NOVEMBER 15, 2000
Russ Wilder, Chairman - Excused
Alan Carpenter, Vice Chairman - Present
Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Present
Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present
Ross McLeod, Regular Member - Present
Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present
Lee Maloney, Alternate - Present (not yet sworn in)
Mr. Carpenter replaced Mr. Wilder as chairperson.
Mr. McLeod made a motion to open and continue the CIP public hearing to the next meeting on December 6 at 7:30 pm. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 5-0.
- Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the October 11 minutes. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed 6-0.
- Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the October 18 minutes. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 6-0.
- Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the October 25 minutes. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 6-0.
- Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the November 1 minutes as amended. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed 6-0.
- Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the November 8 minutes. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 5-0-1. Mr. Carpenter abstained.
- Mrs. Morris made a motion to approve the November 11 site walk minutes. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 5-0-1. Mr. Carpenter abstained.
CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Carpenter reviewed the following correspondence:
- Memo from the Conservation Commission regarding plan review procedures and a joint meeting to discuss procedures. Discussion ensued.
- Letter from Tennessee Gas Pipeline regarding pipeline safety;
- Memo from the Traffic Safety Committee from Mr. Turner regarding stop signs;
- Letter from Meisner-Brem regarding road names for Fieldstone Woods subdivision;
- Memo from David Sullivan regarding the 2000 Annual Town Report;
- Letter from RCCD regarding an increase in their rate beginning January 1, 2001;
- Notice from Land and Community Heritage Investment Program Authority regarding public meetings;
- Flyer from Student Conservation Association regarding saving America's national parks;
- Memo from Diane Gardner regarding the High School Study Committee's input for the Master Plan;
- Letter from Timothy Schreiner regarding the Master Plan;
- Newsletter from Citizens for NH Land and Community Heritage;
OLD BUSINESS: The Board discussed the High School Study Committee's comments for the Master Plan.
Mrs. Crisler reported on the presentation made by the DOT to the Selectmen at their November 13 meeting regarding the Route 111 bypass, and she suggested people watch the video of that portion of the meeting. Discussion ensued regarding sidewalks and road widths.
Mrs. Crisler reported that towns are being required to change their accounting system to GASV34.
Next weeks workshop meeting will be on Tuesday, November 21 at 6:00 pm.
Westchester Road Special Permit (20-D-320) - Public Hearing Continued
9 Westchester Road
Mr. Carpenter read a letter from Jack Szemplinski requesting a continuance of this public hearing. Mr. Morris made a motion to continue the public hearing to the December 6 meeting. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Mrs. Crisler noted the applicant requested a continuance which would bring it beyond the 65-day deadline. Passed 6-0.
Strafford Technology Site Plan and Special Permit (11-C-704) - Public Hearing Continued
7 Wall Street
The Board had a site walk on November 11 to this site. The applicant has addressed Mr. Thorndike's and the Board's comments with a revised plan. Mr. Turner recommended the revised plan be accepted for public hearing. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to accept the plan for public hearing. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0.
Mr. Dana Adams, Opechee Construction, stated the cistern was needed for the sprinkler system. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to grant the waiver of site plan regulation 702 as depicted on the plan. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 6-0.
Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the revised plan with the condition that 1) the hay bales have the wire mesh on the back at the planning staffs discretion; and 2) that the elevations reflect their colored rendition. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Mrs. Crisler amended her motion to include the applicant pay $4000 towards improvements to the Wall Street and Route 111 intersection. Seconded Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0.
Mr. Morris made a motion to grant the special permit. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0.
Calamari Special Permit (11-C-1612) - Public Hearing
7 Newfound Road
Mr. Turner explained the special permit. He stated that the plan meets requirements, the ZBA granted a variance, and he recommended the plan for public hearing. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to accept for public hearing. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0.
Mr. Turner further explained the special permit for the pool including pool location, WWPD, and disturbance area. Staff recommended construction vehicles use the opposite side of house from driveway and silt fencing to be used as construction guide. The Board discussed where vehicles would enter the property, the variance, above ground pool rather than in-ground pool, and pool discharge. Mr. Carpenter read a letter from the Calamari's and the Conservation Commission's comments.
Mr. Alan Calamari, 7 Newfound Road, stated the location of the pool was chosen because of the location of the well, and the ZBA preferred this location rather that to infringe on the set back on the neighbor's property. They did not choose to have an above ground pool because of the walk out area from the basement. The Board discussed well location and ZBA hardship conditions. Mr. Calamari stated the Conservation Commission wanted the landscaping to be kept as natural as possible. The regraded area will have bark mulch, as well as white pine and hemlocks. The Board discussed the "after the fact" plan for an encroachment on the WWPD, site walk, WWPD line on plan, the perimeter of the patio marked on plan, and the 200' WWPD. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to continue the public hearing to December 6. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0. A site walk was schedule for December 2 at 8:00 am.
Board discussed WWPD disturbance and other applicants, the ordinance, and procedures. Mr. Calamari stated the lawn area in the WWPD was there when he bought the house.
Castle Reach Open Space - approximately 120 lots - Public Discussion
Between Morrison and Searles Roads
Mr. Turner explained the road design options. Mr. Craig Francisco, Bedford Design, further described the road design options. He distributed and explained a letter from NHDES regarding Morrison and Hancock Roads. Discussed ensued regarding road lengths, number of lots, connections to Morrison Road, slope easements, the Hancock Road subdivision approval, and rescinding approval procedures. Mr. Turner offered to contact the other developer to see if he'd be willing to modify, at no cost to him, and report back to the Board.
Mr. Michael Peterson, 60 Morrison Road, stated there is a lot of problems with the Mitchell Pond Estates traffic. With this new subdivision, the traffic will cut through it and not use North Lowell Road. He also stated that at his driveway the road goes from 26' to 22', and it's been a problem already.
Josh Taylor, 40 Morrison Road, stated that: 1) Access was chosen by his land because of wetlands; 2) To take the traffic all the way down Morrison Road is a hazard; 3) Duel access would be beneficial to the Morrison Road residents; and 4) His house was moved to accommodate the planned road.
The Board discussion continued regarding roads options, combining two of the options, authorizing Mr. Turner to contact the first developer, access points, improving Morrison Road, scenic road, and traffic.
Ms. Linowes left the Board.
Mr. Kolodziej made a motion for the applicant to bring back a conceptual plan with the road design to have two outlets, and Mr. Turner to negotiate between the contractors regarding the curve on Hancock Road. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Discussion ensued. Passed 4-1. Mr. Carpenter opposed. He stated he supports two outlets, but does support having Mr. Turner intervene.
Discussion ensued regarding house location, reduced width cul-de-sacs, convoluted roads, and road widths. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to continue the public discussion to December 6 and the applicant will pay the fees to notify the abutters. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 3-2. Mr. Morris and Mr. Kolodziej opposed.
Cunningham Special Permit (11-A-1632) - Public Hearing
63 Blossom Road
Mr. Turner stated the special permit is for a pool in the WWPD, the ZBA granted a variance, and he recommends the plan for public hearing. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to accept for public hearing. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 5-0. Mr. Turner explained the special permit and lot including pool locations. The Board discussed the water source, 100' WWPD, retaining wall instead of fill, and a site walk at 9:00 am on December 2. The Board discussed the existing well location, fill, and lawn in the WWPD.
Mr. Bob Cunningham, the applicant, stated that homeowners do not understand the WWPD. He has kept the pool and deck sizes to a minimum, and the ZBA's main issue was encroachment on lot line. He was hoping to get approval at this evening meeting so work could begin on building the pool, and there is not a lot of fill.
Board discussed the site and marking the WWPD. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to continue the public hearing to December 6 at 8:00 pm. Seconded by McLeod. Passed 5-0. The Board invited the ZBA to attend the site walks.
Mr. McLeod made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 pm.
These minutes are in draft form and have not been approved by the board.
Lisa Linowes
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