JUNE 7, 2000


    Russ Wilder, Chairman - Present
    Alan Carpenter, Vice Chairman - Present
    Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
    Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Present
    Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present
    Ross McLeod, Regular Member - Present
    Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
    Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Absent


The Board reviewed the May 24 site walk minutes. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to approve the May 24 site walk minutes. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Passed 5-0-1. Mr. Wilder abstained.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Wilder reviewed the following correspondence.

  • Letter from Furniture World regarding their dumpster location. Discussion ensued. Mrs. Crisler made a motion that a public hearing is required for Furniture World. Mr. McLeod seconded. Passed 7-0.
  • Letter from RPC regarding Rosewood Subdivision not having regional impact;
  • September 3, 1998 memo to the Selectmen from the Planning Board regarding acquiring the railroad bed;
  • Memo from David Sullivan regarding a Trails and Greenways article;
  • Minutes of the Historic District/Heritage Commission;
  • Letter from RPC regarding a meeting to discuss regional impact with the Rosewood Subdivision;
  • Notice of e-mail addresses for Rockingham Planning Commission;
  • Postcard for a Phase II Stormwater Regulation workshop;
  • Letter from RPC regarding Regional Environmental Planning Program;
  • News on various senate bills;
  • Rewrite of site plan back to 30,000 from Mr. Thorndike.


The site walk with the Selectmen and Conservation Commission on Sunday, June 11 regarding a proposed land swap has been posted.

Mrs. Crisler asked the Selectmen if the Griffin Park plan would be brought back before Planning Board as requested by the Planning Board. The Selectmen said no because Griffin Park is reverting back to the original site plan that was approved by the Board.


Ms. Linowes shared the Zoning Ordinances from the Town of Hollis. Ms. Linowes will read and brief the Board at a workshop.

Mr. Turner stated that the construction at Carr Hill has begun, and he has been receiving complaints regarding the construction vehicles using the Grandview Road. The road is marked "not for construction vehicles", but the trucks are using the road. The developer has been informed not to use the road for construction vehicles, and Mr. Turner will be there tomorrow morning to enforce if the Board agrees. Discussion ensued regarding the construction road has not been built yet, reconfirming the public hearing information, and rainy weather affecting the use. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to support Mr. Turner and to confirm this action of the Board. Instruct the builder to work with Mr. Turner to ensure traffic is kept off Grandview Road. Seconded by Ms. Linowes. Discussion ensued. Mr. Brian Harvey, H&B Homes, stated that the approval said to minimize traffic not eliminate the traffic on Grandview road. They could not use road because today because of all the rain, and he is trying to minimize traffic on Grandview Road. Discussion ensued regarding the approval, wording of the permit, status of the construction road, and the developer working with Mr. Turner. Vote taken. Passed 7-0.


Mitchell Pond Homes Lot Line Change and Special Permit (3-A-546 & 547) - Public Hearing Continued
12 & 14 Partridge Road

Mr. Turner stated that this is a continuation of a public hearing. The Board has done a site walk on this site. Mrs. Crisler summarized the site walk. Mr. Peter Zhodi discussed adding cross-section information to the file, described the cross-section and WWPD, and impact. Discussion ensued regarding depiction on the plans, the lot line change, and the three driveway options. Mr. Zhodi explained his driveway suggestion. Discussion ensued regarding fill, drainage easement, treatment swale is not finished, 0+60 cut and fill required, and driveway design. Mr. Turner described a driveway design which included a collection basin. Discussion continued regarding driveway drainage, slope, impact to soils and plant life, impact to WWPD, looking at driveway design at an earlier point in the development, siting houses and driveways, drainage ditch is not usable as yet, and other driveways in town have driveways with a high pitch. There was no public comment.

Mrs. Crisler made a motion to grant the special permit and approve the lot line change with the following conditions, the driveway is to be constructed in an elevated fashion as depicted with drainage to minimized to the WWPD, and the developer work with Mr. Turner. The treatment swale and drainage easement is to be completed prior to construction of the driveway. Seconded by Mr. Carpenter. Discussion ensued regarding breaking the motion into two motions. Discussion ensued. Denied 3-4. Mr. Wilder, Ms. Linowes, Mr. McLeod, and Mr. Morris opposed.

Mrs. Crisler made a motion to grant the lot line change. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 7-0.

Mr. McLeod made a motion to deny the special permit based on the impact on the WWPD and an acceptable alternative exists. The incline will be 10.9%. Seconded by Ms. Linowes. Discussion ensued. Mr. Zhodi stated that the Chairman did not let applicant speak. Discussion ensued regarding drainage easement water and proximity to the WWPD is the concern. The Board agreed that the public did have the opportunity to speak, and the applicant's representative did speak several times. Vote taken 2-5. Mr. Carpenter, Ms. Linowes, Mrs. Crisler, Mr. Kolodziej, and Mr. Morris opposed.

Mr. Morris made a motion to grant the special permit as presented tonight. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Discussion ensued. Motion amended to include that the treatment swale will be completed before construction of the driveway and the developer is to work with Mr. Turner to minimize the impact to WWPD. Second by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 4-3. Ms. Linowes, Mr. Wilder and Mr. McLeod opposed.

The Chairman addressed the lengthy agenda. Mr. McLeod made a motion to reschedule the following public discussions and public hearings to June 21 starting at 8:00 pm: Covino Landscaping Company site plan, MacMulkin Car Leasing site plan expansion, Post Office driveway easement, Radial Properties Office Building and Garage facility, and Dunkin Donuts reconstruction and improvements. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 6-0. Mr. Carpenter was not present for the vote.

Mountain Home Builders Special Permit (22-R-828) - Public Hearing Continued
7 Squire Armour Road

The Board discussed the site-walk. Mr. Turner explained that this is a request for a special permit and no lot line changes are involved. Mr. Zhodi went over the subdivision plan, impact on WWPD is minimal, it is cosmetic to change the driveway, and would appreciate approval of this special permit. Discussion ensued. Mr. John Cotton, purchaser of the house, stated that WWPD has been removed when the road was built. Mr. Turner stated that there is a drainage pipe that drains into the wetland and explained the drainage with the moving of the driveway. Discussion ensued regarding slope of the land and drainage. Mr. Zhodi agreed, but his solution was to use a cape cod berm. Discussion ensued regarding degree of fill, impact on wetlands, catch basin treatment location, curbing, Canobie Lake watershed, and this is the 3rd special permit for this property.

Mr. Carpenter made a motion to grant the special permit as presented and a cape code curbing is to be installed on the southeast side (downhill) and backside of the driveway. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Passed 5-2. Ms. Linowes and Mr. McLeod opposed.

Rosewood Estates Open Space Development and Special Permit (2-A-275 & 300) 17 lots - Public Hearing
20 & 24 Beacon Hill Road

Mr. Turner explained the subdivision and the two requested waivers for a 26' wide road and 62.5' radius right of way cul-de-sac with 26' of pavement. He recommended the plan be accepted for public hearing. Mr. McLeod made a motion to accept the plan for public hearing. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 7-0. Discussion ensued regarding wetland size and a standard subdivision plan. Mr. Turner further explained the plan and Beacon Hill Road, wetland crossings, independent soil engineer looked at wetland, and the wetland is .88 of an acre. Discussion ensued regarding non-buildable open space and the 3 open space lots. Attorney Mason stated that the 3 lots are identified as open space and each owner will be taxed on 1/17 of the open space rather than as 3 separate lots.

Discussion ensued regarding the regulation of making a non-buildable lot, treed areas, road profiles, guardrail, 5' high wall, closed drainage, 24' road widths with a 40 ft right of way, driveways and impact on WWPD, wetland location on the lots, fragmenting the open space, open space ordinance, keeping open space as big chunks of land, standard subdivision plan, more detail on the standard subdivision plan including soils, reasonable road layout, and WWPD depiction,

Discussion continued with concerns the wetlands on both sides of the road and minimizing the obstacles for the amphibians, lots off cul-de-sac driveways appear steep, driveway profiles for those lots, house locations on some lots, curbing, Tarbell and Beacon Hill intersection, site walk, trails and rail road bed, staff and developer to take a careful look at driveway and house placement especially with the houses off the cul-de-sac especially lots 290, 292, and 281, for lots 289 and 290 a lot line adjustment should be considered.

Mr. James Gove gave a report on the wetland areas which are the habitat areas. He showed where observed deer activity, and he explained the vernal pools size and locations.

Discussion ensued regarding the impact of Route 93 expansion. Mr. Zhodi asked if the Board would vote on the road widths and cul-de-sac waiver. The Board wanted a site walk before voting on those issues.

Mr. Carpenter made a motion to schedule a site walk for June 14 at 6:00 pm. The Board will meet at the railroad bed on Beacon Hill Road. Rosewood public hearing will be continued to the to June 21. Seconded by Mr. Kolodziej. Passed 7-0.

Discussion ensued regarding the July meeting schedule and times. July 12 meeting will begin at 7:00 pm and the public hearing will start at 7:30 pm. Discussion ensued regarding CIP members. The Board put this item on next week's workshop meeting.

Mr. Kolodziej made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Charland

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