APRIL 19, 2000


    Russ Wilder, Chairman - Excused
    Alan Carpenter, Vice Chairman - Excused
    Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
    Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Present
    Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Excused
    Ross McLeod, Regular Member - Present
    Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
    Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Excused

    Ms. Linowes replaced Mr. Wilder as Chairperson of the Board.

ZONING AND PLANNING ISSUES: Mr. Turner stated RCP had final data and digitized maps. The new zoning documents are in the office. Planning Board members will get their copies at the next meeting. The Historical ordinance can not be put in the document because of vote at town meeting.


A motion was made by Mr. McLeod to approve the April 12 workshop minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 4-0.

A motion was made by Mr. Morris to approve the April 12 site-walk minutes. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 4-0.

CORRESPONDENCE: Ms. Linowes read the following communications:

  • Meeting agenda for April 28 Rockingham Planning Commission, NPO meeting;
  • NH Department of Environmental Services workshop flyer;
  • letter from Student Conservation Association;
  • letter from Mr. Dick Gumbel regarding his interest on being on the CIP;
  • RPC report on Open Space Design Practices;
  • letter to Chief Fruchtman from NH Department of Safety regarding Standard on Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Firefighting;
  • newsletter from the Citizens for NH Land and Community Heritage;
  • memo from Al Turner regarding a variance;

      Mr. McLeod made a motion to endorse Al Turner's position as stated in his memo. Seconded by Mr. Morris passed 3-0-1. Mrs. Crisler abstained.

  • letter from Herbert Associates regarding the Morrison Hills road names.

      Mrs. Crisler made a motion to change Hancock Road to Hopkins Road. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 4-0.

ROAD BONDS: Mr. Turner reported that Cobblestone Road has been inspected and ready for a bond reduction. The Town has escrowed $103,500 and recommends partial release of $85,140 and retain $18,360 for the remainder of the project. Mr. Morris motioned to release the $85,140 and retain $18,360. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 4-0.

Mr. Turner reported a new road bond for Carr Hill Road of $926,512. Mrs. Crisler made a motion to accept the Carr Hill Road Bond. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 4-0.

LIASON: Mr. McLeod stated that the Conservation Commission at their April 20 is looking at the variance in Mr. Turner's memo meeting.


Toni's Edible Art Site Plan (2-A-600) - Public Discussion
117 North Lowell Road

Mr. Turner described a public discussion. Mr. Turner then described the site plan. A full engineering plan is not needed because it has minimal impact on the site plan. Mr. Turner explained the waivers requested. Discussion ensued regarding drainage study waivers and retail shop.

Andrew Dickenson, applicant, stated that the building was formerly a retail business, and the traffic would be less with this business. He has received a variance; it was for zoned rural and abuts a neighborhood business district. Mr. Dickenson explained chocolate production vs. cake and pastry, and he further explained the variance. Discussion ensued regarding sight-distance, sending the plan out for review, zoning variance, handicapped parking, handicapped accessibility, internet sales, and there will be no more than one UPS truck a day for sales.

Discussion ensued about sending the plan out to the following departments: Highway Safety, fire department, police department, Conservation Commission, and Historical District Commission. There was no public comment.

Rosewood Subdivision (2-A-275 & 300) 17-lot open space development - Public Discussion
20 & 24 Beacon Hill Road

Mr. Turner explained a public discussion, and then explained the 17-lot open space subdivision including location, off-site improvements needed, driveway of existing house at the top of hill, wetlands on site, WWPD, previous public discussion and public hearing information, lot size and driveways, and the widening of Route 93 impact on the subdivision.

Discussion ensued regarding number of lots, non-buildable and open space lots, Rockingham Conservation comments received, Bob Thorndike's report, certification of wetlands size, drainage connection, methods of measuring WWPD, WWPD protection, and the Conservation Commission comments.

Steve Haight, Herbert Associates, discussed the size of the wetlands, and interpretation of the wetlands with the new zoning ordinance, application status, and everything has been review by RCCD. They are not trying to jump the gun but trying to complete it; road standards have changed, and they are going through process. Discussion ensued regarding the interpretation of zoning. Mr. Haight stated that as a PE, the wetland is less than one acre. Discussion ensued that the plans show the wetland is over an acre in size. Mr. Turner stated that Mr. Thorndike's rule is his numbers are within 5% accuracy. Using this 5%, Mr. Thorndike would agree the wetland is less than an acre. The information on the where end of the wetland is may change his interpretation. The information needs to be verified. Discussion ensued regarding wetland calculations and getting more detailed information.

Mr. Haight stated he would get the off-site information, and asked if the Board had any other questions. Discussion ensued regarding Route 93, salt use, and water quality of the wells. Discussion continued with the wells need be tested first for salt, each well must be state certified, abutter concern with lights shining into their house, show houses and driveways on plans, Planning and Development office has house and driveway plans of abutters, regional impact, and a site walk. Mrs. Crisler made a motion that this plan has regional impact, and to notify Derry and RPC. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 4-0. Discussion ensued regarding road widths and department comments, 24' wide roads for open space developments, bicycle paths, rural character, comments for 24' road from highway safety committee, and off-site improvements on Beacon Hill Road.

Ms. Linowes read the comments from the departments. Discussion ensued regarding the dredge and fill and Conservation Commission, road widths, and showing trails on the plan. Discussion ensued regarding sending the plans out to the departments. Also discussed was that a drainage study has already been reviewed by Rockingham County, declare regional impact, and at the intersection of Tarbell the impact of the automobile lights on the homes. A site walk schedule will be schedule at next week's meeting. Discussion ensued regarding the departments have already seen the plans, and that the plans should only go to the Conservation Commission, Highway Safety and the drainage study by Rockingham County, and the plan has regional impact. Discussion ensued regarding parking at the site and road names.

Mr. McLeod made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mrs. Crisler. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 pm.

These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Charland

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