Alan Carpenter, Chairman - Present Ross McLeod, Vice Chairman - Present
Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Excused
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Excused Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
Russ Wilder, Regular Member - Present Lee Maloney, Alternate - Present
Nancy Prendergast, Alternate - Present Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present
Mr. Carpenter opened the meeting at 7:30 pm
Mr. Morris made a motion to approve the August 22 minutes. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed 5-0-1. Mr. Wilder abstained.
Mr. Wilder made a motion to approve the August 29 minutes. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0.
Mr. Carpenter reviewed the following correspondence:
Replacement merger agreement from Cyr Lumber;
Letter requesting the Lot Line Adjustment public hearing be continued to the September 19 meeting. Mr. McLeod made a motion to grant the request. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed 6-0;
Letter from the State of NH regarding building in the flood zone;
Thank you letter from Strafford Technology;
Meeting notice regarding the widening of Route 93 on September 12;
Memo from RCCD regarding Land Protection Initiative in the NH Coastal Watershed meeting;
Letter from David Sullivan regarding two new town signs and town vault. The Board discussed the signs. Mr. Wilder made a motion to direct staff to work with the Selectmen to position the sign regarding the town ordinances and position/install the town vault per town regulations. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 5-0-1. Mr. Hohenberger abstained.
The Board discussed Ledge Road/Route 111 intersection.
Ms. Linowes announced that there will be a CIP subcommittee meeting on September 6 at 6:30 pm
The Board discussed that there is no workshop next Wednesday evening.
Ms. Prendergast replaced Mr. Kolodziej on the Board.
Office Use Site Plan Reapproval (11-C-180) - Public Hearing Continued
75 Indian Rock Road
Mr. Twarog explained the waiver requested, and stated that the applicant has supplied the information requested by the Board. He further described the dumpster location and lighting. The Board discussed lighting. Mr. Peter Zohdi, Herbert Associates, stated he will add a note to the plan that the sign will be down lit. The Board continued discussion regarding dumpster location and hours, Route 111, and grading plan. Mr. Zohdi stated he will add erosion and sedimentation control to the plan. The Board discussed the construction sequence, tree line, landscaping, silt fences, pavement, parking lot width, changing the fixtures when Route 111 changes, and drainage. Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the site plan dated August 22, 2001 with the following conditions: 1) front building sign be down lit illumination, 2) work with staff to ensure proper erosion controls, 3) setting the bounds, and 4) grant the landscaping waiver 208. Seconded by Mr. Morris. No public comment. Discussed ensued regarding a buffer. Passed 5-2-0. Ms. Linowes and Mr. Carpenter opposed. Ms. Linowes would like a buffer, and Mr. Carpenter did not like waiving all the landscaping.
Costa Subdivision - 3 lots (3-A-600) - Public Discussion
11 Morrison Road
Mr. Turner explained the subdivision location, wetland, lots meet requirements, and right-of-way for potential connection to Morrison Road. Mr. Zohdi discussed the right-of-ways on the property, acreage, the corner, and driveway locations with the Board. No public comment. The Board discussed sending the plan out to Highway Safety Committee, fire department, police department, Conservation Commission, Historic District Commission, and the road agent.
Covino Site Plan (11-A-150) - Public Discussion
5 Ledge Road
Mr. Twarog explained it is a redesign of a plan that was approved last year for a landscaping company to a street sweeping business. Mr. David Jordan, TF Moran, explained the proposed site plan and business, and stated he’s looking for feedback from the Board. Mr. Ron St. Jean, Hawthorne Road and business owner, answered the Board’s questions regarding trash disposal. The Board discussed entrances, parking spaces, gating, size of trucks, trucks come back empty to the site, two vehicles, vehicle maintenance, and drainage. No public comment. The Board discussed sending the plan out to the Highway Safety Committee, fire department, police department, Conservation Commission, transfer station, road agent, confirm aquifer protection district, and drainage study for independent review factor in recent approvals. The Board discussed design review compliance, one access for the complex to Ledge Road, contributions to off-site improvements, second egress, and hours of operation are third shift.
Stolarz Subdivision - 4 lots (25-R-100 & 101) - Public Hearing
Marblehead and Osgood Roads
Mr. Carpenter read letters from 1) Henry J. Tremblay and 2) John M. Pesando. Mr. Turner indicated the letter writers’ lots on the plan and explained no subdivision is occurring at the back of the property where the their property is located. Mr. Turner then explained the subdivision, looking for a driveway easement, proposed drainage easement is on the plan, cistern to be built, plan meets all requirements, and recommends it be accepted for public hearing. Mr. Wilder made a motion to accept for public hearing. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Discussion ensued regarding stonewalls and trails. Passed 7-0. The Board discussed the potential for water contamination because of the proximity to the landfill and buildable area. Mr. Carpenter read the department comments. No public comment. The Board discussed the proposed drainage easement, easement to foundation, well testing for toxics prior to occupancy permit, premature to access to the letter writers’ properties, cistern, and off-site road improvements. Mr. Greg Swan, abutter, asked about the temporary cul-de-sac term. Mr. Wilder made a motion to approve the subdivision with the following conditions: 1) setting of the bounds, and 2) locate the septic field for lot 25-R-101 on the plan. Seconded by Mr. Wilder. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Wilder made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Charland