ROLL CALL: Alan Carpenter, Chairman - Present
Ross McLeod, Vice Chairman - Present
Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Present
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present
Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
Russ Wilder, Regular Member - Present
Lee Maloney, Alternate - Present
Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present
Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the August 23, 2000 minutes. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed 6-0.
Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the April 11 workshop minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 5-1. Mr. Carpenter abstained.
Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the April 18 minutes. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 6-0.
Mr. Carpenter reviewed the following correspondence:
Letter requesting the Nassar lots merger be heard at the May 16, 2001 meeting. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to grant the request. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0;
Letter from Nancy Prendergast regarding her interest in being a volunteer. The Board stated they would like more information, and she should be invited to the next workshop meeting;
“Getting Results, a Decade of Nonpoint Source Management Under Section 319” conference flyer;
Information regarding the 3rd Annual Bike & Walk Conference and RPC scholarships;
Ms. Linowes announced that the CIP will have their first meeting tomorrow, May 3 at 7:00 pm.
Mr. McLeod stated that he did not make the Pond View site walk but he has walked the site.
Mrs. Crisler stated there is a conflict with the May 12 conference and the Bear Hill site walk. Discussion ensued. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to change the time of the site walk to 7:00 am. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0.
Ms. Maloney replaced Mr. Wilder on the Board.
Pond View - 4 lots (24-D-700) - Public Hearing Continued
8 Moeckel Road
Mr. Turner explained the reports from the consultant regarding the bridges. The Board discussed the bridges, requiring a sign for a load limit, the correct names of roads and ponds, responsibility for bridge damage, bond, under bridges, guardrails, cost of recommendations, and the applicant is willing to do the work.
Mr. Tim Stone, Stone Hill Environmental, explained the review of GEO Insight’s aquifer delineation report. The Board discussed wells and how the information is gathered. Mr. Wilder addressed the consultant regarding the topography of the land, bedrock surface, and should the aquifer line mimic the bedrock surface. The Board discussion continued regarding if the aquifer line is moved will there be less lots, drilling more wells, lot sizing, transmissivity, and a trail.
Mr. Peter Zohdi, Herbert Associates, stated that the applicant does not have a problem locating a 10-foot wide walking easement on the property. The Board discussed treed areas and septic systems. Mr. Wilder stated the easement should be a right-of-way.
Mr. Turner stated the issues are Moeckel Road bridge and a walking trail. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the application with the following conditions: 1) repairs to bridge number BR099/044. Repair the deteriorated concrete at deck edges; 2) removal and replace of damaged rails posts and anchors from westerly fascia; 3) repair of fascia concrete where rail post anchors pulled out; 4) reinstallation of new or repaired rail posts and anchor plates with drilled-in epoxy-type anchors (NH DOT approved) at locations where concrete has not failed; 5) clean debris from each side of bridge and shim pavement to provide positive drainage off structure; 6) seal pavement surface; 7) post sign on bridge that construction vehicles are not to use it; 8) applicant preserve as many trees as possible on the site in placement of houses and septic systems; 9) driveways to be positioned to avoid interference with the existing driveways and dwellings; 10) applicant grant a 10-foot right of way trail along the existing trail along Moeckel Pond; 11) bonding of the property bounds; 12) bridge repairs must be completed before the first certificate of occupancy is issued. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Board discussed bonding for the bridges, a sign at the Moeckel Road entrance regarding construction vehicles, and bridge safety. Mrs. Crisler amended her motion to include signs at Moeckel Road entrance for construction vehicles to use an alternate route. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Morris made a motion to continue the Review of Impact Fees, Ballard Subdivision, Lakeview Farm Site Plan, and Castle Reach to the May 16 meeting at 8:00 pm. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Wilder joined the Board, and Ms. Maloney stepped down.
Klemms Site Plan (17-H-1) - Public Hearing Continued
54 Range Road
Mr. Turner explained that two outstanding issues include a traffic study and architectural details, and staff recommends widening of Range road for a dedicated left hand turn land. Attorney James Troisi named the people working on this project, reviewed the previous meeting, and he gave the Board a list of summary points on how the proposal further advances the property.
Mr. Stephen Pernaw, Pernaw and Company, stated his company prepared the traffic report, he explained his credentials, and stated he is representing the Klemm brothers. He explained the process of the traffic report from the existing conditions, then estimating how much traffic the new site plan will generate, and then the preparing of the future projections. He gave an accident report from Chief Moeckel regarding the intersection for the file. His recommendations include the driveway location, convert main driveway to right turn only, closing up the 100’ curb cut on the existing north driveway onto Route 111A, shift south driveway of away from the traffic lights, signage, and the island is temporary. He stated an additional approach lane has been added to the plan.
Mr. Carpenter read a letter from the Committee to Preserve Windham asking to present their traffic study. The Board discussed how the meeting would proceed with either public comment or the Board’s questions. Ms. Laurie Rauseo stated she would like to be heard tonight.
The Board discussed with Mr. Pernaw the potential of closing the first driveway, amount of future traffic, dedicated right-hand turn, 180 degree turn onto the site, queuing of cars, traffic generated and increase use of the intersection of 3%, DOT by-pass project will relocate the traffic light further away from the site, vehicle counts, and dates of vehicle counts.
Mr. Carpenter read two letters into the file from: 1) Albert and Diane Letizio, and 2) Mary Katherine Kottke.
Ms. Laurie Rauseo, PE, PTOE, stated her qualifications, she was hired by the Committee to Preserve Windham, and highlighted on-site, off-site, and intersection issues. She also explained the differences in her vehicle counts to Mr. Pernaw’s counts. She stated that the on-site impacts are great, she is concerned with circulation, there is too much for the site, and not enough data for off site. The Board discussed with Ms. Rauseu how to make the site work, appreciation of the traffic study, car counts, potential future site traffic, adjustments made for intersections, and the site intensity being done but none in New Hampshire or New England.
The Board discussed independent traffic study including on-site information and the intersection, use of the site totally different than it’s current use, traffic study information, applicant should respond in writing to issues raised this evening, site designer, and information from McDonalds and Mobil in regards to numbers. Attorney Troisi asked for an opportunity for written rebuttal with a verbal back up. He also asked the Board to wait for the rebuttal before requiring an independent traffic study and for the study to be completed in the next two weeks. The Board discussed the 65-day deadline, architecture, drainage, underground storage, and Mr. Turner hiring a consultant for a traffic study. Mr. Wilder made a motion to continue the public hearing to the May 16 meeting at 8:00 pm. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 7-0.
Mr. Kolodziej made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Charland