ROLL CALL: Russ Wilder, Chairman - Present
Alan Carpenter, Vice Chairman - Present
Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Present
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present
Ross McLeod, Regular Member - Present
Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
Lee Maloney, Alternate - Present
Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present
Mr. Carpenter replaced Mr. Wilder as Chairperson.
Mr. Hohenberger replaced Mrs. Crisler as Selectman representative.
Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the February 21 minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed 6-0.
Mr. Carpenter reviewed the following correspondence:
Letter from Mr. Sam Nassar asking the Board to consider small businesses when discussing the Route 111 and Route 93 changes;
Notice of voluntary merger for lots 13-K-37, 37A, 35 and 36 from the Assessor;
Mr. Wilder joined the Board.
Notice of voluntary merger for lots 17-C-15 and 16 from the Assessor;
Letter regarding Fieldstone Woods from Mr. Murdock. Mrs. Crisler, as a resident, stated the right-of-way is 20’ the trail is only 3’ wide. Ms. Linowes made a motion for staff to respond to Mr. Murdock’s letter and let him know that the right of way will be 20’ and the walking area will be only a 3’ walking path. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 7-0;
Conference brochure for Tri-State Safety Conference;
Invitation from the Sisters of Mercy for the McAuley Commons dedication;
Notice from the DOT regarding a meeting on March 21 to discuss the widening of Route 93;
Town and City Magazine.
Mr. Wilder stated there will be a hearing on Friday in Concord regarding public/private financing for House Bill 634 which would help support the construction of I-93 in a faster time period. Mr. McLeod made a motion to authorize Mr. Turner to represent the Planning Board’s opinion. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Discussion ensued. Mr. McLeod restated his motion to authorize Mr. Turner to represent the Planning Board in favor of the expediting the process for the interstate expansion. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 6-1. Mr. Hohenberger opposed.
Cyr Lumber Site Plan (13-A-33) - Public Hearing Continued
39 Route 28
Mr. Carpenter read the minutes from the previous meeting regarding the outstanding issues. Discussion ensued regarding the issues including: 1) the covenant and that an explanatory note of purpose of intent of the non-buildable area be put on the plan; 2) the bounds marking be marked in a few more places; 3) the snow storage area has been removed from the WWPD; 3) lighting plan; 4) 55’ truck turning radius demonstrated. Discussion ensued regarding Jones Road ability to handle large trucks. Mr. Cyr, owner, stated that the trucks are checked at the Route 93 scales, and currently the trucks have no problem coming in and off the site; 5) dumpster hours stated on the plan. Mr. Kevin Cyr stated currently they have once-a-week pick up on Mondays; 6) construction sequence to be on the plan; 7) compliance for design review. Mr. Turner recommended the back building not be part of the design review as it is not ready to be built and they should come back to the Planning Board when they are ready to build. Discussion ensued regarding the building design. Mrs. Crisler, as a member of the public, strongly recommended a condition of approval be the design review and they should get priority on the agenda. The Board suggested the applicant check the Town’s design review.
Mr. Turner and the Board discussed a foundation permit without design review approval, overnight parking of running vehicles is a problem on Route 28, showing gates on property, adding the purpose of intent on the plans, and driveway permit status.
Mr. Hohenberger made a motion to approve the Cyr Lumber site plan with the following conditions: 1) the purpose of intent be on the plan with the wording approved by Mr. Turner; 2) no overnight parking on site; 3) a foundation permit be allowed in advance of the building plan being approved; 4) pending DOT driveway permit; 5) pending design review of the buildings by the Planning Board; 6) subject to setting of the bounds in the no-build areas; 7) dumpster hours to be Monday through Friday, 8:00-4:00 pm; and 8) gated entrances. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Discussion ensued. Mr. Hohenberger amended his motion to include that 9) the plan and covenant no build language needs to match. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Discussion ensued regarding Jones Road. Passed 7-0.
Mrs. Crisler replaced Mr. Hohenberger on the Board.
Ms. Maloney replace Ms. Linowes on the Board.
Ballard Subdivision (22-A-300) 2 lots - Public Discussion
23 Birchwood Road
Mr. Turner explained the subdivision on Canobie Lake, Mr. Thorndike’s comments, and the Conservation Commission is looking for more information. The Board discussed the woods road through the wetlands and the address of the property. Mr. Steve Haight, Herbert Associates, discussed the variance granted and the current the right-of-way right to neighbors to Canobie Lake. The Board discussed Rollingridge Road right of passage.
The Board discussed getting comments from the fire department, police department, Conservation Commission, Historic District Committee, and the road agent. Issues include wetland definition improved and limits shown, right to pass and repass, define driveway for current house, shoreline protection line shown on the plan and allowed uses, and recommended the driveway for new house be relocated. The comments from the Conservation Commission were read.
Public comment began with Ms. Pamela Brady, 21 Birchwood Road, stated she is opposed to the subdivision because of inadequate water in the area and increased traffic at the Birchwood circle.
Mr. Morris made a motion that the Board scheduled a site walk on Saturday, March 24 at 8:00 am and to invite the Conservation Commission. Members to meet at the cul-de-sac. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 7-0.
Mr. McLeod made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Morris Passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Charland