OCTOBER 4, 2000


    Russ Wilder, Chairman - Present
    Alan Carpenter, Vice Chairman - Present
    Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
    Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Excused
    Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present
    Ross McLeod, Regular Member - Present
    Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
    Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present

MINUTES: The Board reviewed the September 20 minutes. Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by Mr. Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 5-0-1. Mr. Wilder abstained.

The Board reviewed the September 27 site walk minutes. Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve as amended. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 5-0-1. Mr. Carpenter abstained.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Wilder reviewed the following correspondence:

  • Memo from Rob Gustafson, Chairman of the Zoning Board regarding lot 25-R-17,500;
  • Letter from Bedford Design Consultants regarding the pump house approval; Discussion ensued regarding the definition of abutters. Board consensus was for staff to instruct the applicant which existing wells will be tested and bonded and to include lots 7-A-3000, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3008, 50, 51, and 52;
  • Letter from Bedford Design Consultants regarding Castle Reach Phase 1B. Mr. Hohenberger made a motion to allow an extension of the approval. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 7-0;
  • Letters (2) from Mr. Turner to Public Service of NH regarding liability.

ROAD BONDS: Mr. Turner recommended (via memo) the following road bond actions:

Mr. Turner reported on a $216,660 bond for the Castle Reach Pump House and recommended accepting the bond. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to accept the bond for $216,660. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 7-0.

Mr. Turner reported that Carr Hill, Coventry, and Grandview Roads have been inspected and are ready for a bond reduction. The Town has escrowed $537,285 and recommends a partial release of $235,106 and to retain $302,170 for the remainder of the project. Mr. Kolodziej made a motion to release $235,106 and to retain $302,170. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 7-0.

Mr. Turner reported that Blossom Road has been inspected and is ready for a bond reduction. The Town has escrowed $14,017 and recommends a partial release of $6,227 and to retain $7,790 for the remainder of the project. Mr. Morris made a motion to release $6,227 and to retain $7,790. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 7-0.

Mr. Turner reported that Sherwood Road has been inspected and is ready for a bond reduction. The Town has escrowed $18,323 and recommends a partial release of $6,605 and to retain $11,718 for the remainder of the project. Mr. Morris made a motion to release $6,605 and to retain $11,718. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed 7-0.

Ms. Linowes stated that the Dunkin Donuts sign is causing traffic problems. Mr. Turner will get sign covered up.

Covino Commercial Landscape Building and Garage (11-A-150) - Public Hearing
5 Ledge Road

Mr. Turner explained the plan and stated the concerns include a cistern, parking, and drainage. He recommended the plan for public hearing. Mr. McLeod made a motion to accept for public hearing. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 7-0. Mr. Turner further explained the plan including parking. Mr. Wilder read the department comments. Mr. Karl Dubay, engineer, explained the parking, drainage, well, and the landscaping. The Board discussed the sign, building design and colors, no outside storage areas, no hazardous materials, display garden, construction sequence, lighting, and drainage. Mr. Dubay stated that fertilizer will be in bags and if a bag were to break it would be cleaned up right away, and there will be no maintenance of equipment on the property. The Board discussed floor drains, landscape lighting for the pond area, property access, sign placement, and drainage. No public comment. Further discussion ensued regarding underground power, and the sign. Mr. McLeod made a motion to approve the plan as presented with the condition of no outside storage of materials except for bark mulch, all exterior lighting will be directed downward including the sign but not including the low voltage display area. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Discussion ensued regarding the cistern, non-retail facility, waivers, no maintenance of equipment of the property, and floor drains. Ms. Linowes made a motion to require a catch basin at the bottom of the floor of the building. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Discussion ensued. Mr. Kolodziej moved the question. Ms. Linowes amended her motion to put a storm drain catch basin on the property to capture pollutants near the treatment swale. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed 5-2. Mr. McLeod and Mr. Kolodziej opposed. Vote taken on original motion. Passed 7-0.

Strafford Technology Site Plan (11-C-704) - Public Discussion
7 Wall Street

Mr. Turner explained the conceptual plan. The Board discussed that a drainage study review would not be necessary, lighting, and building use. Mr. Tim Daigneault, Opechee Construction, answered the Board questions. The Board discussed cistern, traffic light, design review, drainage treatment, paved area, lighting plan, and design review. No public comment. The plans will be sent out for comments to the Highway Safety Committee, fire department, police department, Conservation Commission, transfer station, road agent, and the drainage study will not be sent out.

Mr. Carpenter made a motion to move the two Carr Hill public hearings and the MacMulkin public hearing to the next meeting on October 18. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 7-0.

West Shore Road Pumping Station (22-L-180) - Public Hearing
West Shore Road

Mr. Turner recommended the plan for public hearing. Mr. Kolodziej made a motion to accept for public hearing. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 7-0. Mr. Turner explained the plan. Mr. Wilder read the department comments. Ms. Rebecca McEnroe, engineer, answered the Boards questions including drainage, backwash water, roof height, fencing only if a problem occurs, bark mulch landscaping, lighting, building colors, fence in front of the generator, and permitting.
Ms. Linowes left the Board.
Board discussion ensued regarding how to keep people off the roof without a fence, alarm system not audible in the neighborhood, landscaping, lighting without motion detectors, and lights are not lit unless there's an emergency. No public comment. Mr. Carpenter made a motion to approve the plan as presented and include the special permit. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Discussion ensued regarding the special permit, and construction will be Spring 2001. Passed 6-0.

Mr. Carpenter made a motion to move Westchester Road special permit to the October 18 meeting. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed 6-0.

Letizio Sign (11-C-13) - Public Hearing
91 Indian Rock Road

Mr. Turner explained the sign. Mr. Morris made a motion to accept for public hearing. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 6-0. Mr. Al Letizio, applicant, explained the he is requesting changing the lettering to a 12 year old sign. He explained the sign, the sign will not flash, and it is a reverse lit sign. Mr. Hohenberger made a motion to approve the sign. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. No public comment. Passed 6-0.

Nassar Subdivision - 4 lots (13-C-1) - Public Discussion
Searles Road

Mr. Turner presented the 4-lot subdivision including location and size, currently the land is an orchard, and the potential of the DOT purchasing the development rights. Mr. Wes Aspinwall, Herbert Associates, further described the subdivision. Mr. Sam Nassar, owner, explained the ownership of the land. He wants to maximize the amount of lots to get the value of the property. Mr. Turner explained the purchasing the development rights. Board discussed open space development, driveway locations, driveway easement and parking, total picture for the development of the land, and lot line location. The Board urged the applicant to look at an open space development for the whole piece of property. The plan will be sent out for comments to the Highway Safety Committee regarding driveways, fire department for potential for total build out, police department, Conservation Commission, Historic District, transfer station for potential build out, road agent for driveways onto Searles Road, traffic study for total build out, drainage study with no independent review, school, and evaluate the potential for a community well. The Board suggested the applicant consider open space development.

Mr. Twarog gave an update of the Master Plan. The master plan public hearing will be on October 25 at 7:30 pm. The Board discussed CIP presentation dates.

Mr. Carpenter made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Passed 6-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 pm.

These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Charland

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