVolumes and nature of increased traffic flows
Unfriendly pedestrian environmentAccommodations for non-vehicular traffic
Poor Appropriate access management strategies
Loss of Visual impact - street trees, signage, etc.
Untreated Environmental impact - drainage, water quality, etc.
Objectives: To improve and better manage project impacts within the corridor impacts by;to:
Ensure Ssafe and efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians
Respond to the needs of the Windham’s citizens and business owners
Protect the watersheds of Canobie and Cobbetts Pond
Encourage the Ppreservation of Windham’s unique character
Encourage the Cconservation of historic landmarks and structures
Improved traffic flow and access management along the corridor
Promote Aappropriate land uses
Provide for Promote proper aesthetics and quality of life, consistent with Windham’s character
Plan: Provide a plan to meet the objectives of the corridor study. including, as appropriate:
Curb cut and access management policies
CRecommended locations for cross walks and side walks
Replace Provisions for the replacement of lost street trees and other natural amenities
New Requirements for new storm water drainage and treatment
Continued Guidelines for continued architectural review
Provisionsde for new access roads and connections
Provisions forde gateway treatments to away impacted neighborhoods
Opportunities and Considerations:
Previous rezoning
Isolated development ‘island’ between the proposed ‘barrels’ of I-93
Negotiations for landscaping, amenities, and design concessions in project description
Relocation of dislocated businesses
New NHDOT curb cut and traffic signal locations