ROLL CALL: Alan Carpenter, Chairman - Present
Ross McLeod, Vice Chairman - Present
Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Present
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Excused
Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Excused
Russ Wilder, Regular Member - Present
Lee Maloney, Alternate - Present
Nancy Prendergast, Alternate - Present
Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present
Ms. Maloney replaced Mr. Kolodziej on the Board.
Ms. Prendergast replaced Mr. Morris on the Board.
The workshop was called to order at 9:00 p.m. following a closed meeting with Attorney Campbell.
Mr. Carpenter reviewed the following correspondence:
Letter regarding 4-6 Cheryl Road that stated the dwelling on 6 Cheryl Road has been removed and no plan is in place to rebuild at that location.
Letter from Mr. Jim Logan in response to a cease & desist order issued by the Town of Windham (Mr. Al Turner) with regard to Mr. Logan building of a snow trail on his property within the WWPD.
Bulletin from the state regarding a public hearing on the Rt93 expansion to be held at the Windham town hall on 8/28 at 7pm. Two other public hearing dates were listed in the bulletin.
LCHIP Bulletin.
Mr. Twarog briefed the board on a proposed land swap of lots 16P-1004 and -1011 and two adjacent lots. The two larger lots are assessed at $4000 each and the two smaller lots are assessed at $3000 a piece. Discussion ensued as to how the town may have come to own the lots and whether there were still valid reasons for holding on to the properties. Mr. Wilder stated that a possible use of the land was for the construction of a community septic system in the event of septic failures near Cobbetts Pond. Before making a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen regarding the swap, the Board decided to walk the site to better determine whether the citizen-owner property can serve that same purpose as the town-owned lot. The Conservation Commission will be invited to the walk with the proposed dates/time of August 15 or 22 at 6:45 pm depending on the Conservation Commission’s availability.
The Board began discussion of the Route 28 Corridor. Mr. Twarog confirmed that placing a development moratorium in the Route 28 corridor would require a town vote. Mr. Twarog posted on the board a set of four maps of the corridor denoting the following data: 1) Existing Land Use and Proposed Development; 2) Existing Zoning along the Corridor; 3) Existing Land Use; 4) Wetlands and Flood Areas.
The Board initiated the discussion using the Planning Department’s document titled Route 28 Corridor Master Plan. The Department had previously suggested that the Board consider adding a chapter to the Windham Master Plan that directly stated the goals and recommendations for the Route 28 Corridor. The Board questioned the necessity of this step, and instead, proceeded to discuss the goals highlighted in the aforementioned document. There was some debate as to the last goal listed in the document calling for ‘service access road(s)’. Additionally, the Board recommended that two goals be added, namely, impact fees for Fire Safety and development of added recreational areas to service that side of Windham.
Mr. Brian Harvey of H & B Construction presented to the Board a site directly off Route 28 on which his firm is considering building an open space subdivision. He noted the wet areas and the general layout for construction although the plans were in the very early stages. The Board stated that it could not, at this time, offer any guidance to him with regard to any future zoning changes that might impact his development.
The Board was in general agreement that the goals put forth by the Planning Department for the Route 28 Corridor were appropriate. It then reviewed the task outline. The Board agreed that the next step should be a sitewalk of the key sections of the corridor. The Board scheduled a sitewalk for September 9 at 9:00 am. The Board also invited the Board of Selectmen, the Conservation Commission and the Historic District Commission to attend the sitewalk.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 by unanimous vote.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully, Lisa Linowes