ROLL CALL: Alan Carpenter, Chairman - Present
Ross McLeod, Vice Chairman - Present
Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Present
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present
Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
Russ Wilder, Regular Member - Present
Lee Maloney, Alternate - Present
Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Excused
Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the May 23 minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 4-0-2. Mr. Wilder and Mrs. Crisler abstained.
Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the May 30 site walk minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Mrs. Crisler. Passed 4-0-2. Mr. Carpenter and Mr. Wilder abstained.
Mr. Carpenter reviewed the following correspondence:
NHPA Annual Conference materials;
Confidential legal letter from Bernie Campbell (not read aloud);
Unified Planning Work Program from RPC;
Widening Route I-93 meeting notice for June 20 at West Running Brook School in Derry;
Notice regarding RCCD municipal board workshop on June 27.
Notice for the RPC annual dinner on June 28 at Ashworth By The Sea in Hampton.
Mr. Kolodziej joined the Board.
Ms. Linowes announced that the Conservation Commission asked for the latest copy of the Klemm’s plan be sent to them.
Mr. Turner stated that Cyr Lumber has a more detailed design as required by their site plan approval. The Board discussed Cyr Lumber presenting the building at a workshop, posting a notice, the Board will hear Cyr Lumber at the June 27 workshop.
The Board discussed workshop topics and scheduling. July 18 will be a workshop regarding Route 28 zoning.
Mrs. Crisler stated that the Board of Selectmen accepted Mr. McLeod’s resignation from the Conservation Commission (Mr. McLeod’s term ended), and Ms. Linowes will be the liaison with the Conservation Commission.
The Board reviewed the evening’s agenda. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to continue Castle Reach Subdivision, Koch Subdivision, Collins Subdivision, Manor Motel Approval Renewal, and Donovan Change of Use to June 20 at 7:30 pm. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 7-0.
Klemm’s Site Plan (17-H-1) - Public Hearing Continued
54 Range Road
Mr. Turner explained the time frame for the public hearing, outstanding traffic consultant issues, and the 65-day deadline. The Board discussed an extension. The Board will hear from the applicant regarding internal traffic, external traffic, architectural design first and then the other issues such as drainage, water etc.
Attorney Jim Troisi, representing the owners, stated they have worked with the Town’s traffic consultant, and Mr. Steve Pernaw will make a presentation regarding off-site traffic, and Mr. Monteiro will discuss the onsite traffic. Mr. Steve Pernaw, Pernaw and Company, discussed the offsite traffic including original purpose of the study, anticipated traffic increases to the intersection, and safety improvement.
He then discussed with the Board off-bound approach lane on Route 111A, intersection capacity, traffic increases, intersection in failure, current traffic vs. future traffic, uses on the site in reference to traffic, trip generation, procedure for trip generation numbers, basement storage space, differing numbers from the various consultants, site differences, and. site currently generates traffic. The Planning Board asked several questions regarding the traffic counts and traffic projections, and continued discussion regarding methodology of traffic study where this intersection has 20,000 cars going by, Lansing NY McDonald’s, generic distribution of numbers vs. this specific case, exit 4 Burger King numbers, numbers for similar sites, current businesses discourages traffic, do the statistics fit this site, a fair comparison, tour busses, McDonalds knows site traffic numbers, benefits to the intersection, study numbers, mid-day and Saturday numbers, site mitigation numbers, cueing will not go past the south driveway, site has problem now going West onto Route 111, concern with north exit going onto Route 111A, current real-life traffic problems now, north driveway a problem, Griffin Park traffic, median, applicant discussions with DOT, distance to lights, cueing, and realignment of Route 111. Public discussion began with Ms. Laurie Rausseo, Canterbury, asked about when onsite traffic circulation would be discussed.
Ms. Gail Webster, 2 Marblehead Road, stated that the Planning Board should have an all-day Saturday meeting to get through the Klemm’s site plan. She stated that traffic is a problem now with all the businesses there now, there should be “no bus” signs, trucks park along Route 111 near Dunkin Donuts, the intersection lights are not synchronized, the intersection will be improved, the Board is handling things well, but other stuff is being put aside and there should be a special meeting.
Mr. Ronald Grella, 9 Woodvue Road, asked the Board to consider other traffic times such as the 3:00 pm school bus traffic, weekend counts when Canobie lake is open especially around 10:00 am, this weekend Canobie Lake Park had 150 school busses and there’s a potential for all these busses to go to McDonalds, there’s not an alternate route for a way out, the island extension in Salem is not working because people are still taking left turn, and cars cue up now as if there is a second lane.
Ms. Laurie Rausseo, traffic consultant hired by the Committee to Preserve Windham, has not reviewed Mr. Pernaw’s supplemental study, but has concerns from listening tonight, she stated she has serious concerns about onsite circulation, the driveways, site jamming up during peak hours, and the DOT does not look onsite. She’s also concerned about the north bound ramps, cue analysis 8 to 10 cars will not go around the site to go out the other driveway, numbers being used are too low, why is the hesitancy to go out and collect the data, of fast food restaurants McDonalds is the highest generator, ITE Journal states NE McDonalds generated twice as much traffic as other fast food restaurants, the amount of traffic on a highway dictates the number of cars to the site, and why is there a hesitancy to collect similar data in other states. She stated that she’s not implying that they’re hiding information, but there will be problems with the driveways. The exit 4 Burger King has 126 parking spaces. She then discussed the amount of parking other NH McDonalds have, and this site only has 60 spaces for all that’s going on the site.
Mr. Bob Leonard, 88 Meetinghouse Road, stated he is member of Committee to Preserve Windham. He presented photographs of supply deliveries to the current site. He was concerned about adding more to the site and their deliveries, McDonalds have 18-wheeler trucks for deliveries, and how often do they make deliveries, and where will they park. Attorney Troisi stated that the onsite issues will be addressed later in the evening. Mr. Leonard stated he was concerned with parking in the area. He presented photos, and he stated we don’t need more traffic in the area.
Mr. Ted Maravelias, 13 Blossom Road, asked if Castle Reach Subdivision traffic has been factored into the traffic studies, and are there any studies regarding the increase of traffic, car accidents, and fatalities?
Mr. Bud Sweetser, 29 North Shore Road, President of the Cobbetts Pond Improvement Association, stated he’s concerned with any development within the watershed of Cobbetts Pond. He has offsite and onsite concerns. While driving on Route 111 he saw a Dunkin Donuts delivery truck heading east bound in the west bound lane backing onto the site. The same scenario could happen at this site. It will have a more that 3% increase, if Sunoco, Exxon, and Dunkin Donuts are eliminated with the widening of Route 93 this site will have an increase in traffic. Later a Dunkin Donuts could be added inside, it’s a problem when people leave their cars at the gas pumps and go inside to buy something, the intersection has always had a problem with a right hand turn, and this would be made worse, there are number of onsite issues including the opening of Griffin Park, and people will park offsite if they can’t get onsite.
Mr. Sultan Chowdhry, 16 Pine Ridge Road, is concerned that there is no other access out of his neighborhood, there is traffic with the businesses that already exist, and this will be the straw to break the camels back. He is concerned with school bus and tractor-trailer traffic. It’s not going to reduce the traffic but increase it because of the proximity to Route 93 and one-stop shopping at this site. The traffic increase will be more than 3% because the business there now is small and there’s not much incentive to go there and it will be worse in the winter. He is concerned with noise, air pollution, and the bad impact to the neighbors. He has been a neighbor to the Klemms for many years, has no ill will, but the nature of the proposed business will hurt, and a real-life traffic analysis should be done.
Ms. Donna Morgan, 5 Edgewood Road, presented more petition signatures bringing the total to 354 signatures against this project. She stated it’s a traffic nightmare now, we do not need additional traffic, the traffic study is using 4-year old numbers, this is making Range Road a major road, it is a traffic generator, it doesn’t fit, and please reject it.
Mr. John McStravock, 11 Edgewood Road, stated that the applicant has disrespected the Board and asked the Board to reject the application. He stated Mr. Pernaw did not speak about this site, the information asked for have not been provided, McDonalds and Mobile have business plans and know the numbers, and the 4-year old numbers work in their favor. He is concerned about a large highway sign, urged the Board to reject the plan now because traffic is a problem, stated the applicant has not been cooperative, and he feels the applicant wants to extend this till everyone is on vacation. He again urged the Board to reject the plan and to not extend the application.
Mr. Frank Monteiro, MHF Design Consultants, handed out a written response to the Board dated May 16, 2001. He stated he has reviewed the Vollmeer report and has met with them and Mr. Turner. Several good issues were raised, they’ve been addressed, and he presented an alternate site plan. The Board reviewed the procedures regarding an amended plan. Mr. Monteiro hoped to come to a consensus with the Board, Vollmer Associates, and a majority of the abutters iron out the issue, and he realizes that not everyone likes McDonalds. The Board responded the they are unbiased, and it was never said that they do not like McDonalds. He then reviewed the amended plan, handed out a stacking plan, and a truck turning plan. He then discussed delivery areas and times, traffic direction, not providing bus parking, adding signage to state no bus or truck parking onsite, no high-rise signs proposed, NH does not allow signs on the highway, and driveway design. He’s stated that he is looking for direction to move forward.
The Board discussed snow storage, canopy architecture, car wash is more visible, not enough room onsite for the car wash, left turn lane into a double cue is a problem, a plan without north bound driveway, parking onsite, and parking calculations at other locations with gas stations. Mr. Turner explained the zoning requirements in regards to parking calculations.
The Board discussion continued regarding truck turning, underground propane tanks, traffic turning onto the site from Route 111 over the concrete, car wash drainage, 30% open space, DOT and Planning Board desires not matching, driveway location now and when Route 111 changes, need McDonalds numbers including drive thru, not having enough information, McDonalds representative coming to next meeting, discuss traffic and water at the next meeting, and extending the deadline or not. Mr. Kolodziej made a motion to wrap up the Klemm site plan at the next meeting starting at 7:00 pm. Mrs. Crisler stated it was an improper motion. No second.
The Board discussed which plan they preferred, pulling the car wash, not enough parking, snow storage, north driveway in only and out only in the back, 13 parking spaces short, onsite congestion, signage, large vehicles will have a problem on site, and drive thru needs to be longer. The new plan does address some issues, but there are still unanswered questions.
Mr. Troisis stated that a McDonalds representative is here tonight to speak onsite operations. The Board discussed parking has safety issues, no sidewalks, carwash/vacuum area, and the garbage truck backing up to pick up dumpster will cause traffic.
Mrs. Crisler made a motion to continue the Klemm’s site plan June 20 at 7:30 pm. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed. 7-0.
Mrs. Crisler made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Charland