ROLL CALL: Russ Wilder, Chairman - Present
Alan Carpenter, Vice Chairman - Present
Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Present
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Excused
Ross McLeod, Regular Member - Present
Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
Lee Maloney, Alternate - Present
Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present
Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the January 3 minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 5-0-1. Mr. Carpenter abstained.
Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the January 10 minutes. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed 6-0.
Mr. Carpenter made a motion to approve the December 27 workshop minutes as amended. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed 6-0.
Mr. Wilder reviewed the following correspondence:
Announcement from RPC regarding the annual legislative forum.
Invitation from the Windham School District to the dedications of the schools.
Confidential letter from Attorney Campbell regarding zoning.
Letter from LCHIP regarding application and deadlines.
Announcement from RCCD regarding conservation initiatives.
Letter from US Water Consultants regarding storage of materials outside. Board discussion ensued. Mr. Turner will give guidance to US Water Consultants.
Letter regarding reconfiguring a lot and cul-de-sac at 14 Nottingham Road. Board discussion ensued. Selectmen have put this on the Warrant.
Mr. Turner reviewed the following bonds:
Rocky Ridge Realty Site Plan an additional $1000. Mr. Morris made a motion to accept. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed 6-0.
Whispering Winds Site Plan accept a bond for $20,300. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to accept. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0.
Fieldstone Woods - 32 lots (22-R-10,000) - Public Hearing Continued
Squire Armour Road
Mr. Wilder read the comments from the Conservation Commission and a letter from Meisner-Brem regarding issues the Board had from the previous meeting. Mr. McLeod made a motion continue the hearing to the February 7 meeting and to provide information to the Conservation Commission. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Board discussion ensued regarding Conservation Commission issues. Failed 2-4. Ms. Linowes, Mr. Wilder, Mr. Carpenter, and Mrs. Crisler opposed.
Mr. Twarog explained the requested waivers. Attorney Campbell is working on the legal wording for the access to Spear Hill Road to the Town of Salem. Mr. Twarog recommended the following conditions of approval: 1) bonding of all road improvements and property bounds; 2) final open space covenant to be reviewed by Attorney Campbell; 3) final wording of the 50-foot right-of-way easement to be determined by Attorney Campbell; and 4) extend Glendenin Road approximately 200 feet to property line as a gated gravel emergency access road. Discussion ensued regarding the emergency access road and cul-de-sac length.
Mr. Kurt Meisner, Meisner-Brem Corporation, discussed the outstanding issues with the Board including the roadway connection and emergency access road. Mr. Meisner handed out and discussed lot layouts. He continued to explain the waiver request for the 2:1 side slopes, drainage easement, wooden guardrails, easement to extend the road, the legal wording for the right-of-way, and the subdivision has underground utilities. Board discussion ensued regarding the topography, WWPD, cul-de-sac size, guardrails, drainage, roads are 28’ wide and the cul-de-sacs 24’ wide.
Public comment began with Mr. Fred Murdock, abutter, stated that he would like to see the language of the 50’ easement when it is complete, and he wanted to make sure the property line is in the center of Spear Hill Road.
The Board discussed the outstanding issues. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to continue the public hearing to the February 7 meeting at 8:00 pm with the following three purposes: 1) give the Conservation Commission the opportunity to review the plan; 2) give the applicant the opportunity to consider adjusting the cul-de-sacs out of the WWPD; and 3) the applicant could contact the owner of the land which connects to Settler’s Ridge for something more than a three sentence letter indicating that the land will be developed in a very timely fashion so the Board could look beyond the 4,600’ cul-de-sac length. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0.
Cyr Lumber Site Plan (13-A-33) - Public Hearing
39 Route 28
Mr. Turner explained the variance and waivers. As stated in the August 2 minutes, the Board wanted mitigation of land, and it was not on the plan. He recommended the plan not be accepted for public hearing. Mr. Carpenter read the August 2 and 16 minutes. Attorney Bill Mason stated that the variance was granted with no mitigation, and asked if the abutting land was acquired would the Board consider swapping the mitigated area for another area so that it could be developed. Board discussion ensued regarding mitigation of land, site development, swapping of mitigated land, and not accepting the plan. Mr. Morris made a motion to reject the plan for public hearing because it is incomplete because it does include the information that the Board requested regarding mitigation of land. Seconded by Ms. Linowes. Attorney Mason stated that the plan be should considered this evening and have the covenants reviewed as part of the conditions of approval. Passed 6-0.
Hancock Road Relocation (7-A-1940 & 2000) - Public Hearing
Hancock Road
Mr. Turner explained the plan and stated that the plan meets all requirements and recommends it be accepted for public hearing. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to accept for public hearing. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed 6-0. Mr. Turner further described the change to the road. The Board discussion ensued regarding wetlands impact, retaining wall, waiver for perpendicular lot line, dredge and fill permit, connection to Castle Reach, clearing of trees, re-vegetating the area before any occupancy permits are issues, and open space. Mr. Craig Francisco, Bedford Design, stated the lot next to the open space has been sold. Mr. Wilder read a letter from Attorney Peter Slipp regarding the Carey Family Trust.
Public comment began with Mr. Michael Peterson, 60 Morrison Road, stated that he does not like the extension of Hancock Road to connect to Castle Reach because of the additional traffic from 120 homes coming onto and using the entire length of Morrison Road. He is also concerned with the impact to the wetlands.
Ms. Sandra Amabello, 54 Morrison Road, is opposed to the opening of Hancock Road because of traffic and because Morrison Road is a scenic road. She stated that Ms. Jennifer Goodman, the executive director of the NH Preservation Alliance in Concord, is concerned if any changes occur to Morrison Road because it is a scenic road. She shared literature with the Board from the Preservation Alliance. She also wanted to know what changes are going to occur to the road. Mr. Turner explained changes to Morrison Road.
The Board discussed the accident site on Morrison Road and continuing the public hearing. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the waiver of subdivision regulation 605.5 and approved the lot line change subject to clarification of legal ownership. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Mrs. Crisler amended her motion to include subject to setting and bonding of the bounds. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Discussion ensued. Failed 2-4. Ms. Linowes, Mr. Morris, Mr. Wilder, and Mr. Carpenter opposed. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to continue to the February 7 meeting at 8:00 pm because of the unclear ownership. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0.
Mr. Twarog stated that the public hearings deadline had passed for zoning amendments, the cemetery setbacks are considered minor, and the Board may make a recommendations and vote. Discussion ensued. Mr. McLeod made a motion to push forward zoning petition #1 as amended with a recommendation of the Planning Board. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed 5-0-1. Mr. Morris abstained. Ms. Linowes made a motion to reconsider. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed 5-1. Mr. Wilder opposed. Discussion ensued. Mr. McLeod restated his motion. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed 4-1-1. Ms. Linowes opposed. Mr. Morris abstained.
Mr. Carpenter made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed 6-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Charland