Alan Carpenter, Chairman - Excused Ross McLeod, Vice Chairman - Present
Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Present
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Excused Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
Russ Wilder, Regular Member - Present Lee Maloney, Alternate - Present
Nancy Prendergast, Alternate - Excused Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present
Mr. McLeod replaced Mr. Carpenter as Chairman. Ms Maloney replaced Mr. Kolodziej on the Board.
Mr. McLeod opened the meeting at 7:35 pm.
Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the December 19 minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 4-0.
Mr. Wilder and Ms. Linowes joined the Board.
Mr. Turner reviewed the following road bonds:
Partridge Road, release of $23,760 and retain $23.760. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to release and retain. Seconded by Mr. Wilder. Passed 6-0;
Stonehedge Road, final release of $12,000. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to release based on satisfactory evaluation by the road agent. Seconded by Ms. Maloney. Passed 6-0.
Thank you to Mr. Hohenberger and Mrs. Coish for cablevising the last meeting.
The Board reviewed a draft of priorities for next year.
Merger agreement for lots 16-P-195 & 500. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the merger. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 6-0;
Confidential legal communication from Attorney Tucker regarding Fieldstone Woods (not read);
Card from Dennis and Janice Root regarding amendment #35;
Letter from CLD regarding Fox Farm subdivision;
Letter requesting to withdraw the Armstrong lot line change. Mr. Morris made a motion to accept the request. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed 6-0;
Letter from Tom Klemm requesting to withdraw from the agenda. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to grant the request. Seconded by Ms. Maloney. Passed 6-0;
Letter from Maurice Caruso requesting to be continued to January 30. Mr. Wilder made a motion to grant the request. Seconded by Ms. Maloney. Passed 6-0;
Letter from the Conservation Commission to NH DOT;
The Source newsletter;
Town of Derry Planning Board legal notice for January 16;
Letter from Joan Zollo regarding Whispering Winds;
Letter from Jane Takvorian regarding Whispering Winds;
Letter from Mr. Turner to Attorney Campbell regarding the Exxon sign (not read).
Bissell Camp Road Elderly Development (3-B-200 & 265) - Public Discussion
Bissell Camp Road
Mr. Turner explained the 49-units of elderly housing including location, roads, retaining wall vs. filled slope, and stated that the applicant is looking for input.
Mr. Jack Szemplinski, Benchmark Engineering, addressed the Board regarding the plan including master plan for the area. Discussion ensued regarding the intersection location, Route 28 access, road configuration and paving, Bissell Camp Road, and town right-of-way. Mr. Brian Harvey, H&B Homes, spoke to the Board regarding abutter’s access. The Board continued discussion of road configurations, hammerhead if connection not made, preserving features of the land, work with current right-of-way, 24’ road widths, sidewalks, off-street parking, striping, curbing, affordability, no stairs, percentage handicapped accessible, all bedrooms will be on the main floor, review for public transportation, off-site improvements, trail to brook, wetland crossings, retaining wall, premature development, NFPA signature, fire sub-station, resolve safety issues before moving on, Lamplighter is going to clear and level town-owned land for fire sub-station, further conceptual hearing needed, fire sub-station is a big issue, continuing the meeting, and not stripping the area of trees. Mr. Harvey stated they are intending to thin the pines. The Board discussion ensued regarding affordability, recreational facilities, trails are enough, and other concerns are gas piping, expansion possibilities, and closeness to WWPD.
The Board discussed sending the plan out to the Highway Safety Committee, fire (ambulance service needs, emergency access), police, Conservation Commission, Historic District Commission, transfer station, road agent, traffic projection from engineer, scattered and premature is an issue (isolation and construction of Route 111 and 93), and lighting is an issue also.
Public comment began with Mr. Bill Irvin, 14 Pleasant Street, questioned ambulance service to adult communities.
Mr. Rick Adams, 25 Seavey Road, stated his concerns regarding drainage from the site to Seavey Pond via Flat Rock Brook.
Mrs. Crisler made a motion to continue the public discussion to the January 30 meeting. Seconded by Mr. Wilder. Passed 6-0.
Mrs. Crisler made a motion to Mangan Special Permit, Heritage Acres, Whispering Winds, Ballard Revocation, and Jenny’s Hill Special Permit to the January 30 meeting. Seconded by Mr. Wilder. Passed 6-0.
Carbo Subdivision - 3 lots (7-A-400) - Public Hearing
Jenny’s Hill Road
Mr. Turner explained research done by the staff regarding past meetings of this subdivision, Attorney Campbell’s interpretation of the RSAs and covenants, staff recommends keeping the wildlife corridor, and emergency access is an issue in this area. The Board discussed whether or not to accept this plan for public hearing. Ms. Maloney made a motion to go into non-public session as per RSA 91-A:3e to discuss a legal matter. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Roll call - all yes. Mr. McLeod announced the Board has come out on non-public session and no decisions were made. Mr. Wilder made a motion to accept for public hearing. Seconded by Ms. Maloney. Passed 5-1. Mrs. Crisler opposed.
Mr. ___ made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. ___. Passed ___. Meeting adjourned at 11:50 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Charland