Planning Board
Minutes of  December 13, 2000

ROLL CALL: Russ Wilder, Chairman - Present

Alan Carpenter, Vice Chairman - Present

Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present

Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Present

Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present

Ross McLeod, Regular Member - Present

Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present

Lee Maloney, Alternate - Present

Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present


Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the November 29 minutes. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 7-1.

Mr. Morris made a motion to approve the December 2 site walk minutes. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 6-0-1. Mrs. Crisler abstained.

Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the December 6 minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 6-0-1. Ms. Linowes abstained.


Mr. Wilder reviewed the following correspondence:

Citizen petitions for zoning amendments;

Newspaper article regarding trails grant money;

Letter from the RPC regarding Seacoast Region Economic Development Forum;

Letter from the RCCD regarding assistance in grant application process.


Ms. Lisa Linowes, CIP chairperson, described the changes in last week’s presentation of the Capital Improvement Plan. The Board discussed Attorney Campbell’s legal opinion and projections. Public discussion began with Mr. Wayne Bailey, interim road agent, stated that it costs 125,000 for ¼ mile road, every year more roads need to be done, and it takes approximately $50,000 to do a driveway/single lane. The Board discussed the costs of road fixes, the CIP, on January 15 the Selectmen have a meeting regarding the budget, and the $1.90 rate. Mr. Roger Hohenberger, Selectman, clarified the $2.00 proposed at town meeting. The Board discussed citizens petitions. Ms. Maria Unger, CIP member, elaborated on the clarification of the $2.00 rate. Mr. McLeod made a motion to request the CIP Committee to adjust the CIP to cover the salt shed, in cash, and the Conservation Commission’s request for $200,000. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Mr. McLeod amended his motion to include two options 1) bring back to full funding (original CIP recommendation) and 2) and show the increase of $220,000. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Mr. McLeod amended his motion to not consider the salt shed as conservation land. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed 7-0.

Ms. Linowes made a motion to reconsider the votes on last weeks Calamari and Cunningham special permits for the next public hearing. No second.

Castle Reach Open Space - approximately 120 lots - Public Discussion Continued

Between Morrison and Searles Road

Mr. Turner stated the plans have been sent out to the departments, he is working with the applicant for the scope of the traffic study, the applicant would like to discuss the next phase, and possible bonding for the roads. Mr. Craig Francisco, Bedford Design, described the road design, crossing to the Nassar property, phasing, and a temporary road change. The Board discussed opposing the temporary road change, open space, Jenny’s Hill Road extension, road width, and drainage. Mr. Bailey stated he is in favor subsurface drainage, and roads that are 26’ wide have summer issues also not just winter issues. The Board discussed road widths, drainage, architectural scale, and 28’ road to the intersection at the Nassar property. Mr. Francisco distributed and discussed road standards from a nearby town. The Board discussed road maintenance, trail access to the railroad bed, maintenance, covenants, and maintenance costs. Mr. Michael Peterson, 60 Morrison Road, stated the covenants on Morrison did not stop the clear cutting on three lots. Mr. Turner stated that the cutting was done because of the slope easement. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to guide the applicant to finish out Jenny Hill’s Road to be 26’ wide with a closed drainage system, and to work with staff to use best management practices to properly treat the water paying attention to Mitchell Pond. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Discussion ensued regarding open space zoning allows road widths to go down to 24’, the road will have 16 homes, and what the subdivision will look like. Vote take. Passed 4-3. Ms. Linowes, Mr. Morris, and Mr. Wilder opposed. Mr. Wilder stated he did not want to give guidance as to narrowing the roads until the layout is seen.

Mr. Wilder read the department comments. Mr. Bailey stated that the more entrances and exits, the less number of cars will travel the whole road, he does not want to see a longer route, and he doesn’t like long cul-de-sacs. Mr. Francisco explained the next road in the development. The Board discussed access to current land-locked land and road length. Mr. Peterson stated that it’s a serious problem when roads go from the 26’ wide road to the 22’ wide road. Mr. Bailey stated there will only be parking for 2 ½ cars in front of the houses, and a 26’ or 28’ road is not wide enough with parking on both sides of the street. The Board discussed road widths.

Mr. Bob Coole, 20 Morrison Road, stated that there is a paper road between 37 and 39 Morrison Road, and there is a potential for a staggered intersection.

Ms. Sandra Amabello, 54 Morrison Road distributed a letter from Morrison Road residents regarding preserving the scenic road. Mr. Wilder read the correspondence. Ms. Amabello that that 1) her family has lived on Morrison Road for over 40 years, 2) residents do not want any more traffic on the road, 3) the speed limit is not enforced, 4) widening the road would mean taking out large trees and the stone walls which run on both sides of the road which is what gives Morrison Road its charm, 5) the traffic does not and will not slowly snake through, 6) her daughter and horse were run off the road by a car, 7) her cat got run over last Sunday, 8) it’s unfair for a developer to take their neighborhood away from them, 9) the alternate routes will preserve the quality of life for the people on Morrison Road, 10) have any studies been done regarding what the development does to the people on Morrison Road, and 11) in 1997 this development was turned down because it was determined to be irresponsible to dump traffic on a small, windy road.

The Board discussed outlets including an emergency outlet, lot sizing, lot frontage, and a landscape architect should look at form and scale. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to advise the applicant to construct the through road 28’ wide to the intersection and past that shrink the road to 26’ with closed drainage. Mr. Kolodziej seconded. Discussion ensued regarding slopes and road widths. Mr. Carpenter amended his motion to make all roads 26’wide. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Discussion ensued regarding road widths and drainage. Mr. Carpenter amended his motion for the applicant to work with staff to use best management practices to properly treat the water. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 4-3. Mr. Wilder, Mr. Morris, and Ms. Linowes opposed. Mr. Wilder stated he opposed for the same reason as before. The Board discussed the length of cul-de-sac, design advanced layouts of homes, and they would like an idea of what it’s going to look like.

Whispering Winds Subdivision - 2 lots (19-A-800) - Public Hearing

Mammoth Road

Mr. Twarog stated that staff has reviewed the plan, it meets the requirements, and he recommends it be opened for public hearing. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to open for public hearing. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 7-0. Mr. Twarog further described the subdivision and waivers. The Board discussed the lot size, pipeline, and overall plan for the property. Mr. Peter Zhodi, Herbert Associates, stated there was no immediately plan for 48 acres, and the 32 acres is needed for the elderly housing unit. The Board discussed zoning, purpose of the subdivision, driveway easement, and too much information is on sheet four. There was no public comment. Mr. Morris made a motion to approve with the condition that a driveway easement be located where topographically allowed on lot 19-A-800. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Mr. Morris amended his motion to including granting the waiver and setting of the bounds. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed 6-1. Mr. McLeod opposed. He stated that he did not want to grant the waiver.

Klemm’s Country Store Site Plan (17-H-1) - Public Discussion

54 Range Road

Mr. Turner explained the site plan. The Board discussed gas pump location, traffic, tractor truck maneuvering, car wash parking, open space, exit 3 location, 1-story building, drainage to be reviewed by Ed Minick, disposal areas, subsurface conditions, signs, architectural renderings, containing runoff from the gas station, diesel fuel, detailed lighting plan, minimize light pollution, more than adequate landscaping plan, and hours of operation.

Mr. Richard Landry, Landry Architecture, explained the architectural renderings, vinyl siding, asphalt roof, signage, and the HVA is screened from view. The Board discussed a New England look McDonalds, less obtrusive McDonald’s signs, canopy over the gas pumps, and the car wash building should match.

Mr. Frank Monteiro, MHF Design Consultants, asked if the Board wanted him to answer their questions now or continue it to the next meeting. The Board discussed the continuing the plan conceptually, the eight-seats pizza shop, traffic flow, too much being put on the site, number of employees, the car wash was is totally automated and has no employees, and the location of septic and well. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to continue the public discussion to January 3. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 7-0.


The Board discussed and chose the cover design for the master plan.

Mr. Morris made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter Passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 pm.

These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy Charland

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