ROLL CALL: Alan Carpenter, Chairman - Present
Ross McLeod, Vice Chairman - Present
Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Excused
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present
Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
Russ Wilder, Regular Member - Present
Lee Maloney, Alternate - Excused
Nancy Prendergast, Alternate - Present
Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present
Mr. Hohenberger replaced Mrs. Crisler on the Board.
Ms. Prendergast replaced Mr. Kolodziej on the Board.
Workshop was called to order at 7:30pm.
Mr. Carpenter reviewed the following correspondence:
Letter from NH DOT regarding the Salem to Manchester I93 improvements requesting right-of-entry to Windham town-owned property.
Letter from Mr. Turner regarding a zoning variance and special permit to construct a swimming pool in the WWPD.
Memo from the Conservation Commission to Mr. Turner regarding the infringement on the Landry Conservation easement.
Letter from the NH DOT announcing a meeting on July 30 at 7:30 pm to be held at the Salem High School cafeteria. Subject: discussion of the I93/R111 expansion.
Letter from Rockingham Planning Commission announcing availability of matching grant money to cover community-planning projects.
Letter from James Kachadorian dated 7/11 expressing concern that the Planning Board did not notify the applicant of a meeting date change.
Letter from Michael Demers requesting that the Planning Board reschedule the Windham Auto Sales public discussion.
Mr. McLeod asked that a clock be placed on the wall. Mr. Turner said a clock would hang soon.
Mr. Turner announced that the open house for the new Planning and Development Dept. offices will be on July 24 from 4:00-6:30 pm with the dedication at 5:15 pm.
At the request of the board, Mr. Turner gave a full ‘tour’ of the new conference room including proposed location of ceiling microphones, cameras and the layout of the meeting table. He also suggested where the planning board chair and alternates might sit as well as point out where applicants and members of the public would stand when addressing the board. Mr. Wilder recommended that a table be available near where applicants would stand for the applicants’ convenience. Mr. Turner also explained that the nearby kitchen could be used for non-public sessions of the board.
Ms. Linowes presented a liaison report from the Conservation Commission. Items reported were 1) the sign at the entrance of the Landry Conservation easement had been erected; 2) the LCHIP application for the Bayberry property had been denied by the state. The Conservation Commission was encouraged to reapply again with the scheduled award date to be in December, 2001.
Ms. Linowes suggested that an open letter to Windham residents be written by the planning board that explains the “what and why” of WWPDs. The intent of the letter would be to educate citizens as to the importance of retaining WWPDs in their natural state and to discourage building of pools, sheds and other ancillary structures in these vital buffer areas. While it is a violation of Windham zoning ordinances to build in the WWPD, citizens can apply for variances from these ordinances.
The board discussed the construction of the Tennessee Gas Pipeline crossing R111. Mr. Turner explained that CLD is overseeing the construction on behalf of the state. He also explained that the town agreed to have the pipe trenched through Windham as opposed to a directional bore. In return for permission to trench the pipeline, the pipeline company will rebuild/repave Romans Road and cul-de-sac.
Subdivision Regulation Amendments
Mr. Turner distributed and walked the board through a memo last updated 4/23/01, which detailed a series of recommended amendments to the Subdivision Regulations. The board completed review of the amendments and agreed to review changes one more time before holding a public hearing on the same. Ms. Linowes expressed concern that the board did not address the issue of road widths.
Mr. Kolodziej joined the Board.
Route 28 Corridor Master Plan
Mr. Turner distributed and walked the board through a plan that addressed the zoning of R28 that would meet the goals and objectives outlined in the Windham Master Plan 2000. Discussion ensued regarding zoning ideas that would direct traffic away from the main route through the use of feeder roads and ‘parks’. The board also discussed encouraging the building of recreation facilities on that side of town as well as the possible need for a fire substation.
Mr. Wilder made a motion as follows: instruct Mr. Turner and staff to draft a 1 year moratorium on development along the Route 28 corridor consisting of the land between Route 111 to the Derry line (N/S) and the Manchester/Lawrence railroad line east to the Salem line for the purposes of the Planning Board study of zoning of the area which is consistent with the Windham Master Plan. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Discussion ensued regarding the impact of such a moratorium and the legal and planning implications should the moratorium hold. Passed 6-1. Mr. Hohenberger opposed.
Ms. Prendergast made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been approved by the planning board.
Respectfully, Lisa Linowes