ROLL CALL: Alan Carpenter, Chairman - Present
Ross McLeod, Vice Chairman - Present
Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Present
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present
Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
Russ Wilder, Regular Member - Present
Lee Maloney, Alternate - Present
Nancy Prendergast, Alternate - Excused
Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present
Ms. Maloney replaced Mr. Kolodziej on the Board.
Also present: Al Turner, Director Planning & Development; Eric Twarog, Assistant Planner
Motion made by Ms. Crisler to approve the August 1, 2001 minutes. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6:0:1 (Mr. Wilder Abstained).
Motion made by Ms. Crisler to approve the August 8, 2001 minutes. Seconded by Mr. Wilder. Passed 6:0:1 (Mr. Morris abstained).
Motion made by Mr. Morris to approve the August 15, 2001 minutes. Seconded by Ms. Crisler. Passed 5:0:2 (Ms. Maloney and Mr. Wilder abstained).
Chairman reviewed the following correspondence:
Brochure announcing the 26th annual Municipal Law Lecture Series;
Brochure on NHMA’s Budget & Finance Workshop.
Ms. Linowes asked for an update on the Landry property. Mr. Turner discussed his recent meeting with Attorney Bernie Campbell. We expect a response from Attorney Campbell in two weeks.
Mr. Morris questioned the pavement status of the intersection of Route 111 and Ledge Road. Mr. Turner responded that he will contact the NHDOT.
Chairman asked Mr. Turner for a synopsis of the schedule for zoning amendments for the 2002 Annual Town Meeting. Mr. Turner discussed dates for potential zoning amendments and will submit dates at next Planning Board Meeting.
Mr. Turner discussed current status of the Route 28 Corridor Study.
Presentation made by Mr. Turner.
Mr. Kolodziej joined the Board at 8:09 PM.
Public Comment
Police Chief Bruce Moeckel asked what the difference is between uses allowed in the Business Commercial A District and the Professional, Business, Technology District. Mr. Wilder responded.
Discussion ensued on police responses to commercial businesses versus residences and limited industrial areas.
Fire Chief Steve Fruchtman discussed response times on Route 28 and the need for a substation in that area.
Road Agent Jack McCartney discussed the effects of commercial development versus residential development on demand for road services and maintenance.
Dianna Fallon asked if new standards for landscaping, signage, building construction would be put in place along Route 28. Discussion ensued on what , if anything, would be done in terms of new design review standards on Route 28.
Mr. Wilder discussed potential connection corridors in the Route 28 area.
Mr. Morris talked about potential needs for recreation in this area as well as future needs of the School Department.
Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Wilder. Seconded by Ms. Crisler. Passed 6-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:36 PM.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Eric Twarog.